Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 35: Desperate fist

I just had a gaze on purpose or not, and Li Jie was so horrified that he let his head down. However, his eyes flashed fiercely, and he cried, "Li Tianran! Even if you are a triple qi, I will kill you sooner or later!"

On the ring, the battle between Li Xing and Bai Ling has begun.

Xi Bailing is different from Chen Xia. He attacked Li Xing regularly and sought for stability.

谨慎 Such cautious enemies are undoubtedly terrible, but Li Xingke has no plans to consume them with each other. Behind, there are still twelve people who need to fight. He must fight fast!

You and I have come and gone for more than ten strokes, all of which have hit hard, no one has taken advantage.

After some temptations, both sides saw that they could not beat each other easily.

Suddenly, when Bai Ling punched his chest with a punch, Li Xing didn't evade, and hit the same punch straight. In this style, he used the "Sky Thunder Blast", which is powerful and quick, and comes first.

Tong Bailing was taken aback. He was frightened by Li Xing's life-threatening play, and hurried back. If he doesn't collect punches, he and Li Xing will both hit each other.

However, before the serious injury of Chen Xia shocked Bai Ling deeply, he never wanted to suffer Li Xingji, so he flinched.

As a result of the retreat, Li Xing immediately took the initiative. Tianlei Boxing is a first-class fierce martial art. Tianlei Jin is also overbearing. At this time, he has taken the initiative and immediately forced Bai Ling back.

Bai Ling was inwardly and secretly: "This Li Xing is a good plan! In one move, he took the initiative!" He thought that Li Xingfang was deliberately so, making him weak, so that he could never recover his disadvantage. .

Scrutinizing Li Xing step by step, he was about to fall off the stage, and Bai Ling's heart was fierce and secretly said: "I will use the same method to scare him back!"

At the thought of this, Bai Ling didn't dodge immediately, just like Li Xing, regardless of the opponent's attack, he also slammed into Li Xing's chest.

The two of them are both trained in blood and they have more than 30,000 kilograms of blood! The power of this punch is astonishing. Hugh said that even if it is a stone, it must be broken into pieces.

Bian Bailing cultivates the "Brushing Willow Power" of the Bai Family's Secret. The brushing willow power, Shanneng Rou Kegang, leveraging strength, is very mysterious, completely different from Tian Lei Jin.

I can't think of killing Bai Ling, Li Xing actually couldn't avoid it! The moment he was hit by Li Xing, he even thought that Li Xing was gutting with him, whoever flinched first would lose.

It's a pity that Li Xing didn't plan to retreat at all. His fist was hit fiercely, blood flickered on his fist, and Tian Lei Beng issued a strong blow.

The moment when Lei Tian was strenuous, she realized that she had encountered a lunatic, a terrible lunatic! It's too late to retreat, and he can only use all his strength to maximize his power, thus killing Li Xing.


Li Bailing's palm hit Li Xing's breast. Li Xing was immobile, but felt like there were tens of thousands of needles piercing his chest, damaging his viscera.

Xi Bailing was much more direct. His body "boomed" like a cannonball, soared more than ten meters high, and dropped from a distance. Tian Lei Bing, with "Bing" as its core, Li Xing hit with a punch, which could cause the hard rock to explode and cold water to fog.

This punch is too fierce, and it hits directly. Bai Ling, who is so busy, has no chance to dodge. The violent Tianlei Jin always tore up Bai Ling's meridians and damaged his body.

白 When Bai Ling fell, his eyes were not unwilling, and some were just fear.

"Li Xing is a lunatic!" For a long time after that, Bai Ling always thought so.

The puppet crowd seemed to be numb, and no one made a sound, just watching the scene blankly.

兴 Li Xing shook his body, closed his eyes slightly, and stood on the stage. Even in the course of his fight, the unnamed beads on his chest continued to repair his wounds. The damage caused by forcibly carrying out the thunderstrike has not recovered. Now the old injury and the new injury, Li Xing feels the pain of slicing all over.

Fortunately, this pain was much more "comfortable" than the awkward masquerade that day, so I couldn't bear it.

When Li Xing and the enemy were fighting hard, Li naturally frowned slightly. It seemed that he did not agree with Li Xing's tactics. How could he hurt the enemy together? He naturally fought with people, always killing the enemy, and he was unscathed.

The competition was hosted, and the middle-aged person came to power and announced, "The second game, Li Xingsheng!"

There was a sound from the audience, and a sigh, everyone's mood was complicated.

Xiao Xiaoxiu kicked Li Hu with joy and then jumped.

Li Hu grinned, but couldn't hide the joy on his face.

Far away, Chen Xuejing watched Li Xing on the stage quietly, with a look of astonishment. Not only was she surprised, but she didn't know why, and she felt a little joy in her heart.

Behind Chen Xue, the maid's expression was almost stiff, and she murmured, "Miss, did you see that ... he has won two games!"

雪 Chen Xue shook slightly, pretending to be calm and calmly: "It's just two wins, and you haven't seen him seriously injured. How can he fight?"

The maidservant said, "But Li naturally was on the stage, how could he sit idly by? Miss was born late and didn't know this natural domineering of Li. He never acted on reason, but only on strength."

Chen Xue's atrial fibrillation suddenly thought: What would she do if Li Ziran really asked?

On the ring, the third game was announced: "The third game, Bai Leng against Li!"

Seeing that he didn't call himself anymore, Li Xing slowly stepped down and found a place far away from the crowd.

Li Hu and Xiaoxiu came over immediately and stood quietly without disturbing.

I don't know if it was because of Li Ziran's appearance. For a long time, it was not Li Xing's turn to play.

The time passed by one minute and one second ~ www.readwn.com ~ About two hours later, Li Xing's injury had been completely repaired.

"Game 36, Li Xing is cold!"

Finally, it was time to play again, and Li Xing stood on the stage three times.

That white cold, is the same as Bai Ling's talent. Bai Leng looked at Li Xing's eyes with full confidence, because he had learned from Bai Ling's mouth that Li Xing had been seriously injured! What is the fear of a seriously injured person?

Bai Leng believes that even if Li Xing is not injured, he may not lose. Now against Li Xing, who is seriously injured, he has a ten percent certainty to win!

"You can shoot." Bai Leng, like Bai Ling, was dressed in white and personable. He spoke with a proud voice, as if speaking to a servant.

Li Xing showed him a very weird smile, then suddenly moved, punched straight, and looked soft and lacking strength.

"Sure enough, seriously hurt!" Bai Leng was overjoyed, immediately stepped forward, the first came first, hit Li Xing's shoulder fiercely.

Li Xingquan reached midway, and his soft arm suddenly collapsed straight, the arm drew air, and gave out a loud popping sound. As if a whip was drawn out with lightning, the sound made Bai Leng's heart startled.

Bai Leng saw, a flash of cold light flashed in Li Xing's eyes, and the cold light was tingling in his heart.

"What are you afraid of! He deliberately does this!" The thought flashed, Bai Leng punched faster, and the momentum was more fierce.

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