Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1353: 1 unified 4 waste

Duan Zixiong and Han Xiang who were frightened by the two sides fought side by side, and gradually became cold and cold. The two people understood that today ’s sentence raises the fear that they wo n’t win Li Xing. They were worried about their fate, and they both winked. Ready to retreat quietly

Although Li Xing was fighting the torture, he watched in all directions, saw the two run away, sneered, and sneered into the void to stab a shot, a shot and tear the space directly, and the top gun appeared directly on the two. In front of me

Two beeps, these two guards made future generations killed on the spot, and two exemptions exploded.

Licensing made Lien Chan invincible. Instead, he let Li Xing kill in front of him, knowing that the situation is over. Today, two people must not be left, so he snorted: "The road behind is very long, you two will fall into the hands of the ambassador sooner or later! "

As a matter of fact, as soon as his appearance shook, he disappeared and actually retreated from the battlefield.

As soon as the sentence was lifted, the rest of those besieging Li Xing suddenly disappeared, and the birds and beasts disappeared. How could Li Xing let them go? These people dare to fight him, that is to take death

So he cooperated with You Xiang, **** some people in the Quartet? Three times, five times, two, and two were beheaded and killed. Some people were not weak. All of them were put into the world by Li Xing to refine, extract civilization, and collect wealth.

Of course, he gained another three million meritorious points, bringing the amount of meritorious service to ten million! The ranking of the meritorious list is close to three thousand, which is comparable to the ranking on the broken list.

It can be said that quite a lot of people in the Chalcedony Pass were beheaded by Li Xing. He became famous at the moment, and no longer attached, he broke through the void with Youxiang and continued on the road.

The mixed yuan gun stabbed into the air and opened a gap directly, showing a new world and a new ancient road.

Li Xing and You Xiang continued to run along the broken ancient road. On the other hand, the mixed Yuan Empire also expanded under the command of the three major avatars.

After Li Xing's dedication entered the broken ancient road, the improvement of his practice also indirectly affected the three major avatars. When his practice entered the twenty-fifth heavy fragmentation, the three major avatars also broke through.

Among them, the Jiuyang avatar and Jiuyin avatar stepped into the 23rd broken, and the war avatar stepped into the 30th broken. Moreover, the avatar hidden in the sea of ​​blood has gradually grown, and it is possible to take shape.

Since this time, the mixed empire has not stopped expanding, especially after the strength of the three major avatars has increased, each one can ### One side, no enemy can withstand their attacks

The mixed yuan empire successively annexed some major forces, and the scope of its territory continued to expand. It has been approaching the core of the northern desert and has been approaching the crazy expansion of the species. It immediately attracted the attention of the top ten forces of the northern desert chamber of commerce

Even Tianxu Gate felt that things were a little out of control. Tianxu Pavilion never expected that the growth of the mixed Yuan empire would be so fast that it would change every day.

However, the expansion of the mixed yuan empire soon stopped, which made the surrounding forces feel relieved.

The reason for the temporary suspension is that, on the one hand, the empire must digest these annexed sites, and on the other hand, the three major avatars must retreat, and it takes a relatively average time to break through.

However, even if the mixed-yuan empire temporarily stopped, it is still constantly growing. On the one hand, in all directions, there are constant forces of all sizes, and monks of different strengths and strengths come to join.

These monks or forces are all insightful. They see the unstoppable rise of the mixed Yuan empire, so they have come to a good future.

At the same time, the local monks of the empire are constantly improving their strength. People like Li Ba and Li Gui are also breaking through Li Xing. At this time, they did not know that the time on the ancient road was not consistent with the time in the lower bound.

The so-called one day in the sky and one thousand years on the ground is exactly the same principle. While he continuously broke through the Baiguguan, Chixueguan, and Chalcedony levels, he experienced hundreds of thousands of years below.

It is through this period of time that the mixed-yuan empire has truly grown up and become strong. It has become a powerful existence that surpasses the ten core forces. Nowadays, only the forces inherited by the successful civilization can be compared with them.

Of course, in the process of rising, it was not that there were no conflicts. Various battles, large and small, happened nearly 10,000 times. However, the mixed Yuan Empire became stronger and stronger, and the fifth battle became the driving force for its growth.

The moment Li Xing broke through the Chalcedony Pass, the three avatars went out at the same time, and the strength soared. But strangely, the mixed Yuan empire was still quiet, and no further expansion or war was waged.

This anomalous move, on the contrary, disturbed the major forces, realizing that this might be the tranquility before the storm, and more violent things will happen later

The outside speculation is correct. Just after being quiet for more than ten years, the mixed-yuan empire suddenly shifted its strategy, marching westward, southward, and eastward beyond the north, and the action was so large that it shocked the forces.

Among them, Jiuyang became the West Wilderness chief, Jiuyin became the South Wilderness chief, and War lonely entered the East Wilderness and North Wilderness. Instead, there was no real master left, only Li Gui took charge of everything.

