Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1371: 9 top-notch schools

Ziyi was furious: "Your dog is brave, dare to kill the torture minister, do you know what kind of power is behind us? You do n’t know at all! Young people, I advise you to think twice, otherwise you will Revenge for the worst fear in the world! "

Li Xing said coldly: "I still have so much nonsense!"


On the killing wheel, three kills were dropped, and the three tortures failed to respond, and their heads were cut off, and their lives were whine [no matter how huge the power behind them, they could not be saved.

Killing three people in succession, he also lost three innocence cards.

After that, Li Xing urged the killing wheel, tearing the void, and returning to the top of the ocean. However, this time he had a powerful killing wheel to help directly, split the space directly, and reached the other side of the sea.

After splitting the space, the power of the killing roulette finally disappeared, and it turned into nothingness, completing its mission.

You Xiang couldn't help but said, "Xing brother, this is worth buying. It should be sold a few more when you go back in case you need it."

Li Xingdao: "It is a pity that it is a bit expensive. I can buy three or five at most."

Speaking, the two looked at the coast and saw that there was an empty sandy beach ahead, and then there was a continuous alpine valley, which was spectacular.

Right in the mountains, there is a mountain peak that is so high that thousands of golden lights are shot from the peak, which can be seen from a distance.

Li Xing glanced at the sign on the meritorious monument and said, "There should be orc exercises, there we go!"

Immediately, the two stowed the building boat and a person on the boat, and hurried forward towards the mountain peak. Both felt a strong force to suppress the two people's cultivation, and the further they went, the lower the cultivation.

They were all startled, Li Xing said, "Evil gate! What kind of power is this? It can actually suppress you and me, and it will be dangerous to go further!"

You Xiang was worried, and said, "I didn't expect such a dangerous 72 level. If we are close to the mountain peak, wouldn't we repair nothing?"

Li Xing's eyes flashed and he said, "Maybe, go!"

The two were struggling. After climbing up the mountain, Li Xing and You Xiang's repairs were shot down three levels. Li Xing's repairs were 22 times broken and You Xiang was 25 times broken.

Above the mountain, there is a golden high platform. There is a scroll on the platform, suspended in midair. It is from the platform above which Jin Guang sits that there is a fire-eyed golden-eyed gibbon. This gibbon sees Li Xing, and suddenly yells, Zi slaps up and shoots with his palm raised

The giant ape is twenty-eight broken, and its strength is extraordinary. That is to say, even if the thirty-one heavy shattered ascends to the peak, it will be knocked down to twenty-eight. It can only be tied with the gibbon.

Li Xing rushed to meet him. He knew that the power was insufficient, so he asked the power when he broke out, and immediately raised the combat power to 29. It was broken and slightly stronger than the gibbon.


The ape's arm was shaken open, backed up again and again, but he also flipped a few fights in midair. However, Li Xing didn't move, tried the strength of the opponent, he sneered, rubbed himself up, performed mixed killing, and fought with the gibbon

The difference in strength between the two sides is not large, but Li Xingwu's skill is high. After three thousand moves, he finally stabbed the gibbon and then got the beast roll.

When the beast got involved, it turned into a golden light, fell directly into the sea of ​​Li Xing, and then it slowly unfolded, showing Li Xing the complicated and mysterious beast science.

This is a big tearing hand of one of the nine best sciences of the beast, its power is endless!

Li Xing got this skill and laughed: "With this skill, it can help to deduct the ninth type of Yuan"

After getting the Beast Scroll, the two returned on the way, and Bai Bing returned to the ship again. After learning that Li Xing had got the smashing hand, he sighed and took out a glove from his body.

The gloves are quaint in appearance, bronze in color, and stained with blood.

Bai Bingdao: "This is my Bai Jiaqizhen, a tear in the ancient times. If matched with your big tear hand, the power can be more than doubled. Today, I will give it to you."

Li Xingdao: "So baby, why are you sending me?"

Bai Bing: "I don't have the heart to fight for hegemony, I just want to go to the end safely, but all this should be under your protection. This is my protection fee."

Li Xingmei raised her head and said, "Okay, after I accept it, you will cultivate in my plane until you leave the ancient road."

Bai Bing retreated, Li Xing was playing with the tearing gloves, and felt that there was a tearing will on the top with a large tearing hand, and he could indeed increase the combat power by more than double, which made him very happy.

When he returned to the sea and walked out of the portal again, he found that one of the eight so-called wizards had come out except him, and he was not familiar with it. However, behind this man, he followed one of his old knowledge. Zhu Bai

Zhu Bai followed the man downcast, looking very decadent. Li Xing took a closer look, and was surprised to find that he was already a follower of this person. The body of ancient blood was also an ancient body. I didn't expect to be overtaken by this person.

Feeling Li Xing's gaze, Zhu Bai looked up, but then quickly lowered his head, twisted his face to communicate with his master. The man immediately looked at Li Xing, and there was a warning in his eyes, as if saying: He is already my follower. No matter what you have done, it's best not to go about it.

This man is black and thin, and his short shoes are like a black poisonous snake. His eyes are extremely uncomfortable and very vicious.

Li Xing sneered, but knew that this was not the place to fight ~ www.readwn.com ~ Otherwise, he would waste a spell of innocence. It wasn't that he was going to take the lead for Zhu Bai, but that they were wizards for each other. Conflict

After waiting for a while in the Manchu Hall, Tu Ba also came out. Obviously he had succeeded. After coming out, he saw Li Xing, came over with Li Xing and smiled, and exchanged the beast scrolls with each other.

Tu Ba gets the finger of the slayer in the beastly science, and his power is equivalent to that of the big tear.

The method of exchanging the two for peerlessness made the others look at each other, but no one said anything. The black and thin monk who received Zhu Bai's follower gave a cold glance and hummed.

When Tu Ba saw this, he opened his throat and scolded: "Your grandma, what are you looking at, believe it or not, I dug out your eyes and stuck them in your fart. Eyes?"

This sentence made the black and thin monk angry, and his eyes flashed coldly, staring at Tu arrogantly: "You, you are dead!"

This person speaks, like metal is rubbing, word by word collapse, very strange

Li Xing said in his heart, "Brothers be careful, this person is an ancient body, no wonder he is so stingy."

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