Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1398: Supreme 9!

Li Xing's look remained unchanged, saying: "I did not expect that you could use the power of the avatar to consolidate the supreme power and form the supreme realm. I did look down on you."

Huang Yiren snorted coldly: "Boy, what do you think I can be in the second place in the final list, what is it? Today, you have seen my nine avatars, and you have also opened your eyesight, and you can be blinded by death"

He said nothing. In the Supreme Realm, the sword and sword were manifested, strangling towards Li Xing. When these killings pervaded Li Xing's side, the combative armor outside him was already weak like paper, and it was difficult to make effective protection.

At this moment, Li Xing's mind was empty. While he was absorbing the Supreme Master, he was under the influence of the internal force and external force of the Supreme Force. His Supreme Force was condensing at a very fast speed.

What is Supreme Power? At this moment, Li Xing ignored the sword lightsaber, but asked himself

"If absolute power is the essence of power; then supreme power is the sublimation of power. It is no longer just power, but a potential, a symbol, and the ability to transcend power." Li Xing immediately Gave the answer

At this time, the combat gas armor outside him was finally broken by the powerful Supreme Power. At this time, in the plane of the Hunyuan, the square hook suddenly exploded, and the majestic Supreme Power swept out. External Supreme forces are entangled

At this moment, the man in Huangyi immediately sensed that he did not expect that Li Xing had supreme power. He couldn't help but screamed at this moment, and urged the Supreme Realm to kill Li Xing completely.

The force erupting from the square hook did not erupt for too long, and the two quickly reached a balance of two supreme forces inside and outside, one defense and one attack. When they reached a balance, Li Xing broke through.

"This is the case, this is the supreme amount of blood." He smiled slightly, and the whole Zunyuan war spirit suddenly shrank back to the Zunyuan plane, and arranged the combination in a strange way in the plane.

When this combination reaches perfection, it is also the time when the internal and external forces are balanced. Therefore, the perfect combination grows without any pressure, and grows stronger in an instant.

A ray of supreme breath permeated, it and Li Xing's supreme will and supreme plane, the Trinity, regardless of you and me, perfectly combined into a strong energy that is indestructible, all things are unbreakable, this is the supreme power!

At the moment of realizing the supreme power, Li Xing felt as if he had risen from the bottom of the well and jumped to the height of Jiuxiao, widening his horizons, seeing more scenery and a wider world.

He now realized that before the Supreme Power was achieved, everyone was a frog at the bottom of the well. Only when he possessed the Supreme Power did he know what fighting is and what power is

As soon as his supreme power appeared, he released a terrible horror of the people in the yellow clothes who were fighting, and said nothing, left the upper realm and left.

This is not his timidity, but that Li Xing's breath is so terrible. His nine avatars are shaking together, and his deity feels as if he is about to face death at the next moment.

This powerful momentum, he had never encountered before, knowing that he was out of reach, so he had to get rid of

The Huang Yiren was decisive in doing things. He wanted to leave this place and give up entering the source of civilization, but it was a pity to enter the infinite world. It is now too late. When Li Xing shrouded his eyes, he felt a tightness, and was given a force locking

Supreme power, overriding all powers, ordering Wanli Li Xing in one thought, the power of the surrounding space, the power of time, the power of destiny, the power of heaven and earth, and even the absolute power in the body of the Huangyi people are under their control.

These forces condensed into a rope, tightly binding the Huangyi people. He could not escape. The locked power made him completely desperate, and he couldn't help screaming: "How can you break through at this time? This is supreme power."

Li Xing looked at each other with a kind of indifferent eyes, and said, "For the Emperor, there is nothing impossible. Today, you can die in the hand of the Emperor. It is your luck. Go."

Then, Huang Yiren ’s plane suddenly collapsed, the jade **** was annihilated, and the other nine avatars were scattered, and all of them were wiped out by Li Xing.

This is equivalent to beheading ten top eight, and the huge energy contained in their planes has been recovered by Li Xing. This is all a resource for the plane of the mixed element. Of course, it cannot be wasted.

After beheading Huang Yi people, Li Xing found that his merits soared by 380 billion points! So, his ranking suddenly rushed to the second place in the ultimate list.

When he stepped out of the challenge platform, Tu Ba and Li Taichu were still fighting fiercely against the enemy. The twins were not weak, and it was difficult for them to win them in a short while.

Ma Susu witnessed the whole process of Huang Yiren's killing. Now she is completely stupid. Looking at Li Xing with an incredible look, it seems to be petrified.

