Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 23: Chen Jinsong. Qingyun Tower

When Xiao Xiao was eating beautiful snacks, Li Yuanzheng's housekeeper Li Yuanzheng said helplessly: "Master, that Li Xing, you can't move for the time being."

Last time, Li Xing dared to challenge his majesty, and Li Jie was so angry that he always wanted Li Yuan to teach Li Xing a meal. Right now, he suddenly heard Li Yuan say that he couldn't move him, and he was furious: "Why can't he move? A waste!"

Li Yuan smiled bitterly: "Master, haven't you seen yet? Li Xing is no longer a waste, but a talent for training blood."

"What did you say?" Li Jie stood up, his eyes flashed wildly, "He can actually train blood! Why can this waste, wild species, train blood?"

In the world, there are always some inexplicable people who have a strange and jealous character. No one can be seen as good. Li Jie is obviously this type of person.

Li Yuandao: "The young master seriously injured Li Xing last time, didn't he feel it?"

Li Jie also realized at that time that Li Xing did not seem to be a waste material as legendary. Only then was he preconceived, and always regarded Li Xing as a useless person, without thinking too much. At this time, Li Yuan mentioned that Li Jie realized that Li Xing, at least, was the dual of training.

"Master, Li Xing does not practice blood, the old slave can kill him at any time. But now things have changed and Li Xing's father is awake."

杰 Li Jie frowned: "You mean the drunkard? What happened to him when he was awake? My father also practiced qi, aren't you afraid of him?"

"You don't have to be afraid, but Li naturally behaves fiercely, is insidious, and he is a triple-manipulator. Once such a person offends him, the master is not easy to clean up."

"Hmm! Lee is more powerful, only one person, wouldn't it be killing him?"

Li Yuan smiled bitterly. He wanted to say that Li naturally was not alone, but a group of people, but opened his mouth and said nothing.

Li Jie's face was more angry, and he patted the table: "Li Yuan! No matter what you think, this Li Xing, you must kill him!"

Li Yuangan laughed: "Master, want to move Li Xing, there is no way out."

Li Jie's eyes lit up: "Oh? You speak!"

Li Yuan's eyes flashed fiercely: "In a few more days, it will be time to compete for quotas. At that time, the master can kill Li Xing with his five strengths of blood training! On the ring, there are lives and deaths, even if they are killed. He, naturally, is hard to say anything! "

Li Yuan laughed wildly: "Yes! At that time, in front of everyone in Sanyi Garden, I killed Li Xing and made him mad at Master Ben!"

Li Yuan nodded: "So Master has worked hard in the past few days, and with the help of the Master, he will be able to successfully break through the four stages of blood training and step into the fifth stage of blood training."

什么 What did Li Jie think of suddenly, and asked, "Will Li naturally also help Li Xing to improve his strength? Let him reach the fifth level of training?"

I met Li Yuan for a moment, and thought for a while, and said, "Then Li Xing, I have seen it once, at most triple training. In such a short time, it is impossible to reach the fifth training."

Li Jie laughed and said, "I watched him too much. I was trained to triple to four. How can I break through in a few years? I am worried now that Li Xing is not qualified to participate in the competition, so I have no chance. Kill him."

Li Yuandao: "The matter is handed over to the old slave, which must make him eligible to participate."

兴 Li Xing didn't know that Li Jie was about to kill him. It was late at night. He carried the blood in his body and constantly opened the bone meridian. The meridians of the bones are quite smooth. They are like day and night. It takes less than ten days to fully open the meridians.

The next morning, Li Xing still turned into "Zhao Yun" and returned to the house Chen Shuang had prepared for him.

招 Recruited warriors like him have a good status in Sanyiyuan, and no one will ask him where he went overnight. The two maids immediately prepared breakfast for Li Xing and waited diligently.

After breakfast, Chen Shuangfeng appeared in a rage, and laughed, "Zhao Mengshi, my father invited me."

一 When Li Xing moved, he rarely saw Chen Jinsong. Chen Jinsong is the No. 2 person in Sanyiyuan, and he is smooth.

"In the future, I will always be ahead. The first step is to establish a foothold in Sanyi Garden. This Chen Jinsong will be in contact with him sooner or later. It is not a bad thing to see at first sight." Then smiled, "Well, please take the lead."

The two of them crossed the bridge and entered the Sanyi Garden, Tianxin Pavilion, one of the three pavilions. Lingxiao Pavilion, Tianxin Pavilion and Yudan Pavilion are the places where the three owners of Sanyi Garden live.

Tiantian Pavilion is where Chen Jinsong rests and deals with family affairs.

As soon as Li Xing entered the cabinet, he saw a middle-aged man sitting in the middle and projecting a pair of lightning-like eyes. This person is Chen Jinsong, the owner of the Chen family.

Li Xing was neither humble nor humble, and slightly arched his hand: "I've met the master." Today, he is the Chen family's warrior.

劲 Chen Jinsong nodded, "hehe" smiled: "Zhao Mengshi, please sit down."

Li Xing sat down and Chen Shuang laughed: "Father, Zhao Mengshi is already practicing quadruple blood, and he will be left with his daughter in the future, okay?"

Chen Jinsong loved the two daughters quite a bit, and said with a smile: "Okay, do whatever you want." Then look at Li Xing, "Li Mengshi, Sanyiyuan has a great career and rules. In the future, as long as You can do everything with your heart and observe the rules. Sanyiyuan will not treat you badly. "

Li Xingwei bowed his head: "Yes ~ www.readwn.com ~ Well, Xiao Shuang, Zhao Mengshi will be with you in the future, and the rest will be arranged by you."

Li Xing stood up and left Chen Shuang to leave.

Out of the Tianxin Pavilion, Chen Shuang laughed, "Zhao Yun, tonight there is a Confucius Conference. The young talents in Qingyun City will all be there. Go with me."

From Li Xing's point of view, the so-called Cifu Conference is a rich second-generation and official second-generation official who is full of food and has nothing to do. He is really not interested. However, since he was a follower beside Chen Shuang, he had to agree.


Chen Shuang called two maids and three men. The three male servants were all triples of blood training, and the maids were doubles of blood training. Seven people, each riding a group of horses, rushed out of Sanyi Garden, and went straight to the place where the Cifu was held.

Li Xing can't actually ride a horse. However, after practicing the quartet, his grasp of balance far exceeds that of ordinary people. He immediately adapted to how to ride horses.

The hoof hoared and slowly slowed down. Just ahead, there is a six-storey restaurant with the word "Qingyunlou" written on it.

Qi Qingyun Tower is the first restaurant in Qingyun City. Not only because of its style, but also because this restaurant is set up by the city owner. Those who can enter Qingyun Tower are either rich or expensive, or have great fame and status.

There are some local rich people, in order to be able to enter the Qingyun Tower, they often spare no expense. Because entering the Qingyun Tower, you must meet many of the big names in Qingyun City.

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