Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1361: The Great 1 Rage

After weighing the pros and cons, the head of the Jade Girl finally made up her mind and sighed: "Well, the teacher will not regret today's decision. Fei Fei & Su & Zhong & Wen & Wang, cm"

Mo Er nodded strongly: "Master, you will not regret it, you will be proud of today's decision!"

The whole move of Yunumen into the primordial plane was a long time after Li Taichu and Mo'er thought about it. They could do two things with one goal, which would protect Yunumen and avoid the worries

After doing this, Li Taichu and Mo Er walked on the 25th day. Li Taichu was a man of great luck. Although he experienced a lot of dangers on this way, he gained more. Go further

After more than ten years passed, Li Taichu broke into an extremely loud name on the 25th day. He was called "Taichi's son" and was one of the 20 people in the 25th day.

Mo Er ’s cultivation has also been greatly improved during this period. At this time, it was already sixteen broken and, with the help of Li Taichu, she established her own civilization, and was an intermediate fifth-class civilization.

After more than ten years of accumulation, when the breakthrough came again at the beginning, he asked the Four Elephants to respect the law and retreat with Mo Er to practice retreat. The retreat originally required one person, but Li Taichu said that he learned something from his father. Set of nine yang and nine yin gongs

Mo Er's heart moved, and he participated in the unknown. However, in the past few days, the screams of Mo Er and the screams of Li Taichu were heard from time to time.

The four elephants who guarded outside, looked at each other, and sighed, saying, "Everyone is good on the Lord, it's just like the emperor and his elder, born with a romantic seed."

The days of Shuangxiu are wonderful, but the hardships of Zhenger Bajing are unknowingly, the broken door opens soon, and Li Taichu also completes his success and goes out with Mo Er

At this time, Mo Er was broken in twenty, Li Taichu was broken in twenty-eight. Speaking of civilizations such as Senior Twenty, Li Taichu was able to have the privilege of advancement in civilization, thanks to Li Xing ’s excellent inheritance.

There are very few characters with such privileges in heaven and earth. Ten fingers can be counted. Li Taichu is undoubtedly a lucky one.

After Li Taichu went out of the customs, it took a few months to see the broken ancient road, so he discussed with the Four Elephants, saying: "To develop the mixed Yuan empire, the demand for resources is extremely high. The most important thing is the resources. Before we leave, should we get some? "

Although Sixiang Datianzun felt that the idea was quite shameless, but felt that it was too unfortunate to do things like zero risk and high return, so they expressed their support.

Then, on the twenty-fifth day, the chicken jumped up suddenly.

First, the treasure house of the first country was looted by the prince son, and then on the 25th day, the top ten masters were robbed by the prince son ###, and the treasures in their planes were all robbed.

Similar things happen every day for a short period of time, Li Taichu ’s name is extremely loud, and he has become the number one in the twenty-fifth heavy sky. However, his name has also changed from “Taichu son” to “ Too early thief "

For a few months, Li Taichu was still embarrassed. He also found himself a few reasons for the looting and made it public.

First, he believes that the twenty-fifth heavy sky is saturated with resources and cannot be fully utilized without robbing. This is a waste of resources and it is shameful to waste. In order to prevent shameful things from happening again, he decides to rob.

Secondly, in fact, the entire twenty-fifth day, you rob me all day, I rob you, eat big and small, strong and bullying Li Taichu thinks this is an order that is against humanity, He decided to represent those who were oppressed, punish some superiors, and let them taste the oppression

Thirdly, the robbery can greatly improve the ability and vigilance of the entire 25th plane to resist robbers, and thus better resist the next wave of robberies.

When these three reasons were announced, Li Taichu ’s name was immediately changed from “Big Thief” to “Shameless Thief”.

Shameless and shameless, Li Taichu continued to snatch. In the end, he did n’t even know how many things he had snatched. In short, nearly one third of his space in the premature plane was used to hold these snatched things.

Li Taichu's recklessness finally aroused the anger of the entire twenty-fifth day. They established a logging and stealing alliance and began to encircle Li Taichu when countless masters gathered together to prepare to destroy Li Taichu. Existing ancient road opened

On this day, Li Taichu appeared arrogantly in front of the army, "haha" laughed and said: "Thanks, thank you for your care in recent years. My son is leaving, I will miss you!"

In other words, he stepped on the long bridge of blood bones, disappeared in the portal, leaving a group of experts with big eyes and small eyes. But it was a broken ancient road. Who is tired and dared to catch up?

