Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1396: Level 8 Supreme

The double hook of the eighth level is really extraordinary. After sweeping back and forth dozens of times, the rune of Li Xing's body has been reduced by nearly one percent, and then absorbed by him, making the war gas armor more powerful.

The old man ca n’t say it. He looks brave now. Every move can open the sea, but unfortunately ca n’t hurt Li Xing. He knocks down at least a few battle charms on the opponent.

After attacking hundreds of tricks in this way, the old man has felt powerless. He knew in his heart that if he continued to fight this way, he would never get good results, and he would be killed by the other party.

Thinking about this section, he weakened the attack a little. To his surprise, his attack was weak, and Li Xing suddenly punched out, yelling, "You won't fight, I'll come!"

This boxing arrogance is boundless, and it has revealed a bit of mixed-yuan warfare. This mixed-yuan warfare has absorbed some of the essence of warfare. The power of the powerful earthquake is ancient and modern, and it is inexplicable.

A simple punch can pose a threat to the old man, but he has no choice but to wield the double hook again to fight Li Xing dead.

He was forced to fight Li Xing for 3,000 rounds. Later, after the battle, the number of battle symbols outside Li Xing had been reduced by half. He naturally saw Li Xing's purpose, gritted his teeth and said, "Boy, you want to borrow the power of the old man. , Break the shackles of the eighth class, want to be beautiful! "Latest novel"

Having said that, he cruelly doubled the two hooks, and merged them in one place, and his momentum suddenly soared, breaking through the eighth level of supremacy, and marching toward the ninth level of supremacy.

Li Xing was taken aback. Then he saw that this pair of hooks are actually two major avatars of the double hooks. The two are one. Only the original look must be the old man's incompetent strength, unable to manipulate the single hook. This turned it into a double hook.

He saw the doorway, naturally he did not give the other party a chance, and his whole body was full of anger, and he said, "Old man, this hook is good, take it!"

He stepped forward, reached out and grabbed this grab, including the strongest capture in the world, the strongest attack, and between the faint, there was actually a bit of supreme power.

The moment when the double hooks merged was the weakest moment. Li Xing saw it right. He shot exactly at this time but the old man also took precautions. He suddenly stepped on his feet and transformed into 36 avatars. Each avatar holds a double hook.

Li Xing snorted and punched, the power was omnipresent, as if a mountain was pushed down from the sky, and it was exerted on each avatar. This is the advantage of supreme power. It is extremely targeted. No matter how the other party changes, it cannot escape the attack.

The old man was unavoidable, so he had to swing with one palm to meet Li Xing's blow. At the same time, the double hooks were still changing in his hands, and it would not be long before they could be completely merged.

Strangely, Li Xing's palm didn't fall. He suddenly flashed, returned to the place, and looked at the old man with a smile.

The old man's heart was strange, but how could he miss this opportunity, and quickly urged the double hook, and let it be a moment, a ray of supreme terror emanated from the hook.

The old man trembled and his face was pale as paper. He stared at Li Xing, holding his hook in both hands, and said in a yin voice: "Boy, the fighting power of this hook is close to the ninth level. I can see how you can handle it!"

Li Xing smiled and said, "I don't move, let you fight, how?"

The old man was stunned, and he immediately understood what Li Xing meant, and he laughed wildly: "Do you think you can be invincible with the armor of the armor? It's naive, I'm afraid that if my hook moves, you will be wiped out."

Li Xing showed pity on his face and said, "Old man, you are so old, don't you see it?"

The old man's face was panicked, his hands were already unstable, and he seemed unable to lift the single hook, and he said sharply, "I didn't see anything? Boy, you are going to die soon, what nonsense?"

Li Xing sighed, his tone was a little mild: "So, why don't you still shoot? Do you feel that your power can't control this hook at all? Yes, you got a double hook instead of a single hook."

"If it is a double hook, it is an eighth-level weapon. You can barely control it. But once the double hooks merge and become a nine-level weapon, you ca n’t control it immediately."


With the end of Li Xing's words, the double hook broke out with a fierce atmosphere. The old man "bombed" his arms with a blast and screamed. He desperately wanted to grab the single hook, but he lost his hands.

The single hook seemed to restore the spirit of sweeping thousands of troops that year, with a scream, a hook turned back, hooking the old man's head, it turned around, and a hook cut to Li Xing

This hook is quite a bit of the Grand Master's temperament, and his skill is extremely high.

Li Xing showed his mixed-element gun seriously, and a shotgun smashed into a hook, making a crisp sound, but he touched immediately and then fought frequently.

