Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1428: Great Impact

The purity of the gemstone veins has reached an incredible level. Even a trace of it can benefit a lot. Li Xing only feels that this vein seems to contain the entire history of Archaic, and countless civilizations.

This is another time-consuming practice, which is 500 years old.

On this day, Li Xing screamed, and the mixed civilization was finally completed. He felt that his life and soul, body and plane were shaking in harmony with the mixed civilization, reaching a state of completeness and balance. .

This is the feeling of completeness. There is no completeness in every part of the body. His long scream, which broke through for nine days, shook the source of civilization slightly.

Emperor Tianxie laughed and said, "Okay, finally stepped into a complete civilization, much faster than the division."

The breakthrough was successful. The master and apprentice did not stay for a moment, and went to the Sea of ​​Civilization according to the plan that day.

The Sea of ​​Civilization is located in the middle-level civilized area. About the origin of this sea, Li Xing once learned from the mouth of Yin and Yang. This sea is said to be made up of the power of the surviving civilizations of the ancient civilization. It is so inscrutable that it cannot be controlled by the royal family.

In the sea, there is a list of civilizations. Anyone who wants to develop civilization and achieve further achievements must imprint his own civilization on the list of civilizations.

In addition, the civilization list has the civilization level ranking of all civilizations in the entire main plane. Legend has it that only the top three people in the ranking can have the opportunity to reach the supremely broken realm.

No matter from which perspective, Li Xing must imprint civilization on the list of civilizations.

A few days later, the two came to the sea of ​​civilization. Looking at it, the sea of ​​civilization is boundless, and the blackness is vast, and there is no trace of love on the sea.

The sea water is actually black. There is no trace of vitality and spirituality. Is this the sea of ​​civilization?

Li Xing was very surprised. He picked up a handful of seawater and held it in his hands, only to see that the seawater was full of the breath of death and destruction, like corpse ash, and the dirty black oil discharged from the kitchen sewer.

He sighed and said to Heavenly Evil: "Master, it seems that the ancient civilization was completely annihilated, and what is left is just such useless things."

The Emperor Tianxie also learned from Li Xing ’s mouth the ancient history told by the master of yin and yang, and said: "80% of the list of civilizations is the manifestation of the supreme will, which should be related to the replacement of civilization."

Li Xing calculated for a moment and then said: "The words said by the princes before their death always made apprentices worry that after the emperor of civilization was closed, I would not know how to improve."

The master and apprentice said that they reached the core of the Sea of ​​Civilization, and they saw a monumental light monument of great height, standing tall in the middle of the sea, clearly showing the names, densely packed, large and small.

Among them, the top name is called Dongfangshen. This name may be the first reason. It is flashing intense brilliance, and the handwriting is very huge, which can be seen from a distance.

The second name is the word Dongxie. The handwriting is also huge. It is only slightly inferior to the first name, which is the Emperor Tianxie.

The third, fourth and fifth places are Nankang, Xidu and Beiran.

As for the names below, they are getting smaller and smaller, and then they are almost invisible and dim.

Emperor Tianxie said, "This is the list of civilizations. This thing is really magical. It is really a big deal that can connect with the civilization of monks in the world."

Li Xing nodded. Immediately following the teachings of Tianxie, he waved his hand immediately, and a shocked rainbow rushed into the light stele, but it was his mixed Yuan civilization. Breathing into the monument, Li Xing suddenly felt the innumerable fragments of civilization rushed into his plane.

Emperor Tianxie warned him to absorb only the useful parts of these fragments, and the others should not be questioned. There have been examples of monks left with imprints being too greedy and absorbing too many fragments of civilization, causing the plane to explode.

However, Li Xing is obviously a special civilized deity, and his mixed-yuan civilization is the most capable of refining all civilized forces for his own use. At this moment, he let go of his weight and absorbed as many endless pieces of civilization as possible.

Ordinary monks can only absorb a few pieces at most, and up to a dozen pieces equivalent to their own civilization, so as to enhance their civilization. Li Xing had a brain and absorbed all the fragments.

One hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred million!

Emperor Tianxie was surprised to see that on the list of civilizations, he shot a colorful light of civilization, which was bold and magnificent, directly covering Li Xing. Within this beam of light, there are countless pieces of civilization that have continually entered the Li Xing plane, and have been absorbed and refined by ancient civilization trees.

If there are only ancient trees of civilization, it is impossible to extract and absorb so many fragments of civilization, but if you add Li Xing's mixed-yuan civilization, this is not a problem.

Li Xing feels that among these fragments of civilization, not only are the imprints left by the great civilization of ancient civilizations here, but also the remnants of civilization left by the ancient civilization.

All these have become the nourishment of the mixed civilization.


Three artifacts rushed out of Li Xing's head, namely the mixed yuan gun, the heaven and earth furnace, and the Provincial Altar. These three things oscillated in a shocking mixed yuan phoenix, and howled, constantly changing.

The Emperor of Heavenly Evil sees a strange light and secretly murmurs: "This mixed Yuan civilization is really amazing. It can draw on the advantages of all civilizations and extract the strongest civilization! I wonder how powerful he will be after he enters Great Consummation? Over my master, right? "

This process lasted for nearly a hundred days. With Li Xingcai's long sigh, the beam of light shot by the civilization list disappeared. In the meantime, Li Xing absorbed countless pieces of civilization. After refining and absorbing, his mixed-yuan civilization reached an unprecedented height ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Xing has a strong layer of civilization in his body. In response, his name also appeared on the list of civilizations.

The word Hunyuan is very large, and it continues to jump from the original tenth place to the eighth, sixth, fourth, and finally to third.

At this time, the Emperor Tianxie shouted: "It's still a little bit short of time, and I'm going to achieve great consummation for the teacher!" In other words, he threw out hundreds of phosgenes and shot at Li Xing.

These three phosgenes are civilization veins that the Great Evil Emperor has only collected in the past few years, including four rare veins and more than 500 Shangpin veins.

With so many veins falling into the plane, Li Xing can directly make a breakthrough in the second round and impact the great civilization.

Above Li Xingtian Spirit, a shock of light burst into the sky, turning it into an ancient tree of civilization. It is tall and majestic, its roots must be severely pierced into the upper and lower quarters, the octopoles of the universe, covering the entire sea of ​​civilization.

At this moment, the civilization list shook again, and inside it emitted countless lights of civilization, all of which broke into the ancient tree, and it actually started the second civilization eruption!

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