Li Taichu left, he and Mo Er set foot on the broken ancient road, writing a new legend

At this time, the time returned to the moment when Li Xing and You Xiang entered the 72nd level. At this time, in a secret space of heaven, there was a school of scorpions, which was the Yinyang school and the daughter of Li Xing, Li Jiao. local

The yin and yang school is built in a huge plane. The former owner of this plane is a master of a generation close to the Supreme Fragment.

There is more than one monk in the school, and the number of students in it is more than 100,000.

Among the schools, there is a penitentiary in which the punishment is made. It covers a very large area, with different torture chambers and different penalties.

At this moment, in a tower-shaped torture chamber, a square high platform was built with a **** iron torture pillar. Li Jiao was tied under the iron pillar by two electric lights, and two young men were wielding lightning bolts. Beating fiercely

Every time he struck, Li Jiao frowned in pain, but he said nothing in pain.

Both youths were full of suffocation. One of them had a big mole on the left eyebrow and said, "Xiaojian. Man, dare to disobey my order. No one in this yin and yang school dares to dare. As arrogant as you are! "

Another young man with red brows and blue hair laughed, "Brother, don't talk nonsense with him. After teaching her, the two of us will play with her and let her know how good we are." Then, both laughed viciously.

Li Jiaofeng's eyes were shameful, and she said, "You are all grandchildren of the heavenly courts, and it is rare to have a yin and yang constitution. This is a matter of glory, but you are acting arrogantly. It is really a scum in heaven, and sin should be slaughtered! This is not even calculated. The two of you actually have to fight my idea and use the punishment of the college to deal with me. If you do this, are you not afraid of retribution? "

The Mole youth snorted coldly: "Retribution? Really a joke. Is there any retribution in this world? Xiaojian. Man, what you say is useless. Today, my grandfather called you a dilemma!"

Li Jiao sighed and said, "How are you doing this? You rely on your father as the emperor and grandpa as the emperor. You think everyone should be afraid of you. Unfortunately, you are wrong. My father has a bad temper. If he knows, he must Will kill you "

Mole youth "haha" laughed: "Your father? I want to hear, who is your father, dare to oppose heaven"

Li Jiao sighed and said, "I have notified my father. The next thing is beyond my expectation. You know yourself well. ☆ After that, I want to tell you that my father is the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty."

As if the skies were clear, the two grandchildren were stunned. The mole young man looked pale and said, "What did you say? Your father is the emperor of Yuanyuan? Is that the emperor of Yuanyuan who guards the four wastelands?"

Li Jiao's eyes were full of pride: "In addition to my father, who is also worthy of the name of the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty?"

The two stayed as if they were wooden chickens and didn't know what was a good moment. The Mole Youth said fiercely: "Our father is the seventh son, what is the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty? He dares to come and his father will be able to chop him!"

"Really?" Li Jiao sneered, "you know right away"

In the north, the west, the south, and the east, there was an angry roar almost at the same moment. Li Xing's four avatars roared skyward: "Bastard! Damn thing! Dare to move my family's little Jiaojiao! I want to chop yours Peel your muscles, then chop and feed the dog! "

This curse spread far away. Every monk in Sihuang could hear it clearly, his ears were itchy, and each of his hearts was shocked. What was going on? Who lives impatiently and dares to offend the emperor?

With a loud noise, four shocking Changhongs pierced through the void, and they broke through the void from the four wastelands, and walked towards the position where the Yinyang Academy was located. The four rays of light merged together and arrived before the portal of Heaven.

It is said that in the face of such a fierce man, there will be defenders in the heavenly court. However, when the portal guards felt Li Xing's power and murder, they did not even have the courage to stand up.

A fist slammed into the void ~ www.readwn.com ~ directly broke the complicated and dense layers of space and time in the heavenly court, and found the plane where the Yin and Yang Academy was located, and rushed to the front of the Yin and Yang Academy.

Outside the school, two heavy armored guards wanted to stop, and they were slagged by the punch of the war fighter.

This yin and yang school is based on the supreme plane. Its strength is incredible. However, when faced with the anger of Li Xing's four avatars, this relaxation cannot resist.


With a loud noise, the portal of the institution was smashed with a punch, and the whole plane was turbulent. The monks in the shock institution were unstable. A white-bearded old man hurried out and yelled, "Who is good at breaking into the institution?"

This old man is a master, twenty-five broken. As the head of the school, he has a high status, but when he showed up, he was grasped by the protoss, as easily as a chick. He asked, "Old things, Where is my daughter? "

The old man's face was so pale and terrified that he shouted, "Hunyuan emperor! How are you?"

Li Xingyang slaps his hands, beats the old man ’s teeth, his blood flies, and asks, “I ask you where Li Jiao is!”

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