Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1334: Baiguguan

The white paper fan nodded slightly and said, "My younger brother is deeply convinced. I do n’t know how many heroes were buried in the broken ancient road. It must be very scary. I heard that everyone who can reach the last moment has the opportunity to enter civilization. Source, find the source of civilization of the civilization being repaired "" Even those who create their own civilization, will leave their own civilization in the source of civilization, so that this civilization can flourish and gain the opportunity to dominate the world Hearing that this person seems to be quite knowledgeable, Li Xing also came to Tan Xing and said, "I didn't ask my brother's name?" Bai Zhifan laughed: "Little brother Cui Feng, from a small place with little known name" Li Xing said: "Below Li "Xing, from Beihuang" Upon hearing the history of Li Xing, Cui Feng looked respectfully and said, "Originally, Xiongtai came from the Four Wildlands, the Four Wildlands, the masters were like clouds, and the competition was fierce. At the beginning, I also wanted to enter the North Wildlands. A friend persuaded him to give up this plan. "Li Xing nodded:" Yes, among the four wastelands, the daily battle and killing is not suitable for meditation. However, if a person wants to make rapid progress and achieve great growth, Cui Feng said: "Xiaotai said so much, I want to live in a peaceful and peaceful place, but it ’s not easy to hone my mind and be strong." Cui Feng has only five strengths and Li Xing slaps. I can shoot him to death, but this person's extensive discussion, Li Xing talked with it for a moment, and knew a lot of new things, but also happy to interact with it more and more people gathered from all sides, the number is unclear A few people, the weakest is also the broken state, let alone the strong, not to mention, a considerable part of them come from the 33rd Tiantian, of course, although these people left the 33rd Tiantian temporarily, into the broken ancient road , But ca n’t leave, and enter other places, unless they can finally enter the source of civilization, it is possible to get rid of the shackles of the 33rd Heaven. Otherwise, these people will still be forcibly absorbed into the 33rd Heaven. Li Xing and others are very jealous. They ca n’t conflict with them, because they do n’t conflict with them. The people who come out of the 33rd Heaven are horrible in strength and have a high level of wonder. A small number of them The strength has reached more than twenty pieces. One thought can kill the two while chatting and watching the surroundings closely. It didn't take long to find a huge portal appearing in front of him. ”When a sound wave descended from the sky, it was powerful and vigorous. : "I am the ambassador, here I will guide you into the ancient road, announce the rules, list the order, etc. You must listen carefully and remember carefully, otherwise you will violate the rules in the future!" The broken people are quiet, listening to the voice "Two rules of the broken ancient road: one, you must not go back; two, you must not leave the ancient road without permission! Offenders, kill without pardon!" "On the ancient road, there are leads The envoys were led halfway through the gate. Within the pass, there were ambassadors and management. They needed to be in awe of the messenger and listen to the teaching of the ancient road order, all told by the messenger. A phantom flashed suddenly and said, "Ancient road opens! The huge portal of "Boom" suddenly opened the hole without hesitation, and one after another walked in. In a flash of glory, they were teleported to a barren land. However, at the moment when you set foot here, everyone feels the weight of a mountain. Under this pressure, most people even lose their ability to fly, let alone break through space and perform mysteries. Many people exclaimed, and their faces changed greatly.

"What's going on? Is this such a powerful force the real broken ancient road here?" "It must be the broken ancient road. It is said that there is a bit of an ancient atmosphere on the ancient road. This atmosphere suppresses everything and leads to Neither of our strengths can be exerted. "Next to Li Xing, Cui Feng's expression changed slightly. His cultivation was far worse than Li Xing, and the pressure felt more intense. It was almost difficult." Brother Li, the original broken road Such a horror, the younger brother is having difficulty even walking. Is it possible that he has no chance at all and will die in the future? "Cui Feng's voice was full of fear, and he shivered a little, Li Xingdan said," This is the real broken ancient road. "The fall" and then the tone changed, "But the weak are not without disappearance, but it requires great perseverance and extraordinary wisdom." Cui Feng nodded vigorously and said, "Thank Brother Li for comfort, my brother will work hard to the last minute!" At that time, a ray of will came without warning, it entered into the sea of ​​knowledge of everyone, and forcibly opened up a small independent space. In this small space, a monument appeared. With a series of inscriptions inscribed on the inscription in the sea, Li Xing wrote: "Li Xing, created a mixed Yuan civilization, twelve broken shrines, the broken list ranks below 10 million, the meritorious rank below 10 million" is below, There is also a map that records the position where Li Xing is located, and the range of 100,000 miles within this range. Li Xing can see on the map that every light point is flickering with light. The big shoes that represent a monk's light spot represent the monk's comprehensive ranking. The larger the light spot, the higher the ranking is in the range of 100,000 miles. The size of the light spot is basically the same, and only a few light spots are slightly larger. The moment the inscription appeared, Li Xing had another ray of memory in the sea of ​​knowledge. This memory told him the rules of the game on the broken ancient road. There are real-time maps showing enemy repairs.

