Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 150: Wish of Bei Shibing

Chapter 67: Bei Shibing's Wish

Emperor Tianxie: "Your concerns are right, neither Qi Yunpai nor Wang Zixing are suitable for your development. In the future, they are likely to become obstacles to your success."

"So the apprentice wants to win the city of Bayun. In the future, if he leaves, it will be more convenient to enter the desert through Bayun. In addition, this will also make Wang Zixing feel at ease for me. Not yet willing to tear his face with Wang Zixing. "

On the way back to Benmacheng, Li Xing talked with Emperor Tianxie.

Slow to come, fast to go, less than half a day, Li Xing returned to Benma City.

The next day after returning to the city, Li Xing was dealing with the affairs in the city, and suddenly someone came to report that a woman outside had not been seen. Li Xingchai was Bei Shibing and went out to meet him in person.

The caller was Bei Shibing. She was sitting in the living room at the moment, looking around. A servant had already brought tea and dried fruits, and she was enjoying them politely. Not long after, there were footsteps behind the curtain in front, and the curtain flickered, and Li Xing walked out with a smile.

"Girl Beishi, I have been waiting for you for a long time." Li Xing bowed his hand, and Bei Shibing was able to come, he was very happy. If we really want to develop to Tianchen Kingdom in the future, there are many places to borrow from the North Teachers' House.

Bei Shibing stood up, raised his hands, looked at Li Xing, and suddenly smiled: "Master Li Cheng, after that day, the two inner disciples of Xun Bing and Xuan Bingmen have disappeared. I know what happened?"

Li Xing's look remained unchanged, and he laughed: "After being stolen by the instrument that day, I was unable to recover it, so I gave up searching and did not know what happened."

Bei Shibing is also a wise man, and sighed: "It seems that the person who robs the magic weapon must be a master of five or more gods, otherwise it will never be easy to escape with the help of many masters."

Li Xing's mind was like a mirror, and he secretly said: "This North Division ice, I must have guessed that the disappearance of the three poisonous puppets has something to do with me. It must not be leaked out, or it will be bad for me." Thinking of this, he laughed. With a smile, she said, "The girl from the North Normal University has been away from home for a long time, but she can decide when to return?"

Bei Shibing seemed to see through Li Xing's mind and asked with a smile: "Why, don't you want me to stay in Pingguo?"

"Of course not." Li Xing laughed, "Hehe", "If the girl from the North Division stays, if necessary, she will give her all her help. If the girl from the North Division wants to return to Tianchen, she will be escorted."

"Thank you very much, I really want to go back to Tianchen. But before I go back, there is one more wish, can you help me?" Bei Shiluo said.

"Her wish is not easy to achieve. I still don't want to say anything to death." After turning his thoughts, Li Xing said, "Please go all out."

Bei Shi fell overjoyed and patted Li Xing on the shoulder: "Good! Enough friends!"

Li Xing was beaten by this shot, but his heart was slightly cold, and he smiled: "The girl in the north division hasn't said yet, what the **** is going on?"

Bei Shibing sighed and sat down slowly, saying, "Li Xing, do you know why I escaped from Tianchen Kingdom?"

"Not that you are tired of staying at home and want to go out for a walk?" Li Xing said with a smile.

"This is just one reason. The biggest reason for my departure is that I don't want to marry the Beichen family. The Bei family is one of the eight surnames of Tianchen, but the big family also has the helplessness of the big family."

Li Xing came from another world, pretending a storyline of a TV drama, and guessed at the first hearing, but deliberately said, "Girl Beishi, Beichen is the surname of Tianchen. All the surnames are members of the royal family. What ’s wrong with others? "

Bei Shi smiled coldly, a pair of wonderful eyes stared at Li Xing, resentfully: "The person the family wants me to marry is named Bei Chenhao, a 60-year-old bad old man! The most hateful thing is that he already has 13 wives and concubines. But I still have to make my mind! "

Li Xing was startled: "Is sixty-three years old?" He twisted his fingers and sighed, "Since ancient times, Hongyan has been so fragile! It must be that the girl from the North Normal School is too beautiful, so she let the old ghost be impressed, and then The North teacher's family put pressure. "

But Bei Shibing shook his head: "It's not that the old man is looking for him. My father wants to send me over. Bei Chenhao is one of the six generals in Tianchen. He has military power in his hands, so the North teacher's family has to stop him."

Being in a big family, marriage is often difficult to be autonomous. Li Xing naturally understood that he thought about it and suddenly patted the table.


Bei Shibing was startled, looked at Li Xing strangely, and asked, "What are you doing?"

Li Xing looked indignant and yelled, "I'm angry at your father. How can I just marry you to a bad old man? He has no right to be a father!"

Bei Shibing was startled, pointing at Li Xing: "Dare you say that?"

Li Xing said this half-heartedly, half-intentionally, and continued with a stern face: "If I have a daughter, I will never let her do things that she does not like. This is the way to be a father."

Bei Shibing immediately became interested. In Tianyuanzhou, her daughter's status was not as good as that of men. Therefore, Chen Jinsong was willing to give Chen Xue and Chen Shuang to Wang Yang at that time; Bai Pingdu would bring Bai Qiong and Bai Jing to the door in order to tie up Li Xing.

As a man, Li Xing said something that warmed a woman and naturally made Bei Shibing very useful. She said with a smile: "Who says this in your mouth, who knows what you think? In the future, if you have a daughter, you may be less human than my father. For the benefit, you just marry your daughter."

Li Xing repeatedly waved his hand: "Never, no matter whether it is rich or expensive, I will not do this. Women are not lifeless things. They have ideas, how can they marry others casually?"

Bei Shibing was quite happy, nodding his head again and again: "Yeah! Family members, just don't take our daughter's house seriously, I just ran out alone."

Having said that, Li Xing asked: "What is the thing that the girl from the North Teacher asked me to do? Is it necessary to bring someone down to cheer up your father?"

Bei Shibing stared: "My father killed you with one finger. Do you dare to go?"

Li Xinggan laughed: "Ling Zun is a master of God?"

Bei Shibing said "Hum": "My father is practicing Shenjue ~ www.readwn.com ~ Put it in your country, maybe he will be the first master!" Although she was annoyed at her father, she said at the moment Because of his cultivation, there is an unbelievable pride in his tone.

After a pause, Bei Shibing sighed, "My wish is to find a man I like."

When Li Xing stayed, this matter was even harder than expected.

I do not know what kind of man the noble lady from this big family likes. Even if she likes it, how dare the man rob a woman with a big figure like Bei Chenhao?

Li Xing's stunned expression made Bei Shibing frown and show his eyebrows: "How, is it difficult?"

Li Xinggan coughed: "I don't know, what kind of man does the girl in the north division like?"

Bei Shibing's spirit suddenly appeared, his eyes fluttered and he smiled: "The man I like must be good to me! He must be strong, handsome, and dare to be a dare ..."

Before Bei Shibing's words were finished, Li Xing was bitter in his heart and said, "If there is such a man, he would have been snatched away by a woman. Can you still be your chick?"

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