Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 31: Flying Knife Door. Bloody and Ambitious

Li Xing's guess was correct. This time with serious injuries, he really improved his qualifications again. [] The bone sutra that could not be reached at the moment can be easily passed at this moment. The dense bone meridians are constantly being opened up by Li Xing, causing more and more blood to be added to the blood that opens up the meridians, while also improving Li Xing's blood power.

When Li Xing came out of cultivation, he found that two days had passed. It's early in the morning outside, and today is the time for the official place competition. Li Xing will compete with the remaining 14 Sanyiyuan children for nine places.

"What is the origin of beads? Why can I improve my qualifications? Li naturally does not know this? What is the energy to enhance qualifications?" Li Xing had many questions in his mind, but no one could answer him. .

So after a short thought, he walked out of the room.

At this time, Xiaoxiu was still sleeping on the bed, Li Hu was still trying to train his blood, and the bamboo building was quiet, and he could hear the howling of birds outside.

Li Xing didn't know yet. Three days after his retreat, something happened in Sanyi Garden.

On that day, Chen Shuang and Chen Jinsong called and asked about what happened today. Chen Jinsong was not interested in such things as "Zhao Yun" being seriously injured. He just wanted to know who started Sanyi Garden.

When he heard that the opponent's flying knife method was quite amazing, Chen Jinsong's face changed slightly, and he was ordered to bring up the person who would make the flying knife. The man had been **** by a large number of flowers, and was scarred by being dragged by a horse all the way.

Fortunately, this person is a quartet who practiced blood. He opened up the skin classics early, so the injury is only skin trauma, and it does not matter. What hurt him badly was the power of the thunderbolt.

Chen Jinsong walked in front of the man, stretched out his hand and put it on his shoulder, and immediately sneered: "Liu Yunjin! It really is the person of Flying Knife Door! Say, what is your status in Flying Knife Door?"

Chen Shuang, who was on the side, was secretly surprised that Flying Knife Gate was the second-most powerful force in Qingyun City. Although its strength is not as good as Sanyiyuan, it should not be underestimated. In addition, there is a close relationship between Feidaomen and the owner.

If it were not for this relationship, Sanyi Garden would not have been waiting for Fei Dao Men to grow day by day.

If Fei Dao Men starts at Sanyi Garden, there will be a **** storm. Even if there is a relationship with the city owner, Sanyi Garden will not give up easily.

The man was scolded by Chen Jinsong, but sneered again and again: "I have never heard of a flying knife door!"

"Haven't heard of it?" Chen Jinsong stretched his palms and patted him on the shoulder. He was the ten most successful figure in blood, formed the blood dandelion, and practiced the tide strength. The power of the tidal energy is breathtaking. In this shot, the blood energy directly shattered the clothes on the person's shoulders without any damage to the body.

Under his shirt, a blood-red flying knife was tattooed on his shoulder.

Chen Jinsong looked coldly: "Shoulder pattern flying knife, this is the logo of the disciple disciple, don't you admit it?"

The man closed his eyes and said lightly, "Kill if you want to kill. I am a disciple of Flying Knife Door. This has nothing to do with Flying Knife Door."

Chen Jinsong nodded slightly: "Even abandonment, don't forget to justify the flying knife door, yes!" He waved the palm of his hand and pressed it on the person's head.

Just hearing a muffled sound, the man's brain seemed okay, in fact, the brain was already shattered and he couldn't die anymore.

Chen Shuang was startled: "Father, why did you kill him?"

The expression on Chen Jinsong's face was very strange. He sighed: "Fei Dao Men dare to fight the idea of ​​Sanyi Garden, it must pay the price!"

"But father, this person is a flying knife gate abandonment. It may not be that flying knife gate really wants to ..." Chen Shuang stopped talking, because she saw Sen Leng's murderousness from his father's eyes. At the same time, Chen Shuang also understood Chen Jinsong's purpose for doing so. Sanyiyuan had long wanted to get rid of the Flying Knife Door. What better excuse than this?

"Xiao Shuang, go and rest. The rest will be handled by my father." He said, striding out of the attic to discuss the matter with Li Ying and Bai Pingdu.

Li Ying and Bai Pingdu, the two are completely in line with Chen Jinsong's ideas. In Qingyun City, there is no force that can compete with Sanyi Garden, and even the city master cannot. [http: //]

The owner of the city is just a messenger sent by Fang Hou, who is responsible for managing all forces in the city and maintaining stability in the city. Although Sanyiyuan will surrender to the lord of the city on the surface and show respect. But if the status of Sanyiyuan is threatened, they will tear their faces and show their teeth to any forces who dare to threaten their interests.

The discussion lasted only an hour, and the three supreme powers in Sanyi Garden formulated a strategy to deal with Flying Knife Door.

Sanyi Garden can develop to this day. Among them are Li Ying, a two-person who practiced qi, and four people who practiced blood, including Chen Jinsong and his brother Chen Liang, Bai Pingdu and his nephew Bai Shaoqing.

In addition to these five people, there are a group of masters who practice blood eight or nine, with more than thirty people. It is with this powerful force that Sanyi Garden can become the most powerful force in Qingyun City.

Qingyun City has a population of one million, and its business exchanges are basically controlled by Sanyi Garden, and the annual profits are naturally huge. Business is the economic lifeline of Sanyi Garden, but the newly appeared Flying Knife Gate has also extended its hands to commercial trade in recent years, which makes it a natural enemy of Sanyi Garden.

Therefore, once an excuse for action is found, the actions of Sanyiyuan are like storms.

That night, twenty-five people, including Li Ying, broke into the Flying Knife Gate. This group of people said nothing, and killed when they saw someone. Up and down the flying knife door, men and women, old and young, nearly 1,000 people were beheaded.

Some of them who escaped were blocked by the children of Sanyiyuan, and then killed ~ www.readwn.com ~ This night, Fei Dao Men's blood flowed into the river, and the thick **** gas rose into the sky. People inside and out can smell it. But no one dared to go out, and no one asked what happened.

In this world, the strong have the right to speak, and the weak cannot even be curious.

From the beginning of the killing, it took only a few hours before and after. The people at the Flying Knife Gate were killed and none were left. Of course, Sanyiyuan also suffered losses. The three blood-thirsty warriors were severely wounded. The flying knives of the flying knife gate were terrible. They pierced the hearts of the three.

Thirteen others were injured to varying degrees, all of whom were masters. Although the casualties caused some losses to the Sanyi Garden, the three homeowners believed that such losses were within an acceptable range.

Eliminating the benefits brought by the flying knife door is far greater than the damage caused by this battle.

When Sanyi Garden was killed, in the city of Qingyun, the owner Zhu Ban looked up at the stars. Behind him, a man in green robe stood straight, with a silver mask on his face.

"It's so bloody! The strength of Sanyi Garden is really strong, and I am afraid that the Flying Sword Gate will not leave alive."

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