Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1338: Hunt and kill

The full power of the bone bone bow is gathered on the top of the bone of the sky. The "true" string sounded, it turned into a shocking white light, with infinite power, and the sharp and sharp "silk" broke the space with a sound and a portal appeared.

At the same time, the bone bone bow has also been transformed into powder. Although the bow is powerful, it can only be cast once. It is the notice to enter the next level.

Li Xing didn't hesitate. When his body flashed, he entered the portal. The portal disappeared. He entered a vast starry sky, surrounded by huge ancient stars.

He looked at the map and learned that this is the path to the second level. As long as he keeps going forward, he can find the portal to the second level.

Here is no more than Baiguguan, the law is not so powerful, so he can fly freely, and his actions are convenient for many limps. While observing the surrounding environment, he finds that there are a considerable number of masters on the ancient stars of life. Strength is not morning, even he must be careful

Before long, he found that an ancient star of life was unusually active. Actually, many ancient monks fell on this ancient star. He knew that this road could not be completed in a day. After thinking about it, he landed towards the ancient star. To see what is different here, actually attracted so many monks

On the ancient star, he found a huge city, and then entered into the city where there were actually many shops and frequent people, but the people here were mostly indigenous people on the ancient star, and there were not many ancient monks on the ancient road.

He had just arrived at the market, and before walking a few steps, he hit a young boy next to him, with a humble face and a smile on his face, and said, "Master, we have some good items here, do you want to buy some?"

The so-called props are a collective name for offensive and defensive weapons such as the Fulu magic weapon organs. These things have a great effect on monks on the ancient roads. Instant Recovery

Naturally, the more useful items, the higher the price, and if you want to buy them, you must use meritorious points, rather than creating magic, this is the rule of the ancient road

Li Xing has fifty-five merit on hand, no more and no less, and indeed can buy something, nodded when he heard the words, and said, "Okay, you take me there"

Baiguguan, he has gone through many vicious dangers, and decided to buy a substitute amulet and use it.

The boy immediately led the way, turned around and turned around, entered an alley, and pushed a door open. When Li Xing was asked to enter the hall, Li Xing became suspicious and stood at the door and said, "Since it is a shop, why is it so remote? The place?"

The young man laughed: "Uncle, we also have shops in the street, but the real good stuff is left at home, so that if it is unsafe, uncle, we can turn the shop."

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "No, since you are here, let's see what good props you have."

The two came through the door to enter the hospital, only to show up. When the teenager behind "slammed" and closed the door, a sword-light shot from the front, straightly taking Li Xing's heart, murderous.

This Jianguang can not be underestimated, it can definitely threaten him, he will not evade, he suddenly appeared in front of the heavens and earth flood furnace, and when he moved forward, he found that Jianguang, it was in the room on the other side of the courtyard A young man stood in front of the door

Seeing that the sword failed to kill Li Xing, the young man was startled and shouted, "Come here and join hands, everyone is on shoulders!"

Suddenly, three swords of light were rushed in all directions, and the partners cut to death.

Li Xing gave a cold hum, and the heaven and earth smelting furnace turned a bit, and he took all the sword lights out of his head. ”When he raised the mixed yuan gun, the fifth style was displayed in a domineering manner.

In a hurry, the four gun shadows attacked four directions, each of which was more than ten times stronger than those of Jianguang. The murderous shock, including the four young people in front of the door, was instantly covered by the bridge awns. Feeling of resistance

However, after all, they were all masters who were thirteen or four broken. At the critical moment, they still played secret tricks to fight Li Xing's counterattack. But all this had no effect. The flash of guns made three people stabbed their heads on the spot and died instantly.

At the same time, Li Xing turned around and patted it with a clap. He slaps the boy who got him started, his brain splashes, and his plane collapses.

As for the man in front of the house, he was suddenly stripped of his legs and legs by the gunman, lying on the ground and screaming that he wanted to get rid of it, but was set in place by Li Xing's shot and couldn't move.

Li Xing stepped forward to him and said coldly, "Why kill me?"

The young man looked fierce and said, "Kill you, you can get merit points. This is the rule of the ancient road."

Li Xing nodded, everything understood that the young man who had brought him in was a group of these people. They deceived people to kill them here, and they got noble feats, and died in this courtyard. Already more than one

All four were masters, and in a sudden blow, the idle characters couldn't avoid it.

At this point, knowing the reason, there is nothing to ask. He brought the gun to the other side, but the young man shouted, "You can't kill me! I'm from the Ji family!"


