Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 39: Super current work method.

Maybe it's herd mentality. One person gave up, and everyone who fought against Li Xing gave up fighting. After all, the people who have trained in the fifth level of blood have lost. Do they not die very badly when they fight this madman with the fourth level of training in blood?

However, the fighting did not end. When Li Xing recovered his injuries, the fight began again.

"Next, Li Xing is against Zhou Qing!"

The people on the stage immediately commented: "This Zhou Qing has only been in Sanyi Garden for a few months, but his strength is overbearing."

"Zhou Qing is a six-trainer who has more than 30,000 kilograms of strength. Li Xing must not be his rival."

"It's not necessarily that, Li Xing is a lunatic at all. Fighting a lunatic is an unpredictable victory."

Li Xing stood on the stage. Zhou Qing looked that he was not much older than Li Xing, but his expression was very cold.

Li Xing knew that he had encountered an unprecedented strong enemy, and he had practiced blood six times, and had already opened up the meridians in the viscera. Once the meridians in the viscera open up, the most fragile viscera in the human body will become very tough and easily protected from harm.

For example, the same five-strong blood-thirsty people underwent severe blows, and the five-strong blood-thirsty men must vomit blood and be seriously injured. And the six strong soldiers who practice blood often only feel pain, but not hurt.

Zhou Qing gazed at Li Xing, his eyes flashed coldly: "Please!"

Li Xing didn't say much, nodded slightly: "Please!"

For a moment, the two moved almost simultaneously. Li Xing displayed a thunderbolt, but Zhou Qing displayed the "stepping rivers and mountains" in the rolling stone scriptures. Every step out, the earth shuddered, and the power was extraordinary.

Li Xing knew that if he didn't do his best, he would inevitably fail. So as soon as he came up, Li Xing exerted his best efforts.

Li Xing's blood was six-fold, and Li Xing easily did not want to be hurt by both, because he wasn't sure what he was going to fight with, whether he was injured or lost his combat ability completely. So in this first attack, Li Xing wanted to test Zhou Qing's lethality.

"Boom!" In a note of Boom, Li Xing was shocked and flew down a dozen meters, almost falling off the stage.

Zhou Qingwen didn't move, but her eyes were more wary.

Before Li Xing's performance was too fierce, which had an impact on Zhou Qing, there was a hint of fear. However, when he did fight with him, the fear in his heart disappeared, he thought that the other party was just like that!

In contrast, Li Xing's heart is quite happy. He feels that Zhou Qing's strength is not enough to make him lose his combat power and hurt him most.

In fact, there is not much difference in the level of training between the sixth level of training and the fifth level of training, so Li Xing can deal with it.

The two duo fisted around, and Li Xing successively exhibited Sky Lightning Flash, Sky Lightning, Sky Lightning, and Sky Lightning. The feeling of watching the battle process coldly, made him move extremely accurately, with a degree of advancing and retreating, giving Zhou Qing no chance at all.

During the battle, with the exhaustion of strength, Li Xing felt that his understanding of blood power was more subtle. So, the more he hit down, the more Zhou Qing felt that Li Xing was intractable.

"The master has orders. In order to defeat Li Xing in this field, I must think of a way!" Zhou Qing's heart changed her mind, and she suddenly urged the whole body's vitality.


Zhou Qing's entire person suddenly became more than two meters tall, with blue tendons entangled in his body, and the whole body raised a **** flame of three centimeters in height, soaring.

"Ah! Blood King Kong!"

Lianxue Liujuan, opening up all the meridians and collaterals in the day after tomorrow means that the entire meridian in the day after tomorrow is opened. At this time, if the outbreak is at full strength, the whole body's blood power can be integrated into one, reaching the state of "inaccessibility", which is called "blood diamond."

There are also strengths and weaknesses of the blood king Kong, and the six blood training can be completed successfully to achieve the real blood king Kong. Of course, if the blood training is more than six, blood King Kong is more powerful, it can destroy mountains and seas, and its destructive power is amazing.

Li Xing smiled bitterly in his heart, it seems Zhou Qing is desperate.

But then, a flash of cold light flashed in Li Xing's eyes, and secretly said: "It seems that it was only hit with a thunder!"

I don't know if it is the cause of Jiuyangzhu, Li Xing gradually found that his ability to fight is far superior to ordinary people. With this advantage, he had the confidence to fight Zhou Qing to the end.


Li Xing broke out for the third time. After two outbreaks, he has gradually adapted, the bursting blood vessels have been greatly reduced, and the meridians can withstand this level of blood gas shock.

"Let me down!" Li Xing shouted, punching Zhou Qing's chest fiercely.

"Bang!" As if hitting the giant wood, the stone surface under Zhou Qing's feet shattered, but he never retreated. At the same time, Zhou Qing's palm also hit Li Xing's shoulder.


The cracking of the cheekbones can be heard even by the audience.

"After all, there is a gap! The strength of the sixth training is far better than me!" Li Xing sighed, Tian Lei struck, and failed to seriously hurt Zhou Qing.

"Go to death!"

After hitting the punch in a stroke, Zhou Qing felt that his belly was turned over, and he felt pain that he wanted to squat down. He raised his palm again in anger, and shot hard at Li Xing's head.

But at this moment, Li Xing suddenly moved, and he flashed behind him, and his right fist burst out.

The moves in the Tianlei Boxing Sutra can be used in tandem with each other, thus multiplying their power. At this time, Li Xing combined the thunder strike with the thunder drill and borrowed the power of the thunder strike and the insidious play of the thunder drill to produce a powerful strike.



Xun Tianlei drill, blood strength turned into a spinning drill strength, stabbed in the past fiercely, carrying the fierce attack of Tianlei, broke through Zhou Qing's powerful defense, and entered the inner strife.


Zhou Qing spit out a **** mouth ~ www.readwn.com ~ The eyes were dull and the whole person froze. His internal organs were severely damaged, his liver and spleen were ruptured, and he had lost his fighting power.

Li Xing did not know whether Zhou Qing was injured, forced to use blood, and punched again.


This time, Zhou Qing's huge body flew up, hitting the ground like a stone, her body twitched, and her eyes showed strong pain.

Li Xing was also uncomfortable. He used Tianlei drill and Tianlei to strike hard, causing damage to the meridians in the body, and the pain was still higher than Zhou Qing's. However, he still stood upright, like a statue.

The people on the stage were silent. If Li Xing defeated Wuxue Wuzhong, they were surprised. So now he has defeated Zhou Qing, the sixth person in the practice of blood, which has caused a general awe of everyone.

听说 "I heard that Li Ziran was also a Tian Lei Jin who practiced. It seems that Li Xing is also so! Tian Lei Jin is said to be the Golden Order!"

The world power method is divided into several levels, the lowest level is the end flow method, followed by the middle flow method, the upper flow method, and the super flow method. Among them, all the super current methods are secretive techniques, and most monks have no chance to practice.

There are four levels of gold, jade, heaven, and mystery.

In the city of Qingyun, it is not bad to have one or two people who know the super flow.

Li Xing hasn't been able to slow down yet, the game is about to start again: "Next, Li Xing is against Sun Wolf!"

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