The soldiers of the mixed yuan empire have three paths, and they have to go outside to seek development. This makes the forces of the northern famine worry and rejoice. The mixed yuan empire may go out and unify the three wastes. By then, the northern famine will definitely be unified. Can't escape the fate of being controlled

Fortunately, the mixed Yuan Empire transferred so much power, it must be empty inside, and it must not continue to expand in the Northern Wilderness. However, their illusions soon dissipated, because on this day, Li Xing's fourth avatar was finally broken. Shut out

On this day, in the mixed empire, there is a peerless divine light that shines in nine days and ten places, in all directions, and in all directions. The divine light in the heavens and the world is extremely great. In the void, it is condensed into a man's figure.

The man was exactly the shape of Li Xing. He shouted loudly from the sky, roared the mountains and rivers, and shook Xingyue. The power emanating from him was still above the three major avatars, reaching a level of twenty-five broken horrors!

This kind of cultivation is definitely the first master in the northern wilderness, and no one can reach it!

Finally, the Northern Wilderness is no longer peaceful, no more peaceful, the era of great reunification begins, and the era of the dominance of the mixed empire is coming.

This fourth avatar is a protoss avatar formed by Li Xing's integration with the ancient blood of the ancient protoss. This avatar has strong strength. After exiting the customs, he led the army and continued to expand.

Four major avatars, each dominated, and began to write a history of a **** battle

No one expected that after Li Xing entered the broken ancient road, his avatar strength progressed so fast, even Tianxu Men felt the threat. The next day, Tianxu Pavilion rushed to the mixed Yuan Empire.

The protoss of Li Xing, who was in the top of the hall, was regarded as the old man of Tianxue Pavilion in the extreme master of Beihuang, but in front of Li Xing, he felt like a small ant like a ant. He only experienced it beside the emperor.

He was so shocked that he was speechless for a time

Li Xing smiled slightly: "Here is the old man, what's the order?"

"Don't dare to command two words," Tian Xuge said very politely. "The recent rapid development of the mixed Yuan empire is reassuring. The old man wanted to know, what will the Emperor do next?"

Li Xingdan said indifferently:

Tianxu Pavilion always swallowed a spit, his heart beating, and he trembled, "Do you really want to unify the four wastelands? What about our contract of civilization?"

Li Xing smiled slightly: "Naturally, we must obey. The Great Emperor is still a person in the heavenly courts.

Tian Xu Ge ’s old mood is extremely complicated. Even if there is a contract of civilization, he still feels that this matter is extremely unreliable. He does n’t believe that Li Xing will truly be loyal to the heaven.

At that time, this so-called civilization contract will not form a bond to Li Xing, he will restore his freedom

Taking a breath, Tianxue Pavilion said: "How easy is it to unify the four desolates? The two emperors of the east and the west and the two emperors of the north and the south were each thirty-two broken and supreme characters, but they can only rule one desolation. Unification, all waste, this ... "

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "If others can't do it, it doesn't mean that I can't do it. When you reach my realm, you will know that the four shortages are actually nothing."

Tianxu Pavilion said: "This word is bad, you know that the four emperors and emperors who ruled the wild, why didn't they unite the four wastes? That is because there is a guardian in the four wastes."

Li Xing raised his eyebrows: "Guardian?"

Tianxue Pavilion nodded oldly: "Yes, there is a guardian in the four wastelands. They guard the calmness of the four wastelands and you really want to unify the four wastelands, that is to break the peace. The guardian will not allow this kind of thing to happen."

"How strong is the Guardian?" Li Xing was not surprised, but just asked lightly.

"Strength is not under the Emperor of Heaven" Tianxue Pavilion old way, "Extreme figures above 30-fold broken are unfathomable №, I also want to tell you that all four guardians are from the source of civilization, each of them has a strong Heritage of civilization "

Li Xing said scornfully, "If it is a high man ~ www.readwn.com ~, it will not be sent to the lower world to defend one side. If I rise, how can such small people stop?"

Tianxuege honestly didn't know what to say, Li Xing's strength was far above him, and his knowledge far surpassed him. This also led to completely different ideas, and he couldn't talk about one place at all.

In the end, the old Tianxue Pavilion left the mixed Yuan empire in a complex mood. His trip was fruitless, so he went directly to the heavenly courts and wanted to report this to the emperor.

The four wasteland changes one day, and Li Xing's deity officially entered the 72nd level at this time.

The most dangerous first three levels have been passed, and the rest is the last seventy-two levels. From then on, after he really set foot on the ancient road and left the chalcedony level, Li Xing found that he had entered a huge incomparable plane.

This plane is the first level of the Zhongqier 72 level!

Entering this plane, Li Xing felt a kind of supreme greatness, the master of a powerful spirit plane, that year must be a master of over thirty-three broken, or even an extreme master!

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