Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1426: Reappearance of the evil

The lord of the yin and yang told him at the beginning that the ultimate mystery is contained in the power of the nine yang. If he can understand the mystery, it may help the supreme fragmentation in the future. Therefore, Li Xing has long been determined to obtain all the power of Jiuyang.

As soon as this idea came out, he thought that he had been impersonating the eleventh prince, and he moved his mind and said, "Don't you know me?"

Talking, he was running Bai Yang's power and immediately caught the attention of the four people present. The prince stared at Li Xing for a moment, and suddenly his face changed, and he seemed to think of something.

The eighth prince and ten princes exclaimed in unison: "You ... are you a eleventh?"

The sixth prince was shocked, but he was overjoyed and shouted, "Eleven brother, are you eleven brother?"

In that year, the eleventh prince grasped the power of Bai Yang. At this time, Li Xing exhibited it and was naturally considered the eleventh prince. In addition, his appearance is somewhat similar to that of the eleven princes of the year, and this identity is even more true.

At this time, the Dongfang Li knew that it was time for him to perform, and he stood up and said loudly, "Yes, this is the eleventh prince. The eleventh prince suffered a storm in the sea of ​​civilization and spent many years outside, and finally returned to the royal family today. This is a big blessing! "

The six princes were overjoyed and immediately said to Li Xing: "Eleven brother, you are well back! Our brothers will join forces to fight against the great prince who murdered you!"

The six princes had already seen that Li Xing had a small level of perfection, was absolutely supreme, and was quite strong. Coupled with the identity of the eleventh prince, and the resentment with the great prince, he naturally wanted to draw links.

The eldest prince looked ugly, and said in a dark voice: "My sixth son, I think you are blind, and you are treated as the eleventh prince by yourself. The eleventh prince is already dead. How can there be eleven princes in this world?"

At present, all four people have mastered the absolute supremacy of Jiuyang's power. The strength is not under him, so that Li Xing is not sure to defeat all of them. Therefore, he showed his "identity of the prince" and used his strength to eliminate them one by one.

In fact, these four people also had a bad attitude towards him, and all wanted to take away his ancient civilization. If he did not impersonate the prince, he would become the public enemy of the four.

After listening to the words of the great prince, Li Xing sneered: "Great prince, you secretly counted against me, you must ask me a statement today!"

Upon hearing Li Xing's remarks, the six princes were overjoyed. "Haha" laughed: "Eleven brother rest assured, Liu brother is standing behind you!"

At this moment, suddenly a terrifying force enveloped the scene, and a loud laugh came, and the long-lost voice sounded: "Good boy, are you finally here?"

Upon hearing this, Li Xing overjoyed and shouted, "Master!"

At this moment, he didn't care about impersonating any prince. There was a **** here, and he was not afraid of the four princes.

I saw a dragon of civilization appearing above the great prince, and then a dark big hand severely suppressed it. He instantly crushed the great prince's civilization dragon and wiped out all the monks on the dragon.

The big hand trembled, many monks turned gray, and even the big prince snorted. He looked shocked and shouted, "Dong Xie, you dare to run to the wild soil!"

On top of the dragon, stood a man in black, with fluttering clothes and flying spirits, who wasn't Tian Xie?

Li Xing was overjoyed, flew up, fell on the civilization dragon, and bowed to the ground: "Master!"

Emperor Tianxie narrowed his eyes and looked at Li Xing, and nodded, "Nice and good, absolutely supreme, Xiaoyuan is a civilized apprentice to my evil ancestors." Said cautiously, and raised Li Xing.

In this scene, the four princes are dumbfounded. What's the matter? The eleventh prince is a disciple of Dongxie?

At this time, Li Xing naturally no longer needed the name of the prince, and said with a smile, "Master, these people, in order to capture the ancient civilization of the disciples, I am posing as the missing eleven prince, and is planning, and your elderly will arrive."

Tian Xie sneered: "It's such a big dog courage, the emperor of civilization is retreating, or whatever, let's join hands with the master and apprentice to make these four people."

Then, he suppressed the ingestion plane of the great prince, while suppressing the eighth prince and the ten prince with both hands.

Li Xing laughed and said, "Leave the rest to the apprentice!"

The eight nobles present were shocked at the same time, and each shot to resist. Suddenly, countless forces of heaven and earth violently collided in the air, thunder blew up, howling storms started, and hundreds of millions of colorful lights fluttered and danced, extremely spectacular.

Li Xing practiced eight Supreme Masters and merged them into one, which is equivalent to mastering the Supreme Master of Taikoo Emperor, so his combat power is far above that of the Six Princes. When I saw him pressing with a large hand, the power of Bai Yang fell wildly, and the three civilized dragons of the protector were directly blasted.

Tens of thousands of monks above the dragon were also shaken into the fly ash by the force of Bai Yang, and died dead. The sixth prince screamed, only to feel that Li Xing was strong and irresistible. His arms were clicked and broken by a huge force, and then his body was heavy, and he was suppressed by one hand.

On the other side, the Emperor Tianxie is also fierce. His breath is soaring, and he obviously has the power of Jiuyang, and his strength is still above Li Xing. When he saw his hands crossed, he easily suppressed the eighth and tenth princes.

As for the civilization dragon belonging to the eight nobles, he was also beaten to fly ash, and everyone died.

The master and apprentice shot fiercely, and there was no one to stop them. They instantly killed the forces sent by the four princes and the eight nobles.

After succeeding, Tianxie said: "Boy, let's go."

With that said, the two rode on the dragon of civilization and left in the air, away from them instantly.

On the way to flying, Emperor Tianxie said: "Your civilization level can still be improved ~ www.readwn.com ~ but you need civilization veins." He thought for a while and said, "Let's kill the prince, we will go. The royal ancestors took a walk, there is a unique vein, which is just for you. "

Li Xing laughed: "Master, except for the emperor of civilization, I am afraid that no one in the royal family is your old opponent?"

Emperor Tianxie snorted: "Being a division is already a great civilization, and has mastered the power of Tianyang. He is comparable to the emperor of that civilization, and oppressed the western poison, the south mad, and the north chaos."

Li Xing rejoiced and said, "Master is really powerful, and he can actually get the power of Tianyang." Then he asked, "The four people we arrested each have the power of Jiuyang. There is a disciple and a master. Where are the remaining three? "

Emperor Tianxie said: "The emperor of civilization has the power of the true sun, and the whereabouts of the other two are unknown. They have never appeared."

Li Xing nodded: "Apart from the emperor of civilization, these four princes are the most powerful members of the royal family. This trip should have no risk."

On this day, the evil emperor lived in the source of civilization for a long time. He knew this area very well. After a while, he took Li Xing into the core area of ​​the royal family and was ready to plunder the gemstone veins to help Li Xing break through.

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