Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 378: Emperor Tianchen

Chapter 67: Emperor Tianchen

"Xiao Xiu, isn't this person?" Li Xing asked.

Xiaoxiu and others all stared at the hatred of Bi Quanfu, saying, "It's him!"

Li Xing nodded and restrained Bi Quanfu, rudely, "You are here to stay."

Bi Quanfu was terrified, knowing that today I'm afraid he's too fierce and pale. He usually relied on Sun Dahai to run rampant. Today, he encountered Li Xing, a true god, and was exhausted.

Sun Dahai had no choice but to send someone else to summon the people. Although the Flying Knife Gang is not a big gang, there are many people in the help. For a moment, the courtyard of the Flying Knife Gang focused on more than 500 people, and the crowd was noisy.

They didn't know why they were called here, and they looked up and stomped, looking at the hall to see what happened. A glance at Li Xing's thoughts revealed that most of these people were blood fighters. There were three or fifty men in the state, and only one man was the sun.

Seeing that everyone was here, Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Xiao Xiu, Li Hu, who hurt you in the first place, recognize them one by one, as long as you look at the image, you point out that it is wrong."

He is now holding the idea that he would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let go of one. This flying knife gang, dare to attack his people, is destined to have a miserable end for everyone, never let go.

There is deep hatred and deep hatred in my heart. Xiaoxiu and others are deeply remembered. You point to one, I point to one, and soon I found eighteen people, and they were spotted one by one. These people, somehow, look confused.

Sun Dahai said at the moment: "Friend, it was our fault before. I hope my friend will raise his hand ..."

With a look at Li Xing, he heard “click!” Before he finished speaking, Yuan Shen was hanged by the invisible devil, and the flesh turned into blood mist, and the **** atmosphere permeated the audience.

The gang members seemed to realize that a disaster was coming, and they all shuddered.

Bi Quanfu was frightened by Li Xing's methods. He threw himself with a "thump", crying and crying: "The villain is wrong, the villain should be damned, begging my grandfather for his life!"

Li Xing ignored him and said to Li Hu and others: "How did these people treat you at the beginning, now I will pay back ten times!"

Zhang Jie, Cheng Bin, Du Yiming, Feng Ping, Li Hu, and the three messengers all blinked fiercely in their eyes, approaching the eighteen people step by step. Eighteen people were instantly restrained by Li Xing's thoughts, and they were all tight, unable to resist, and showed great fear in their eyes.

"We are wrong, please beg your life!"

"In the beginning, we were blind-eyed and made a big mistake, my aunt and grandma's life!"

These people begged one by one, Li Xing was unmoved at all.

At this moment, there was a howling sound in the sky, and after a while, one listened and yelled, "So brave! Who dares to make trouble with Flying Sword?"

The three gods' light descended, and three figures of the four gods practiced. All three looked like they were 30 or 40 years old. After they landed, they went up and looked at Li Xing.

Li Xing asked coldly, "Who are you?"

The three gods did not see Sun Dahai, but also smelled **** blood, knowing that he was fierce and bad, so they all showed anger. One person stood up and asked Li Xing: "Sun Dahai was killed by you?"

"Answer my question." Li Xing coldly.

"Damn thing! Those who dare to move Xiaohouye, destroy him!" Another god-man was furious and called on his companions to take three shots.

Li Xing snorted: "You can't help it!" He stretched out and released the mantra instantly. In the courtyard, a weird dark cloud appeared out of thin air, all of a sudden covering three god-men and their divine power.

"Ah ~"

The screams of screams came out of the black gas, and the power of the heavenly poison, the three could not resist at all, and instantly turned into pus and blood. Three of them burst into the dark air. Between the rolling of black gas, a spell was hidden inside, which was the "Cure of Heavenly Poison", one of the seventy-two fierce curses.

After absorbing the power of the three god-mans, the curse actually condensed a charm. This spell is similar to Li Xing's great light spell, but the effect is different.

"It seems that the more murders, the greater the power of this spell, and it really is a ferocious curse." Li Xing was surprised.

The three god-mans were poisoned when they met. Those people who had just hoped for the reinforcements just now are ashamed and pale.

Li Hu walked in front of a ten scholars and said coldly: "At first you broke my leg and abolished my cultivation. The master said, let me give you back ten times! You can taste it!" He waved Fist, hit hard.

The sound of "click!" Was endless, and the sergeant kept screaming. His bones were knocked off by Li Hu one by one, and his last finger broke his sea of ​​anger, and he repaired himself so that he might die later.

Zhang Jie was the fiercest, took a sharp knife, peeled off the skin of the man who had dealt with him, and made him scream again and again, and finally passed out.

The rest of the evildoers also ended in this way, one by one, they were cured to death. Only that Bi Quanfu was okay, because Xiaoxiu was a girl after all. She bit her teeth a few times and sent her hard times.

Li Hu tossed the man about the same, and walked over and pointed to Bi Quanfu: "Master, this is a **** thing. I wanted to play Xiaoxiu's idea at first, but Xiaoxu passed out.

