Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 25: 4 complete blood training.

"Is this word made by this person in advance?" Zhu Qingying thought secretly.

清 What level of Chen Shuang is, Zhu Qingying couldn't be more clear. Moreover, the two words are both magnanimous and non-daughter's heart, even if Chen Shuang's words are good, it is impossible to do it.

The rest of the people have long slapped their hands and sighed loudly.

"Qingyun City has another word in the hand! Qian Bixie is far less talented than Chen Shuang!"

"Hugh said that money is evil, even if Murong Jiaojiao, the talented woman in Pingguo's first word, may not be able to make such good words."

霜 Chen Shuang was a little bit fluttering, just two words, but she did not do it, her face looked a little unnatural. And that Zhu Qingying, has been focusing on Li Xing.

When she first saw Li Xing, she only felt a clear-eyed teenager. But the more I look at it, the more I feel Li Xing's temperament towards everything. This kind of temperament is almost impossible to appear in this age when the force is respected and the strong is king.

Cowardly people often reveal their lowly temperament. The strong one is arrogant, with his eyes above the top. This is the normal state of people in Tianyuanzhou. People like Li Xing rarely appear.

I felt Zhu Qingying's gaze, Li Xing only knew it.

Zhu Qingying looked for a while, Bao Ran laughed: "Chen Shuang, can you let me, your servant?"

霜 After Chen Shuang heard it, she stayed for a while, sneering in her heart, but she groaned on her face: "Okay, miss, you can exchange for 100,000 blood crystals."

The room was full of air-conditioned sounds, 100,000 blood crystals! The entire Qingyun City, I am afraid, can not provide such a huge amount of blood crystals. A random one, worth this price?

Zhu Qingying smiled with a sting: "Since you don't agree, then forget it." Then he smiled and said to Li Xing, "Zhao Yun, if you are tired at the Li family, you can go to the Zhu family. What the Li family gave you Feng Lu, the Zhu family has doubled. "

Chen Shuang was annoyed and said coldly, "Zhao Yun, if you want to go to Zhu's house, you can go now!"

Li Xing laughed secretly in his heart, knowing that the two women were fighting, he calmly said: "The Chen family knows Zhao Yun well, and Zhao Yun will not leave."

霜 Chen Shuang's heart was originally not sure, and Li Xing would not leave. At this moment, when he heard him say, his heart was relieved, and his mood was also cheerful. She sighed deliberately: "It seems that you are going to let Qingying down. Zhao Yun has a big vision and is unwilling to go to Zhu's house."

Speaking of this sentence, she secretly devalued the Zhu family, making everyone laughed silently, and Zhu Qingying frowned slightly.

Next, everyone made their first words. If he couldn't leave, Li Xing really wanted to jump downstairs, so as not to hear those offensive words, but he finally held back.

This boring fu conference lasted for three hours before Chen Shuang and Li Xing came downstairs and turned to Sanyi Garden.

On the way back, Chen Shuang had a smile on his face, and said to Li Xing, "You are so bold!" She clearly rebuked Li Xing, but how could she blame it on her face?

Li Xing slightly embarrassed: "Zhao Yun was rude, but at the time, Zhao Yun did not want the woman to overpower the lady. In a hurry, she made disrespectful actions and asked the lady to punish him."

Li Xing spoke decently, Chen Shuang liked it very much, thinking, "It seems that I left him at the beginning, it was a very correct decision!"

"Very good! Zhao Yun, you will worship three blood crystals every month in the future." She smiled slightly, urging the horse "Red Child", and galloping away.

It is obviously a relatively easy task for Lu to follow Chen Shuang's side. All day long, except for a trip to Qingyun Tower, Li Xing is very leisurely. He can stay in the room to practice blood.

However, Li Xing still told Chen Shuang that he has something to do in recent days and must leave for some time. Chen Shuang naturally agreed quickly, and rewarded Li Xing 30,000 yuan for travel expenses.

李 When Li Xing returned to Zizhuwan in the afternoon, he found that Li Hu was cheerfully lifting a stone lock on the open space. The stone lock, one weighing more than two hundred pounds, was easily lifted by him.

Li Xing can see at a glance that Li Hu must be successful in training.

Sure enough, when Li Hu saw Li Xing coming back, he immediately laughed and said, "Master! I'm already training hard!"

Li Xing smiled and realized that Li Hu had begun to get through the skin classics, but it was still a while before the first rehearsal was completed. At the moment, he summoned Li Hu to Zhulou, and handed the "Tian Lei Blood Classic" and "Tian Lei Wu Jing" to Li Hu in person.

Li Hu was shocked and happy: "Master Xie!"

Li Xing: "Good practice, I believe you can be a strong one."

Li Hu nodded vigorously: "I won't let the young master down!"

There are two cultivation madmen in Zizhuwan, Li Xing and Li Hu, who practice blood most of the time every day, and all chores fall on Xiao Xiu. Fortunately, she worked diligently and handled everything in an orderly manner.

Unconsciously, after nine days passed, Li Xing opened up all the Sutras without accident, and the fourth reworked blood was complete! At the moment when all the sutras were opened, Li Xing felt that his bones were suddenly lighter.

Xun Lianquan's quadruple perfection, the biggest feature is that he is as light as a bird, his strength is doubled, and he moves like a wind when he moves. People with triple training of blood are often unable to walk three or five strokes against people with training quadruple of blood, and they will be defeated.

The cheekbones were opened, Li Xing thought: "The next step is to practice the fourth type of Tianleiquan, then open up the medullary meridians, and step into the fifth of blood training!"

The fourth form of 拳 Tianleiquan ~ www.readwn.com ~ is called Tianlei split. Compared to the first three types of lightning strikes, lightning drills, and lightning bursts, their power is much stronger.

I only practiced the fourth type of thunderbolt. Li Xing spent five days. When he was skilled, the competition for places was approaching.

On this day, people were standing inside and outside the square of Sanyi Garden. Chen, Li, and Bai all came out to watch the contest for places. These people not only want to watch the excitement, but also want to know who will enter the game in Sanyi Park.

There are nine places in Sanyi Garden. Those who have obtained the quota can enter the Qi Yun faction to cultivate higher level methods and enhance their strength. More importantly, the Qi Yun faction is the largest faction in Pingguo. After entering it, it is equivalent to possessing an unusual identity.

Even the foreign disciples of the Qi Yun faction are eligible to sit on an equal footing with the little nobles. If you become a disciple, your status is even more extraordinary, and the disciple is a person with a level of strength and strength.

The number of people competing for the conference is very important, and Sanyiyuan attaches great importance to it, so the three homeowners and the heads of the three major families all appeared on the podium.

Li Ying stepped onto the high platform, and Shen said, "Today is the day for Qi Yun's foreign disciples to compete for the quota. Before you can compete for the quota, you must first determine whether you are qualified to compete!" He waved, and there were two servants. Lifted a huge white jade ruler and walked to the stage.

When he saw the ruler, someone immediately called out, "It's a blood pressure ruler! It's time to start measuring blood pressure!"

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