Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1430: Incarnation

Li Xing only felt that his mind suddenly sank and merged with the whole theme. At this moment, he was the theme, knowing all the secrets, all history of the theme, and speaking with the master of Yin and Yang. Verification one by one. . .

At this time, he felt his body sink again, fell quickly, broke through many spaces, and directly entered the infinite theme. At this moment, he had a feeling that he was the creator and the heaven and earth dominator, and he must make the universe of this period more perfect.

This state of mind appears involuntarily and cannot be resisted.

Li Xing fell to the lower realm, and the emperor of civilization smiled coldly, saying, "From ancient times to the present, all who have become the masters of civilization have either been forced into the upper realm or become the unconscious supreme will. In short, your apprentice is dead . "

At first, Tianxie Emperor was full of anger and murder, but after listening to the other party's words, he calmed down at this time, looking at the emperor of civilization with a weird look, and said, "You overlooked a little."

The emperor of civilization snorted, "What do you want to say?"

Emperor Tianxie smiled with an unpredictable and profound smile, and said, "Li Xing is a disciple of my evil ancestor."

"Whatever it is, you are going to fall, too." The Oriental God of Civilization, coldly.

Emperor Tianxie: "At that time, you will find that today's decision is very wrong."

"He wants to survive, unless he can break through to supreme fragmentation before his self-consciousness is lost. Is it possible? From ancient times to the present, no one can be supremely fragmented, and even the Protoss of the Old Age did not succeed, but In the process of supreme fragmentation, the smoke is gone! "

After speaking, he stared at the evil spirit: "Your disciples are finished, it is your turn now."

Tian Xie sneered: "It's not a small tone!" When he first attacked the emperor of civilization, the two started a fierce fight.

At this time, due to the replacement of civilization and the disappearance of the supreme will, the emperor of civilization at this time could not suppress the Emperor of Heavenly Evil, and the two sides became a draw.

But he said that Li Xing fell into the dust and sighed in his heart. Could he be counted as such? Is it possible to come back?

It turned out that during the process of civilization replacement, the process of civilization replacement has always been jointly controlled by the royal family and the Supreme Court. Generally, the royal civilization first selects the most advanced civilization, and then passes the assessment of the Supreme Court to list it as a backup civilization.

The emperor of civilization has always used this to put one after another on the list that can threaten his status, so that they become the masters of civilization, eventually lose their will, or escape into the upper bound and die.

Because the master of civilization will gradually lose his will and become the puppet of the highest will, he has already figured this out.

In particular, the emperor of civilization used his tricks to murder all the twelve aristocrats of the Supreme Court, swallowed up their power, and made himself the endorsement of the Supreme Court.

In this way, some of his ideas can be realized through the highest will, such as the seal of Li Xing between thoughts, which made the billions of years of yin and yang civilization flow away instantly, directly into the next round of civilization replacement.

At the same time, he forcibly added Li Xing to the list, making it the next alternative civilization after the Yin-Yang civilization.

At this time, Li Xing already had the qualifications to dominate. He understood that the so-called **** was actually a substitute for the civilization of the subject plane. Because the civilization of the theme has long been destroyed.

To function properly without a civilized theme, the support of a new civilization must be supported, so the highest will will drive the operation of the entire theme in a rotation of civilizations. In addition, Supreme Will also wants to use this rotation to choose a civilization that can truly replace the ancient civilization.

Obviously, this purpose of the Supreme Will has not yet been achieved, which has led to the successive civilizations of the epoch, and then the main plane can be operated.

Unfortunately, the highest will used to choose the ultimate alternative to civilization, but instead the way for the emperor of civilization to exclude dissidents, distorted the original intention.

The emperor of civilization obviously has ambitions. He either wants to be supremely broken or wants to rule the source of civilization permanently. Regardless of the idea, Li Xing is his obstacle, so it must be removed.

