Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1365: Devouring Body

With advanced thirteen civilizations, Li Xing could not immediately understand the principles of civilization contained in dead branches. └ 飞 @ 速? ∟ 中 @ 文 @ 网 洪天华 itself is only an intermediate first-class civilization. ", When preparing to assimilate Li Xing's civilization, he encountered an accident

This big assimilation is really powerful, but it also has limitations, that is, it can only assimilate civilizations up to the tenth highest level, otherwise it will be backstabbed

Li Xing's civilization is a high-ranking thirteenth grade. He is supposed to be able to assimilate, although his combat power is not as good as Li Xing, but this kind of assimilation is performed once, and the latter is not easy to resist.

Hong Tianhua predicted that Li Xing would not have a high-level civilization of more than ten, so he dared to take a shot and kill him in one shot.

Although this dead branch looks inconspicuous, in fact, there is a huge civilization in it, but it is in a hidden state and does not show up. ↓ Because of this, Li Xing must slowly refine the enlightenment. It ca n’t be done every day or two. To

At this time, the Datong Assimilation acted as a catalyst, and the civilization forces in the dead branches were all stimulated at once. At the same time, it also produced a counter-phasing force on Hong Tianhua who performed this technique.

"Successful civilization!"

Hong Tianhua opened his eyes round, this is the last word in his life, then his plane was shattered completely, it was the kind of thorough shattering, and then vanished into nothingness, and the whole person disappeared

After the deadly outbreak of the civilized forces backfired and dried up the blazing sky, all the brains rushed to the ancient civilization and the trees went away for a long time. Li Xing had a sense of joy as a ganlin

He said to You Xiang: "I want to retreat"

You Xiang knew that Li Xing was a big deal, nodded, and put him into his own plane, still sitting in the tea shop, waiting for Li Xing to pass

However, he said that when he entered the fragrant heaven, Li Xing immediately took out the door of time to practice and he clearly felt that the civilized force was not trivial and belonged to a successful civilized force! Precious to him

Even if it is a ready-made civilized force, but because it is too high in quality, he cannot directly absorb it, and he needs to chew it slowly to avoid choking.

This is extremely time consuming. Unconsciously, Youxiang sat in the tea shop for more than ten days. The tea guests around changed a lot, and Li Xing still did not go out.

On the thirteenth day, a male practitioner appeared in the tea shop. The person's appearance was similar to Hong Tianxing's, but he was more powerful.

As soon as he came out, he drank, "Did you kill Hong Tianhua?"

You Xiang is drinking flowers, and when she hears the words, she turns and asks, "Who are you?"

"Hong Tianzheng, Hong Tianhua's big brother!" Hong Tianzheng strode forward, standing opposite to Youxiang, coldly, "Answer my question, did you kill someone?"

You Xiang knew that people had come to the door, and Lai couldn't help it, so he had to say, "I killed someone, but he has a way to take death. What do you want?"

Hong Tianzheng looked up and down, and said coldly, "You killed my brother. I should have chopped you off. However, I have n’t married Hong Tianzheng. If you want to be my woman and marry Hong family, I can If you do n’t die, you have to serve me all your life.

Youxiang almost fainted when she heard this, she was so shameless, and immediately sneered, "You should say this to my husband"

"Your husband? Do you mean the one who killed Tianhua with you? Where is he, I will kill him by myself!" Hong Tianzheng sternly

When this man was angry, a faint weird breath was revealed and the fragrance was felt, and he couldn't help but be shocked: "Oops, how could this man have that weird method? If Xingge comes out, he will definitely suffer."

You Xiang is a smart woman. She knows that this person is more terrible than Hong Tianhua. If she fights hard, she must not be an opponent, so she smiles slightly, and stretches out her hand and points back: "You are blind, my husband is not behind you?"

Hong Tianzheng was taken aback, he turned around quickly, punched back and punched out with boundless killing, sweeping over, accompanied by that weird power

You Xiang took the opportunity to hit three attacking charms, and at the same time cast a thousand shadow hiding array, and fled directly.

Hong Tianzheng turned around and took a break, and knew that he was fooled. He turned around to find Youxiang, but found that the other party was gone, and there were three killings, and the strength of this person was not stronger than Youxiang, but he had a wicked method Invincible

All three kills forced him to retreat even after a delay, but Youxiang could run far, not even the shadows.

Hong Tian was stomped with anger and said, "You can't run away!"

Hong Tianzheng didn't know what method was used. Once You Xiang stopped running, he would quickly find Fang Lishi. She had to fly away constantly, but fortunately she was not weak, and she was walking fast. dust

After chasing and escaping like this, you noticed that more than two months later, You Xiang was increasing. There was only one Hong Tianzheng, but the number has now increased to five.

Moreover, these five people seem to be members of the Hong family, and everyone has that weird method in their hands, the assimilation technique

On that day, Hong Tian was flying fast with four people. On his hand, there was a picture, and there was a light spot on the picture, which appeared from time to time.

One person said, "Brother, this girl runs fast enough, and she seems to have endless props. When should we catch up?"

Hong Tianzheng said: "What's the matter, as long as we chase down and catch her sooner or later, I will teach this little girl severely!"

In fact ~ www.readwn.com ~ Now Youxiang is very exhausted. The invisible charms such as flying charms, amulets, and other escaped props on her hand are exhausted, and now she can only fly by physical strength.

"This bunch of **** things made me run out of props, and the loss was huge." Youxiang scolded herself in the heart, distressed and wanted to use some of the props, worth tens of millions of merit points, so how could she not feel hurt?

Suddenly, a happy expression appeared on her face in Hida, shouting, "Xing brother, are you going out of customs?"

Li Xing is really going to go out. He spent a long time in the gate of time and finally absorbed and digested the civilization power in the dead branches, and raised the mixed-yuan civilization to a high-ranking ten civilization at one stroke!

The improvement of civilization has given him many special means. If he encounters Datong assimilation, he can easily resolve it. Unfortunately, his strength has not improved much, and it is still broken in the twenty-fifth.

After he came out, he discovered that Youxiang was on the way to escape. He was busy asking what happened, and then told Li Xing that the cause and effect were irritated. He said angrily, "These **** things, I'm going to tear them!"

You Xiang said anxiously: "Xing brother, these five people, like Hong Tianhua, will have that evil way"

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