Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1350: You Xiang's Strength

[Rejects the pop-up window and reads m] Jiuyang Xiejun Chapter 1350 Youxiang's Strength

Chapter 1350 The Power of Youxiang

The man in the blue shirt possesses a diamond body that is not bad and has extraordinary strength, but in the face of the 27-fragmented Fragrant Fragrance, he also looks horrified. An irresistible feeling is born in his heart. ╠ ..

Youxiang Datianzun's finger broke out of the thirteen-fold broken peak, and completely suppressed the blue shirt man, even if his diamond was not bad, he could not compete.


A finger hole was punched out of his chest, blood was soaring, his face was incredibly divine, staring at Youxiang Datianzhuang, saying, "You have been hiding your strength!"

His finger has cut off the vitality of the blue shirt man, making him hopeless. Li Xing stepped forward, grabbed his hands, and directly ingested this person into the heavens and earths furnace for refining.

Anyway, it ’s also an indestructible body of King Kong. After refining it, Li Xing can learn about the blood civilization it established, so as to enhance the mixed-yuan civilization and develop new nirvana.

This blue shirt man has a rich collection and a lot of wealth in the plane. In particular, the civilization he pioneered, called the Dali King Kong civilization, belongs to the advanced fifteenth class civilization, which is a higher level than Li Xing, which is not trivial.

Li Xing accepted the blue shirt, and then curiously looked at Youxiang and asked, "Why do you hide your strength?"

Youxiang Datianzeng snorted softly, rolled her eyes and said, "If I don't hide my strength, will you fight to save me? If you don't fight to save me, you and I will be the same from now on Nowhere, no more. "

Li Xing smiled bitterly, he understood the idea of ​​Youxiang Datianzun. I had hidden strength before, but I just wanted to test him. In the face of a strong enemy like the Blue Shirt Man, if he turns around and walks away, giving up to save people, then it is not worth entrusting Lifelong to Tianxiang Zun.

He didn't flinch, he stepped forward, but it touched Youxiang. In fact, Xiu has reached this stage of her, and she no longer pays much attention to the agreement of the year. Different realms have different ideas.

But Li Xing's performance really touched her very much. She just felt that with such a man, nothing could be exchanged.

"Let's go." Youxiang Datianzun smiled and stepped forward to hold Li Xing's arm. "You have been injured. You must rest for a while. I will protect the law for you."

Li Xing nodded. He was seriously injured and was almost completely destroyed. However, he didn't worry about it. Instead, this state was conducive to his practice after the Heavenly Blood Nine Changes and the Heavenly Bone Nine Changes.

After the two disappeared, watching the scene of Han Qiu Da Tianzun shuddering through Xiao Zhou's mirror, she turned to the pale-faced Duan Xiong and said, "Tell me, what else can you do?"

Duan Zixiong's lips were narrow and he could not say a word for a long time. He couldn't think of any other way to deal with Li Xing. This person's strength is not only strong, but now he has an additional help, and his instantaneous combat power has reached thirty broken Fragrant Fragrances, which is simply horrible!

When these two people are together, they can even beheaded here, let alone the two of them.

"But we have to get rid of him." Han Qiutian's glorious eyes, the picture on the karma picture, he couldn't forget it.

Duan Zixiong trembled: "How to get rid of it? He's too powerful, beyond my expectations, I think it's all right, otherwise ..."


Han Qiu Datianzun slaps on Duan Zixiong's face with angrily, "Waste! Coward! If you don't kill him today, you will have no chance in the future, you must do it!"

Duan Zixiong covered his face, there was a kind of ### that he wanted to cry. He was really scared. The strength shown by Li Xing and the horror of Youxiang Datianzun left an indelible shadow in his heart, heart Fearful, dare not face it.

"Han Qiu, do you have a way?" He asked with a worried expression.

Han Qiutian sneered: "If he succeeds in the next level, he will have to change his skills. This level is extremely difficult and only one person can succeed."

Duan Zixiong's eyes lit up and he shouted, "I see! It's better that these two people lose both, and all die!"

Han Qiu sighed: "But if you do that, you will interfere with the rules, and it will affect your father and expose him to the punishment above."

Duan Zixiong said, "But we only have this method. The punishment above will not be too heavy. At most, we will cancel the qualification for guarding for a period of time. This is nothing. I think the Lord Lord will not mind."

Hanqiu Datianzun said coldly: "This incident originated from Chixueguan. The owner of Chixueguan must also bear certain responsibilities. I hope he can accept the punishment with my father. In this case, the punishment will be lighter."

Duan Zixiong was embarrassed. He naturally did not want his father to be involved. But if he disagrees, this cold autumn is bound to be unwilling. He ponders over and over again and sighs: "You can rest assured that I will persuade my lord father and share this sin with the lord master!"

"Okay! You and I are all prepared for it. Success or failure is here. If we fail, we will never lose sight of it, and that person will not let us go." Han Qiutian said indifferently.