Li Xing looked at her, and said lightly, "Miss Ma, your dependence is dead, what else do you say?"

Ma Susu smiled horribly. In her plane, she burned an off-white flame, and instantly killed all the creatures in the plane. People cry and beasts, the flames are purgatory, and the scene is very miserable.

Li Xing sighed. He knew that despair had completely destroyed Ma Susu.

"You devil, how can there be a person like you in the world? I, Ma Susu, swore with my life, cursing you for not being able to die, hard to reach the other side!" By the way, her whole body turned into a fly ash in the light of fire.

In a distant space, there was a distant sigh. This sigh was sent by the guardian. He watched his daughter fall, but he could n’t do anything. Ma Susu was not saved. Moreover, Li Xing is not morning and he is not capable of revenge. He can All I did was sigh

Li Xingdao: "Why is it so hard?" Then he glanced into the distance, his eyes seemed to penetrate the infinity, and fell on the guard.

Guarding his teeth, he murmured, "Don't be arrogant, the source of civilization, you will pay!"

Li Xing retracted his gaze, and there was a coldness in his eyes, he said lightly: "I'm waiting!"

As soon as Ma Susu died, he concentrated his energy on the other two challenges. He knew that Li Taichu was 100% winning, and at most 300 tricks were suspended, and it was difficult to separate victory and defeat within a thousand tricks. And the number of winners is five

After thinking for a while, Li Xing seemed to think of something, and a smile appeared on his face. There was no worry at all, and he turned directly to the point of consumption.

Soon after he left, Li Taichu beheaded one of the twins. The strange thing is that once this person died, the other twins' strength was immediately greatly reduced. They were caught by Tu Ba and smashed within ten strokes.

It turned out that the twins are dependent on each other for their lives and strengths. As long as one of them dies, the other will be greatly affected. It is because of this that Tu Ba picked up the bargain and was able to successfully kill the opponent.

Li Xing naturally saw this. He knew that Li Taichu would win, so he was relieved to leave. As expected, Li Taichu beheaded and killed one of the twins. The remaining one did not last long, and was killed soon.

The three met at the tea shop. At this time, Li Xing had already purchased all the new points of merit, and very few of them were left.

Without merit points, his ranking immediately fell to the third place, Li Taichu and Tu Ba, they rose to two levels, eighth and seventh respectively.

Today, three people are in the top ten position, and there are not many people who can challenge.

For the next two or three months, they were waiting, and they were always fine. Li Xing focused on the construction of the mixed plane. Now, he is the 9th grade Supreme, and he has gathered the Supreme Strength.

At this time, he felt that his strength reached a peak, or a bottleneck that could not be broken. He couldn't figure it out for a while. What else would be the top of the ninth grade?

Since he couldn't see the above, he set about cultivating a real hybrid person in the hybrid plane.

As he learned about Supreme Power, the Supreme Tower he is building now has nine floors, and since then, he has been madly weakening the meritorious points and replacing them all with the materials used to build the Supreme Tower.

With all the preparations in place, he can now arbitrarily build a tower of meritorious services and train real people

In fact, with Li Xing's current 9th-grade cultivation practice, a large number of experts have emerged from the Zunyuan plane. However, these people are not very likely to form a climate because there is no tower-like system cultivation.

Now, Li Xing wants to use the Supreme Tower to upgrade the highly qualified monks in the mixed Yuan plane to a whole level to make them stronger.

This is undoubtedly a crazy plan ~ www.readwn.com ~ You know, these monks who entered the broken ancient road are all elites in various places. Last few levels

Most monks are blocked in the front, and even the faces without the tower can not be seen, but the souls of these mixed element planes have the opportunity to directly enter the tower, and get a great opportunity!

Of course, this also shows the strength of the mixed plane from a side. If the creatures inside have extraordinary qualifications, otherwise, these people will not grow up even if there is a tower.

In the first step, all the monks in the mixed Yuan plane touched the Supreme Monks. They were selected by Li Xing, who were 132 people with the best qualifications, the greatest potential, and the highest cultivation. Most of them were mixed Yuan Zhenren, there are also a few plant spirits, demon king and beast king

One hundred and thirty-two people were selected because the current Supreme Tower can only train more than two hundred people. Li Xing left about one hundred places for future use and the remaining one hundred and thirty Twelve places, all of which he took out, used to train these characters

As for the 132 people, how many Chengdu can there be? Li Xing's heart is also bottomless, so he can only take one step at a time.

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