Li Xing's eyes flashed, he just flicked his fingers, only heard the "pounce", a powerful and powerful blow to go out, Bi Quanfu added a blood hole in his heart, and died with anger.

The crowd vented their hatred, Li Xing shook his fingers, killed everyone, and then said to the rest of the humanity: "If you don't want to die, you can leave this place by abandoning it."

Upon hearing this, the people were shocked and angry. Without repairs, how can we continue mixing in the future? On this day in the city, the weak are not as good as dogs, and sooner or later die, they cannot accept it.

"Brothers, let's fight him!"

A fierce generation roared, and the first one came over to Li Xing. This man was a desperate man, and would rather be killed than rehabilitated by himself, so he wounded.

Li Xingmo was expressionless. With only one thought in the past, the man twitched and flashed light all over his body.

God and man are angry, and these people can't bear it at all, they can kill them with one thought.

The rest of them really wanted to fight back, and they were afraid when Li Xing shot and killed. Think again, although Xiuwei is uncomfortable, it is better than death. So, soon they all endured their own self-repair, and made various screams in the meantime.

Anyone who has abolished the practice is allowed to leave the compound. After more than an hour, these people walked away.

Li Hu and others avenged their vengeance, accumulating years of bad breath in their chests, and at this moment asked Li Xing, "Master, what do you do next?"

"There is a little Houye behind the Flying Sword Gang, this person can't let go." Li Xingdan said indifferently. Immediately, he sent the crowd back to the hall, but did not immediately go to the so-called Xiaohouye.

When he killed Sun Dahai, he deprived the other party of his memory and gained a deeper understanding of the background of the Flying Sword Gang.

More than a dozen gangs, including the Flying Sword Gang, are subject to the son of the heroic hero Hou, who is called Xiaohouye's rooftop right.

The heroic hero is named Tiantai Nu, and belongs to one of the branches of the Tiantai family.

Li Xing killed the Flying Sword Gang, and naturally he must completely resolve the matter, otherwise, there will be hidden dangers. The Flying Sword Gang is the control of the rooftop, so he has to pay the price.

However, he did not immediately go to Shenyonghouhou, but first arrived at the Jinyidian.

Before that, the Twelve Battle Guards had come from all over the place, starry night and journey, the next day, finally arrived in the imperial capital, and met Li Xing.

The Twelve Battle Guards saw Li Xing and everyone was happy. How well Li Xing has learned, they have long understood that although it is the triple training of God, they are above them, so they are quite convinced and willing to listen to his command.

After a few embarrassments, Li Xing said, "After today, I formally served as the commander of the battle guard. That day I said that everyone will be brothers in the future, and your business will be my business. A career! "

All the battle guards said: "Will serve for adults!"

Then, Li Xing asked the soldiers about the heroic heroes. The soldiers of the First World War said: "The heroic heroes Tiantai Fury is a fierce general. Because he is a member of the Tiantai family, he has not been allowed to reuse them. . "

Li Xingdan said lightly: "Since you are a member of the Tiantai family, it is very likely that you will rebel. You look for clues separately, and you must find evidence of the rebellion of the heroic heroine."

The guards were taken aback, wouldn't they? Just because the valiant Hou surnamed Tiantai, was he judged to be rebellious? This is too much fun.

Seems to understand their thoughts, Li Xingshen said: "You just have to investigate, this thing will never be wrong, out of business, there is also a commander to take care of."

"My lord said this, and then I went outside. My lord's order, let's stick to it! Brothers, let's go!" A battle guard waved his hand without saying a word.

Li Xing knows that the battle guard is not only the twelve people ~ www.readwn.com ~ Otherwise, what is the power? Under the twelve people, there is a more complicated network of secret agents, with many people and strong strength, it is hard to imagine. It was with such powerful power as Jin Yiwei that Emperor Tianchen could rule the country and control power.

So as long as the battle guards make a full investigation, they can definitely find out what happened. Li Xing is not vilifying the rooftop anger. Since he is a member of the Tiantai family, and he secretly controls the gang, there must be a plan.

After sending out the investigation of the battle guards, Li Xing called a secretary who worked in the battle guards and began to formally understand the affairs of the battle guards. The secretary is equivalent to the master, and has a great effect. He also knows a lot.

After some inquiries, he took the secretary, and on the same day went to the core location of the battle guard, the Jinyi Sanwei. Correspondingly, the commander of the Imperial Guard is the Jinyi Second Guard; the most mysterious is the commander of the Heaven and Earth Second Guard, which is located in the Jinyi First Guard.

The Golden Hall in the palace is just a place where the battle guards rest daily. Zhanwei's command post is located in the Jinyi Sanwei, located in a deep house compound north of the palace.

Wei, the meaning of Weisuo, belongs to a type of yamen.

Today, Li Xing will formally grasp this power, and lay the foundation for him to open up the power of Beichen Luo!

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