Duan Zixiong's heart was cold, he could not help but shivered, then nodded strongly, and gritted his teeth, "I understand!"

At this time, Li Xing was practicing in the gate of time, and by the way was also studying the essence of vigorous King Kong civilization. Vigorous Vajrayana civilization belongs to racial civilization. Only Vajrayana can form such a bloodline.

However, this does not affect Li Xing's enlightenment. His mixed-yuan civilization can imitate everything, absorb all beneficial things, and continuously improve.

The blue shirt people's cultivation is very high, their strength is very strong, and their physique and plane are quite perfect, which allows Li Xing to absorb many civilizations and wisdom from it. On this basis, during the long cultivation process, while recovering his injuries, he was based on the vigorous King Kong civilization and learned about the changes in the bones and blood of the heavens.

For these two methods, he only created the first nine changes, and there is still room to play in the future.

As time passes, I don't know how long it has passed, Li Xing finally calculated three changes in the Tiangu change, a total of twelve changes. Heavenly blood changes are also the same, there are three more changes. After three changes after training, his injuries not only fully recovered, but his strength improved even more.

In particular, the Vajrayana civilization has greatly helped and benefited his mixed-yuan civilization.

When his injury was over and he was about to go out of the customs, Youxiang Datianzu suddenly came to the gate of time. With a smile, he said, "You're back now, we can talk."

Li Xing smiled slightly: "I'm curious how you got to this point. It's already broken in the twenty-seventh. I can't believe it. Moreover, your level of civilization is very high. . "

Youxiang Datianzun stared at Li Xing with a grudge, and drew a note on his chest, saying: "You pitiful man, pushed me away like that pitiless heart at that time, what else do you want to do today?"

Li Xing smiled bitterly and said, "You have reached this state, don't you know what I thought?"

Youxiang Datianzun nodded and sighed: "Yeah, even if I stay with you, it is hard to break through the horror now." Then, she threw herself into Li Xing's arms and hugged him tightly, saying, "You know, don't know, I hate you very much these years, and I even thought that if you meet again, you must humiliate you so that you regret that you abandoned me. "

"I naturally know that your intention at that time was not really ruthless. Sometimes ruthless, you are really passionate. You don't want to affect me." Youxiang Datianzun said, "I understand, but it is still difficult to let go, because I am a woman .Until you are willing to fight for my life, in a split second, I decide to forgive you. "

Li Xing grabbed his head helplessly, and said, "Why are you doing this? With your current strength, do you need to follow me? As long as you take the broken ancient road, you are likely to eventually enter the source of civilization, or even Broken. "

Youxiang Datian said: "I said, I'm a woman. Don't be supremely broken or enter the source of civilization. I just need to stay by your side and give you a few children."

For these words, Li Xing was speechless for a while. He did not understand how a woman in this state of mind cultivated to this point. There is no trace of Tao mentality at all.

At this time, Youxiang Datianzun said, "Xing brother, don't you want to know how I would have the cultivation today? In fact, I would like to thank you, if not for you, I would not be able to go to that place."

Then, You Xiang talked about all his experiences in the past, and always heard from Li Xing. He heard the latter sighing, and he could hardly believe his ears. A person can have such good luck.

It turned out that after leaving Hongxing at the time, Youxiang Datianzun decided to work hard to practice, say what he wanted, and enter the immortal Datianzun. So she left for a long time to find a quiet place to study hard.

Inadvertently, he entered a barren continent, a continent that was left behind by a terrific thirty-three broken civilization. The entire continent is completely deserted, and no vitality can be found.

However, at the time when Youxiang Datianzun appeared, a very weak consciousness suddenly appeared on the mainland. It turned out that the Da Tianzun's cultivation was too high. Although he was chopped and fell in the four deserts, he still retained a ray of will.

However, the consciousness is too weak, it only wakes up once every billion years, and the time to wake up is only one moment. Youxiang Datianzun didn't take one step early or one step late, and set foot on the barren continent at this moment.

Because the mainland is too desolate, there is not even a soul on it ~ www.readwn.com ~, so although this awakening has been awakened many times, it has never encountered anyone. This time you find Youxiang, and it immediately selects it as her successor.

Although that ray of consciousness only appeared for a moment, it transmitted a very important message to Youxiang Datianzun. The master of consciousness, Taohao Piaohua, thirty-three broken female nuns, was framed by a great figure and fell here.

Nu Xiu stored a large number of treasures in a secret space, including exercises, elixir, runes and so on. With the help of information, Youxiang Datianzun has found the treasure, and with the huge resources left by Piaohuatiantian, she has made breakthroughs all the way.

When the ancient road opened, she, like Li Xing, chose to enter the broken ancient road, thereby strengthening herself and entering the source of civilization. I just didn't expect that she would meet Li Xing here.

At this time, Li Xing said with emotion: "If it weren't for you this time, I'm afraid I would die in the hands of the blue men."

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