At this moment, Li Xing is undoubtedly in a disadvantage. After all, he is facing a weapon with supreme power. Perhaps this weapon cannot fully exert the supreme power of level nine. It is not difficult to suppress Li Xing.

Every time you make three or fifty moves, Li Xing will be cut by a single hook. This is a supreme power of level nine. With each strike, you will break up many war symbols. There is not much left

The process of fighting is also the process of Li Xing's continuous improvement of his fighting spirit. At this time, his strength has been several times stronger than his initial combat strength.

Seeing that the hook fell again, Li Xing greeted him, letting him fall completely and completely on his body


As if a yoke was opened, and the seal of war spells disintegrated instantly, Li Xing felt that his strength was soaring and pulled up, and later he stabilized the single hook.

Strangely, when the single hook sensed Li Xing's supreme momentum, he calmed down and walked around Li Xing docilely, then landed beside him obediently.

Li Xing laughed abruptly, and said, "You turned out to be soft and scared, too." He held it in his hand, and suddenly, a ray of supreme power flowed into his body, matching his war spirit.

He thought to himself: "With this single hook, I have improved a lot of my strength, and the supreme power in it can be used for my enlightenment. It seems that I will be able to break through the 9th Supreme Supreme."

Thinking of this, he also thought about the mysterious character who kept everyone waiting for several years. That person entered the ninth floor of the Supreme Tower. Naturally, he has realized the Supreme Power. It seems to be careful.

Absolute warfare and supreme power. The two are not a level thing. Absolute warfare is the transition between absolute power and supreme power. It can also be called supreme warfare.

This hook, known as the square round hook, can be decomposed into square hooks and round hooks. It really belongs to the supreme level 9 weapon, but the realm is not very stable. Now it is refined by Li Xing and is nourished by the mixed Yuan war spirit. Stabilize

After this challenge, Li Xing found that the ranking on the broken list of merit monuments had risen to third place, and squeezed Li Taichu to the final list, and suddenly rose to fifth place.

So after Li Xing came out of the challenge platform, immediately purchased all the merit points and looked back, the final ranking only fell to the tenth place.

Now, his broken list and record list are relatively high, so even if the meritorious list is unknown, he can still be ranked tenth, and it is impossible to go down.

I have to say that the tenth position of the ultimate list is a critical point. Those who want to rush into the top ten of the list, the first person to deal with is often Li Xing. Then, the challenges he faced increased.

The challenge cannot continue forever. After three rounds, no one has launched a challenge to those who have ambitions and strength, either to enter the upper bound or be killed.

The rest are all monks who are content with the status quo or who are waiting for the opportunity. Like the old man who was beheaded by Li Xing, he will shoot again at the appropriate time to compete for the top ten positions.

Today, even if Li Xinggong points are zero, his ranking still rises to sixth and no one below dares to challenge him, so he looks into the top three

In fact, the monks who entered the top ten rarely challenged those who ranked in the top, because such a risk is extremely great in their view. Since there is already a chance to enter the source of civilization, then don't mess with it anymore.

Li Xing's ideas are different. He decided that before entering the source of civilization, he must be shocked to the extent of supreme power. He always felt that the source of civilization is not a good land. Without sufficient strength, it is not appropriate to enter it.

If the war spirit wants to go further, then it is through fighting. Only fighting can make it grow and he has a hunch. He is only one step away from the supreme power. The chance of success is great.

On this day, when it's time to rest, Li Xing and Li Taichu Tu Ba still came to the tea shop to drink tea. The tea here is different from the outside, all of which are tea leaves grown from a superior surface, which tastes very good

Now, Li Taichu is ranked ninth in the ultimate list and Tu Ba is ranked tenth. Both have accepted many challenges, and they have finally come through.

No one dares to challenge them now ~ www.readwn.com ~ As long as no powerful characters appear, they can be guaranteed to stay in the tenth place

I sat down in the tea shop, and suddenly a pair of twins entered here. The twins were born exactly the same, but a black face, a white face, a smile on the white face, and a murderous face on the black face.

They do n’t look very old, like teenagers of seventeen or eight, of course. As for how long they have cultivated and how old they are, it ’s hard to say. Only they know it.

The black and white twins were sitting at the adjacent table, and the two of them talked about themselves.

Helian said: "Boss Bai, the ten people on the ultimate list have come out. Where do we rush?"

Bailian said: "We have inquired, not to say that the first place is too scary. We ca n’t fight the second place and it is very good. Even if I look at it, we set the target at the third and fourth places."

Hearing here, Li Taichu and Tu Ba were taken aback. They were really scared of what they were afraid of. They are now a ninth and a tenth. If they are squeezed by the two, they will fall to ten.

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