Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1373: Mixed yuan type 9

The faces of the two turned discolored, and said, "I miss the two of them, but they are too ancient. How can they live alone? Don't think about it! I would rather die than surrender!"

The young man was dressed in white, and was originally elegant and gentle, but at this moment, a flash of blue lightning flashed in his eyes, and said lightly, "You do n’t agree, I will eat you, and I have the power to ask you."

"Although you are still weak, your abilities are very good," said the teenager.

Seeing the blue electric light in the eyes of the teenager, the two suddenly trembled, and the black and thin monk screamed, "You are shit!"

The young man said indifferently, "Do you agree or not agree?"

The two people who were extremely tough were actually terrified. They looked at each other and almost harmonized, "I and the two are willing to serve the master!"

The young man smiled coldly: "It seems that my greed is especially famous, and it has shocked all kinds of people."

The black slender monks repeatedly said, "The Taiko peoples, the gluttons belong to one of the eight groups, and only the protoss can suppress them, and we naturally admire them."

The young man smiled slightly, and with a touch of his hand, two rays of light fell into the sea of ​​the two, gradually controlling them, becoming a follower, losing their freedom and opportunity.

At this time, You Xiang has found a place to stay for the second time, waiting for Li Xing's exit.

However, it is said that at this time Li Xing is sprinting in the face of the Nine Masters. For others, the same kind of learning is successful, but for them, it is different. He wants to combine the advantages of the Nine Masters. Thereby taking the opportunity to create the ninth type of mixed Yuan, let the strength to a higher level

This is undoubtedly a arduous and long process. He participated in the research day after day, and deduced from year to year. I do n’t know how long it took to complete it.

After he learned to tear the hands, suppress the hands, reincarnate the fingers, seal the fingers, and so on, he merged them and finally formed the foundation of the ninth style. Then he deduced the ninth for a long time, Formally created

As soon as the Xuanyuan Nine Style came out, the heavens and the earth changed color, the fragrant plane almost could not bear it, and the small face became better. Li Xing immediately rushed out of the plane, and a shot will come out.

This shot has reached the pinnacle of martial arts, the huge level of combat skill, the sturdy space barrier, and he was pierced through a hole by himself, leading directly to another world.

With his 25th broken state, Shengsheng has raised his combat power to 33th broken state, enough to be proud of the heroes!

The improvement of combat skills can also contribute to the improvement of the realm to a certain extent. As a result of understanding the ninth form of the mixed Yuan, Li Xing also benefited a lot, so his strength was unknowingly broken suddenly from the 25th. Advance to 27 heavy crush

Every time Ascension of the Broken King, it consumes a huge amount of energy to strengthen the plane, fill the power, deploy the mysteries, etc. So in a flash, countless civilized forces plane power is consumed

These resources were all he got from the ancient road. Today, he sent super power to boost his strength by two levels.

The improvement of the basic combat power, at the same time, in turn promoted the rapid increase in combat power. Li Xing found that if he played it again, the power of the ninth style of the mixed yuan could break through the 33rd level of fragmentation and enter another level. Good Supreme

"Supreme" is an unpredictable realm. The so-called supreme meaning, as the name implies, no power can surpass it, supreme supreme, and no realm.

In other words, the Supreme Realm belongs to the ultimate realm. In this main plane, no matter who it is, the sky can only reach this big realm. If it breaks through, then it must leave this plane and proceed to the Supreme Realm. Broken

Combining the insights on the ancient road, Li Xing immediately realized that some things are in a broken state, called small broken, and the broken in the upper state is called supreme broken.

Of course, he vaguely feels that there is also a hierarchy of this supremacy, but the standard of division seems to be no longer just combat effectiveness, and there are other more mysterious things, what would it be?

The improvement of strength makes Li Xing open a new window as if to see a wider world, and his heart is indescribable.

While he was in this wonderful experience, a chuckle came and broke Li Xing's emotions. He suddenly turned his head and saw a teenager who walked away with a smile.

He clapped, "Congratulations, congratulations, you're finally promoted, it's really good."

This boy was the one who rescued the two black and thin monks. As soon as he appeared, Youxiang became nervous and said, "Xing brother, it is him. He rescued the people who killed us."

Li Xing narrowed his eyes. He stared at the image of the young man. He looked mild and seemed harmless to humans and animals, but he knew that this man was extremely dangerous. He was the only one who won the two top-notch schools at the Ninth Portal People

But how fast he was then, which proves that he has the power of peerless horror

But unfortunately, the boy was obviously not good enough to return and he did n’t know what to think. Li Xing looked calm and said, "Little brother, you saved my enemies. At this point, what is left? thought?"

The young man laughed: "Naturally, I want to congratulate Brother Li for making a breakthrough."

"Oh? It seems that the brothers are really happy, which makes people wonder. What are you happy about breaking through?" Li Xing asked

The young man laughed: "Because the more you break through ~ www.readwn.com ~, the more benefits I get, this is just like the fatter a pig grows, the happier the butcher will be"

Li Xing sneered: "So you are a butcher, and I am that pig?"

The boy praised: "You are really smart, yes, you are a pig, I am a butcher"

"Really? I think you look more like a pig, maybe the person being slaughtered is you." Li Xing was not angry, saying slowly

"Hehe", the boy laughed, "I have been here before, but at that time, you have not yet broken through. I waited till now, you have not disappointed me, and finally broke through successfully. Very well, you read me right."

The words of no one in the other's eyes made Li Xing be wary of this boy. On the surface, he was a master of thirty broken pieces, but he could n’t see the actual combat power. Perhaps this person's instant combat power has reached the supreme state, even Higher than him

At this moment, a ray of light burst into the fragrant plane, and Tu Ba was out of control. Compared with Li Xing, Tu Ba's progress was also very obvious. Although he failed to reach the highest level like Li Xing, it was also poor. Not too far, and the instantaneous combat power has reached thirty-three broken

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