When determining the position ”, the meritorious monument is also the place where the task is issued. Everyone who enters the ancient road will accept the quest published by the meritorious monument. There are various types of tasks, such as killing monsters, rescue monks, and open treasures. Easy, but no matter the size of the task, as long as you complete it, you can get meritorious points, similar to the contribution points that Li Gui originally invented. It can exchange items, offset sins, and even exchange special powers through meritorious monuments. As the meritorious points increase , Its functions also continue to increase the tasks released by the commemorative monument, including the main task, sub-tasks, and sub-tasks, a main task may be achieved through several sub-tasks; one sub-task, or perhaps through several sub-tasks Achieve different tasks, the difficulty is different, the higher the difficulty, the more merits obtained after success, the higher the ranking will be, the higher the difficulty of the next round of tasks, Li Xing also knows a message, breaking the ancient road Above, there are a total of eighty-one levels. One level is more dangerous than the other. The more people who are alive, the less they will enter the broken ancient road this time. A person who is too strong will enter the first pass after the first pass, and will not appear at the same time with others like Li Xing. At present, the pass where Li Xing is is the first pass in the eighty-one pass, Baigu Pass, Baigu Pass Although it is only the first level of the Bayi level, it does not mean that it is easy to pass. Since the broken ancient road has existed until now, it will be opened once in a while. Therefore, Li Xing has to face not only this time. People on the ancient road, including those who have entered it many times before and who are still alive. Those who have entered the broken ancient road in past generations, a considerable part of them have been retired and practiced on the ancient road. Some people who seek breakthroughs have been staying for a long time. Many people in Baiji want to know that the masters of Broken Realm have unlimited lifespan. As long as they are not beheaded, they can never die. So dozens of epochs, hundreds of epochs are nothing to them. On the ancient road, the ranking of masters such as cloud below 10 million is enough to explain everything. With Li Xing's current strength, it is nothing to stay in the middle of these masters. After the news, Li Xing looked at the task below the stele and posted the meritorious monument. It is a continuous task ~ www.readwn.com ~ he must complete one by one to finally complete the first task under this task. Dividing tasks is to ask Li Xing to enter a place called the Plain of Bone Demon, to kill 100,000 bone demon, collect 100,000 bone spirit beads. Those bone demon are very weak, and roughly broken in a heavy degree. If Li Xing can complete this task, You can get a little bit of merit. The second task is to ask Li Xing to enter Dragon Valley. In Dragon Valley, there is a six-winged dragon with eight-fold broken power. What Li Xing needs to do is to kill six. The Skull Dragon, the third and final task of collecting thirty-six dragon wings, is that Li Xing wants to enter the blood bone hole and then kill the large bone demon there, so that the bone devil scroll can be obtained. With this scroll, plus One hundred thousand bone spirit beads and thirty-six bone dragon wings can be combined into a treasure. It is impossible for Li Xing to have flying bones, and Li Xing can control it. Within this range of the first level, quickly OK, thus shortening the time, as soon as possible For Li Xing, there is no difficulty at all in order to rush a task in the depths of Baiguguan. In order to improve efficiency, he decided to directly sum up 10,000 mixed yuan real people from the mixed plane to help him complete the task. The real people are not weak. They are all masters with five or more broken pieces. It is no easy task for them to deal with 100,000 ordinary bone demon. It is no easier than the map on the meritorious monument, which indicates the range of the bone demon plain. With his current strength, he can fly on the ancient road, but he ca n’t break the space and walk away. The map flew for a long time, and Li Xing saw a white forest plain ahead of him. The ground is broken bones, paved with a thick layer and some giant skeletons. Among these giant skeletons, they are as tall as hills. They live in a large number of ordinary bone demons. They feed on white bones and bones. Humanoid, slow but powerful

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