Moments later, Li Xing fell into the lower bounds. He saw the four wastelands and saw heaven and earth. At this time, the heaven and earth government have gradually lost their vitality. It can also be seen that the supreme yin and yang dominate, I am afraid that there is not much Shou Yuan.

He remembered the promise to the master of yin and yang, saying: "Master of yin and yang, I don't know how long you can hold on, I can only do this step." Say, he grabbed his hands down, and the power of the entire main plane was He used it.


The heaven and the court are one, the yin and yang embrace each other, reach a new level, and then disappear suddenly.

At the same time, the yin and yang ruler of the upper bound is slowly aging. He was desperate, but suddenly felt that his civilization had undergone transformation. From yin and yang civilization to tai chi civilization, yin and yang embraced each other, which is called tai chi.

This transformation has greatly eased his aging.

"He is actually the next dominator, but I don't know if he can succeed?" The yin and yang sighed, his eyes were full of confusion and despair.

After Li Xing had done this, he flashed over the four wastelands. His body seems to be fused with the whole theme, and it is extremely great. His will is the will of heaven and earth, and his thoughts are the rules of heaven and earth and the order of the universe.

He can create everything and change everything.

Li Xing said, "No matter what the outcome is, let me change this world. I also want to teach future generations that I am the great emperor of the Yuan Dynasty.

In other words, he reached down and pressed down, and Sihuang suddenly gathered to the center, and instantly became one. Among the four wastelands, the will of the ancient Emperor of Heaven was suddenly released, and a ray of will passed to Li Xing's mind.

"Finally, the followers appeared, Wu Nai Taigu Tiandi, passed on to Gao Yiyi!"

Because Li Xing practiced the Supreme Master of Taikoo Emperor and possessed the power of Jiuyang, he was recognized by the Emperor Tianyi and inherited the meaning of the Uprising.

With a shocked expression on Li Xing's face, he murmured, "Nine Yangs are united, supremely broken, is this really the case?"

What Taikoo Emperor left behind was just a ray of thought, not an avatar. He told Li Xing that the power of Jiuyang between heaven and earth, all from outside the region, is the most powerful nine kinds of power outside the region, with extraordinary powers.

Combining these nine forces into one, you can have the possibility of supreme fragmentation and restore the glory of the supreme civilization!

Suddenly, the four wastelands merged into one, and two glorious brilliances emerged from the inside, one is the power of Yuyang, the other is the power of Tianyang, but the two powers of Nine Yang left by Taikoo Emperor when he was beheaded. , Now all belong to Li Xing.

This time, Li Xing's power of the nine yang reached seven, and his strength increased again. At this time, he took out the Tiandi Honglu, the mixed Yuan gun, and the Proto-Altar, and put all the latter two into the Tiandi Honglu.

The mixed yuan gun and the Proto-altar altar melted for a while ~ www.readwn.com ~ The great consummation power was absorbed by the heaven and earth flood furnace. At this time, Li Xing sighed and said, "Heaven and earth are mixed, Vientiane is one!"

Suddenly, there was no light and heat from the flood furnace that day, and it instantly turned into a huge and extremely powerful furnace tripod, with or without power. This hearth is exactly the manifestation of Li Xing's mixed Yuan civilization, and it is also the means by which he created the world.

Sihuang was the first to be taken into the mixed Yuan furnace tripod, and then Li Xing yelled and raised the tripod. A mighty Yuanyuan power, a mixture of seven nine-yang powers burst out, and even the high will could not restrain it.

The war-fighting evil and the emperor of civilization were shocked at the same time, and they saw that Li Xing was returning to the source of civilization!

You must know that the master cannot enter the source of civilization. This is a rule set by the highest will, and no one can break it. But at this moment, Li Xing is ignoring the rules!

The emperor of civilization changed his face and shouted in shock: "What is going on? How could there be such a powerful power?"

With no expression on his face, Li Xing stretched out his hand, and the entire source of civilization suddenly and infinitely narrowed down, then turned into a ray of civilization phosgene and was thrown into the furnace.

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