Li Xing didn't stop, he stabbed the other's head with a single shot, and said lightly, "The chicken family? The duck family's people messed with me, they must die!"

Stepping out of the door, Li Xing felt a domineering consciousness came down, covering the entire ancient star, and that consciousness instantly locked Li Xing, and an angry voice roared: "You dare to kill the husband's grandson, you This **** thing, the old man will eat you raw! "

Li Xing said coldly: "Old things, your strength may not be above me, don't say big words, I'll wait for you", he hasn't stayed on this ancient star for a long time.

After he left Gu Xing, a tyrannical idea seemed to have been enlarged by billions of times, and suddenly he went out on all sides. Everyone heard a message: Jijia issued a hunting order, and everyone who cut this person, Reward 300 points of merit!

Then, in the sea of ​​people's knowledge, a portrait of Li Xing and his breath characteristics appeared.

Three hundred merits is definitely an amazing fortune. You must know that after crossing the Jianggu Dragons like Li Xing, you only got 55 points of merit, but you can imagine how precious those three hundred points are.

As a result, many ancient monks moved by the wind. As they hurried, they looked around, and they could get these three hundred feats. Li Xing was in great trouble, and he was in danger almost every moment.

The hunting order issued by Jijia naturally knew it, and soon he encountered trouble because he was flying, and met a group of people. There were dozens of them, and the repairs were not low. Tenfold

At first, he stared at Li Xing and shouted, "It's him! If you kill, you will have three hundred achievements!"

Li Xing raised his eyebrows and said coldly, "It's up to you?" One of them sank, and he took the mixed yuan gun and made a piercing stab at the piercing stab.

"If you want three hundred meritorious deeds, take your life!"

He stabbed with a shot, and a huge gunman like a mountain peak screamed. The blockade of the Quartet was like a mountain tumbled, instantly crushing more than a dozen people into flesh, and the plane was destroyed instantly.

Li Xing beheaded and killed more than a dozen people, and 255 points of merit were immediately added to the meritorious monument, which he obtained after beheading the ancient monk.

Starting from killing the first wave of people, the remaining hunters continued one after another. Some three or five people, some a dozen people, and even dozens of hundreds of people rounded up to face a steady stream of hunting. Li Extremely calm

He avoids when he is strong, but kills when he is weak. He goes down all the way, and there are more than 300 people who die under his hand! As the Proto-Altar altar was a life-saving treasure, he did not encounter danger, but grabbed a lot of meritorious points, which is now close to 10,000 points!

This result was unexpected by Li Xing, and he suddenly found that it might not be a bad thing to be chased and killed, because this way, he can quickly accumulate merits and be able to exchange more useful props in the future.

Killing all the way, going all the way, all the way bloody, but the three hundred points of merit have always played a role, allowing the seductive people to pursue Li Xing in a haunting manner, until they perish

On this day, Li Xing looked at the portal that was approaching the second hurdle, but suddenly stopped. He stared coldly at the front and said, "Since it is here, why not come out?"

Hundreds of monks walked out of the void and some monks came out. The weakest was eightfold broken, but most of them were broken in tenfold. The strongest five were all fifteenfold and not weak.

A fifteen-year-old middle-aged man with eyes full of hatred. He stared at Li Xing and said in a yin voice: "Boy, you can live to this day, and it's very surprising to Ji's family. Your luck is over. , Today is your dead time "

Li Xing looked calm ~ www.readwn.com ~ faintly said: "You are the Ji family, so good"

A woman from the Ji family cried, "You asshole, kill my brother, you have to kill your life!"

Li Xing looked at the woman coldly, and said, "Your brother killed me, and I killed him. It is such a fair thing that no one needs to pay his life. If there is, it is also your lucky family."

The woman said angrily, "In short, you will die today!"

"Yeah," Li Xingdao said, "I have long understood that in this world, only strong people are qualified to reason with people, not even reasoning. You do n’t have to say that you think your family is strong, so you can ride on others' heads. Do whatever you want, but today I tell you, you are wrong, you are so wrong. "

The middle-aged man frowned: "Boy, you are crazy, but this can't save you!" Then he waved, "Let ’s go together, no matter which one kills him, there will be a reward!"

The opponent had hundreds of people and prepared in advance. Li Xing knew that running could not run away, and he was not sure if he could fight hard, so he took out the heaven and earth altar without hesitation and said, "Five to five, kill!" See Full text error-free first novel,-* & t ;, your best choice!

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