Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 21: 3rd serious injury. Stepped on by horse

Yuntianxiang Tower is by no means an ordinary green building. Anyone who can come here is a man with a head and face in Qingyun City. When Li Xing entered the hall, this shout immediately attracted many eyes.

Alas, these eyes revealed to Li Xing a sense of contempt. In Tianxiang Tower, there are people with identity. No one will yell and be rude like Li Xing.

The guy who led Li Xing into the room was startled and said quickly: "My son, please enter the room."

The upper room of Wu Tianxiang Tower is not worse than Li Ying's Ling Xiao Pavilion. The furniture here is made of the precious 'Agarwood Rosewood'. The tableware here is also made of precious ruby.

The upper room where Li Xing arrived was located on the second floor, "Tianzi No. 9", which was quite large.

I sat in a chair and Li Xing patted the table: "Hurry up! Call the most beautiful woman!"

The fellow couldn't help showing his disdain, but he held back, nodded in agreement, and slowly retreated.

"What! There is nothing bad in the world today!"

Suddenly, Li Xing heard a voice from the next door, which seemed to be mixed with a woman's laughter. Originally, the sound insulation of the upper room was excellent. But Li Xing is a four-practice figure with strong ears and a loud voice, so he could hear clearly.

Li Xing ran to Tianxianglou, who wanted to eat a meal of overlords, and then angered the owner of Tianxianglou, so he was full. However, he suddenly smiled when he heard someone scolding him.

Obviously, the person next door, because Li Xing yelled and irritated, so scolded.

兴 Li Xing patted the table heavily, stood up and yelled, "Which **** said Lao Tzu!" He walked out of the room angrily, and came to the next room on the 8th Tianzi, and banged and opened the door.

一 As soon as the door of the room opened, a scent of butter powder suddenly burst on his face. A young boy, holding two women from left to right, is in good looks. Their faces were flushed and panting, and the men's hands were quite uncomfortable with their hands. At this moment, the heart was springing and they couldn't hold on.

The young boy, twenty-four years old, wore a blue robe, white jade inlaid on his belt, and a boy's hat on his head.

"Bold!" Seeing Li Xing break in, the young son was furious and said nothing, and threw his hand at Li Xing.

The young son was a quaternary figure who practiced blood successfully. The cup was thrown, and he screamed, and went straight to Li Xing's face.

Li Xing is also practicing the quadruple of blood, but he hasn't completed it yet. He responds very fast, stretches out his right hand, and blocks in front of him.


The ruby ​​red wine glass shattered into powder, which made Li Xing's palm hurt. He secretly said, "I am afraid that this person's realm is still above me!"

Scrutinizing Li Xing's extraordinary skill, the young son sneered again and again: "What is dead! Dare to disturb my son Ya Xing, I will not kill you today, everyone in Qingyun City will be a mess for me as Zhao Sangong!"

He didn't wait for Zhao San to summon, and two big men had already rushed in next door. As soon as the two arrived, the tyrannical blood of the whole body burst out, putting great pressure on Li Xing.

"These two guys are at least masters in training blood! What is the origin of this guy? He actually used such masters as a bodyguard!" Li Xing was surprised, but he was not afraid, and he pointed at Zhao Sangong's nose : "Son Wang, you can't beat the little man, do you want others to shoot?"

三 Zhao Sangong was furious, kicked the table, pushed the woman in his arms aside, his eyes were cold and electric, and he designated Li Xing: "Kill him! Kill him!"

Two big men, forced Li Xing over. There is nothing wrong with Li Xing's speculation. They are all five monks who practice blood. They are more than twice as powerful as Li Xing, and they are faster and more responsive.

Li Xing only saw the figure flash, two fists have been hit at his ribs. Obviously, the two's combo technique is very delicate, and they have cooperated more than once.

After all, Li Xing is also practicing the quadruple of blood. For this punch, he has a 40% chance to avoid it. However, he had to stop there and try to beat him.


I hit two fists and hit them to the left and right, Li Xing felt a severe pain and his ribs were broken!

After the ribs are broken, they penetrate directly into the lungs, causing internal bleeding.

The pain caused Li Xing to bend his body like a shrimp, his face twisted. However, he still looked at Zhao Sangong with a provocative look.

三 Zhao Sangong gritted his teeth and sneered: "Beat me, fight to the death!"


The five monks who practiced blood are more than ten thousand catties! With one punch, even elephants can be seriously injured, let alone humans?

Even if Li Xing practiced blood fourfold, his skin and muscles were very arrogant, but he would still be injured, and he was seriously injured.

The intensive punches and kicks were constantly applied to Li Xing. His body was soft, his breathing was weak, and he seemed dead. However, the two boxers kept on, and they "clicked" and interrupted Li Xing's legs and arms, and then stopped.

Xie Yi kicked Li Xing and saw him motionless. He said coldly, "It can't be saved."

三 Zhao Sangong was satisfied and waved his hand: "Throw it out!"

A big man struck out a comatose Li Xing with one hand and strode out.


兴 Li Xing was thrown directly by the big man from the door of Tianxiang Tower, flew more than ten meters high, and slammed heavily to the ground, making a "pop".

大 The big man lost a man, didn't take a closer look, and went straight back to the room. When he wanted to come, Li Xing would surely die. Such dead people need not be ignored.

三 Zhao Sangong has a status in Qingyun City. Even if someone is killed, it is not a big deal. Privileges exist in any world.

It happened so well that Li Xing's body had just landed on the ground, like a dead body, running across the middle of the road. At this time, a healthy horse came rushing ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Xing's "horse corpse", the horse's hoof just fell, "flutter" stepping on Li Xing's chest.

Li Xing's consciousness remained sober. He heard the sound of horseshoes and grinned in his heart. Sure enough, the next thing was intense pain. He had already been seriously injured, and he suffered additional injuries. The horse was a BMW, and the power on the hoof was no less heavy.

There was a scream of a woman from Li Ma, and Li Xing was a little familiar.

"唏 Jinjin!"

BMW people stood up and immediately jumped into a red shadow, but it was a girl. The girl is not someone else, it is the lady of the Chen family in Sanyiyuan, Chen Shuang.

霜 Chen Shuang dismounted and looked at Li Xing in a coma. Because Li Xing changed her appearance, she did not recognize that the person on the ground was Li Xing.

"Hey, are you okay?" Chen Shuang asked loudly, touching Li Xing with his toes.

Li Xing thought to herself that she would have died early. She asked me if she was okay. Is it a female idiot?

Seeing that Li Xing did not answer, Chen Shuang was a little panicked and looked up at Tianxiang Garden. She saw the score, and someone just threw this person out just under the horse's hoof.

霜 Chen Shuang was very angry. She wanted to question the person, but the person in front of her seemed to have not died yet and must be dealt with. "Honger" stepped on him just now, I'm afraid he won't survive.

"Forget it, always Honger stepped on him, or take it back to rescue, do everything, listen to destiny!" Thinking of this, Chen Shuang mentioned Li Xing, jumped on horseback, and hurried to Sanyi Garden

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