Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 29: Fatal flying knife. Unexplained misunderstanding

之外 Outside Qingyun City, surrounded by many villages and towns, there are extensive roads connecting these villages and towns with Qingyun City. Chen Shuang and his team went out of the north gate of Qingyun City and hurried north.

The road is wide and flat, and the horses are fast. About one and a half hours, they reach the front of a mountain. The road rounded the mountain and continued forward.

The mountainous terrain of this mountain is very menacing, with strange rocky ridges and bushes on it, and there is a murderous look.

Twenty-six horses stopped, Chen Shuang stared at the mountain and said lightly, "This is Lu Liangshan!"

Li Xing approached the horse and thought, "That Li Xue is right. How powerful is Sanyiyuan. Who dares to rob their jewelry?" Thinking of this, he was vigilant and asked: "Miss , Is the goods of Sanyiyuan often robbed? "

Chen Shuangxiu raised his eyebrows, and he had a sense of prestige: "How often does Sanyi Garden stand if it is often robbed? In the past ten years, the goods of Sanyi Garden have only been robbed twice, this is the second time. "

Li Xing asked again: "Last time, what happened?"

Originally, Li Xing was a follower and should not talk so much. Chen Shuang, a lady, would answer impatiently. However, it is strange that Chen Shuang said patiently: "The first time I started was a group of robbers who just debuted. I didn't know the power of Sanyi Garden."

霜 Chen Shuang seems to understand the reason why Li Xing asked these questions, and she smiled: "The people who started this time should be the same as the first time and don't know the prestige of Sanyi Garden."

Li Xing didn't take it for granted, but he was not afraid. How could he be afraid to fight hard with someone who had an "unbeatable" body?

霜 Chen Shuang jumped off the horse, pointed at Lu Liangshan, and drank, "Come up with me to see the mountain. If you encounter a mountain thief, you don't have to be soft, let alone kill!" At this time, she showed the style of everyone's children, a spirit of murder.

Li Xing and the other four snatched in front of Chen Shuang and climbed up the steep mountain wall. The **** warriors have very little foot strength. Although the mountain road is difficult to walk, they can walk as fast as they can, and feel no effort at all.

Even if they encounter some tall rocks, the six will jump directly and be agile.

Qilu Liangshan is not very high. Before walking, I saw a dozen stone houses in front. No one was seen outside the house.

Li Xing has the strongest strength. He is fully alert and listens to the sounds around him. Suddenly, he heard a faint breath coming from the front left, and he screamed, "Be careful!"

Li Xing drank, the other five immediately dwarfed and hid behind the stones.

"咻咻 咻!"

A group of powerful arrow feathers came out of the air, slammed into the hard stone, and shook the stone.

"There is an ambush!" Chen Shuang was frightened and angry, and suddenly a black projectile was added to her hand, the size of a finger, and a shake of her arm. The projectile flew out, falling towards the place where Arrow Feather fired.


There was a loud noise in front of me, and suddenly the dust was rolling, the rocks were flying, and several people screamed.

Jain projectile is a "thunderbolt" secretly made by Sanyiyuan, a thunderbolt that can blow everything within a radius of ten meters into ruins.

"Rush up!" Chen Shuangning cried.

Li Xing knew Chen Shuang's meaning, and took advantage of the other party's chaos to rush over to destroy the living force. He rushed to the first and practiced the blood five times. His overall strength reached more than 20,000 kilograms, and his movement was as fast as lightning.

There was a billowing smoke in front of him, Li Xing could not see clearly, but he could judge the position of the enemy by his voice.

With a flash, Li Xing reached in front of him and threw a punch. His punch was the first form of Tianleiquan, and Tianlei flashed.

Wu Tianlei flashed, fast and fierce, hitting one punch, hitting the opponent's back.


The man who was struck was a middle-aged man in black. He opened his mouth and sprayed broken internal organs, and died instantly.

The arrival of Li Xing shocked the people around him. At least three people rushed towards Li Xing and shot at the same time. Li Xing's skin is opened, so the skin feels extremely sharp. He could feel the strong air pressure coming from him.

Through the change of air flow, Li Xing strangely discovered that he seemed to see three people, and was striking from different directions with different actions.

Li Xing was extremely curious. He remembered Tian Lei's blood classics, and did not say that after practicing the five majors, he would have this strange feeling. But at this time, he didn't think too much about it. He drew himself shortly, and then forward, a "Tian Lei Beng" issued.

Xi Tianlei collapsed, and it was extremely powerful. With one punch, he could blast megaliths to the ground, not to mention the human body?

The three people who attacked were the most powerful ones. The two were Lixing. How was Li Xing's opponent? Li Xing hit one of them firmly.

The man was like a meatloaf, hit by Li Xing and flew, and "Biao" fell into it. The thunderbolt was extremely fierce. This time, the person's internal organs, body bones, and meridians around the body collapsed together and became muddy.

This is the difference between the five training of blood and the two training of blood, the former can kill the latter with one hit.

Li Xing killed two people in a row, and five people from Chen Shuang came over, and together with Li Xing, began to kill the enemy.

数量 The number of pirates set up here is quite large. There are more than thirty people. The worst is the first training of blood, the highest is the third training of blood. These people are not Li Xing's group of opponents at all.

Li Xing, who is trained to five levels of blood, took the lead and turned into a shadow. Everywhere he went, someone must have been shot into the air. After landing, he had become a dead body.

At the time of the fight ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Xing was also surprised by what he is doing now. After killing several people in a row, he didn't feel anything at all, perhaps because of the rebirth of reincarnation, his state of mind was very different from the previous one, and he became a "killer without blinking" character.

六 Li Xing six people, soon killed nearly a dozen people on the other side, the remaining heart was afraid, shouted, and immediately fled in all directions.

"Catch a few live!" Chen Shuang drank, she should chase one of them first.

Li Xing looked at the six roads, heard all directions, and saw Chen Shuang chasing a mountain thief, suddenly felt inappropriate. The pirate's movement was fast, and his footsteps fluttered, and he avoided the two men's attacks continuously.

Chen Shuang was chasing the man now.

Li Xing moved a step, "噌" shook in front of Chen Shuang. Just at this moment, the person in front of him shook his hands and shot three rays of cold light.

三 The speed of these three rays of cold light exceeded the limit of human vision. Li Xing even had no chance to react. He felt a pain in his chest, and a three-handed willow leaf flying into the chest severely.

I felt a terrible pain, Li Xing stunned and fell to the ground.

霜 Chen Shuang saw the score, she didn't know that Li Xing happened to be in front of her, and thought that Li Xing had specially blocked her for her. Shocked and grateful, she scolded, "The gangster is killed!" Raising his hand again hit a thunderbolt.

The speed of the person in front of him was as fast as Chen Shuang's thunderbolt. Seeing that he was going to be blown to death, the man shook his hand again, hitting a little cold star back, and greeted the thunderbolt.

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