Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 466: Charge 8 pole tower

Chapter 55: Charge Eight-pole Tower

Li Xing said for a moment, "Senior, now the master of Wan Famen is not the master of Tianyi, but the master of Vientiane."

"Really? Tianji actually abdicated, where did he go?" The eight-pole old man seemed to be muttering to himself. "According to his fingers, he has been thinking that I have been for more than 400 years, and now he should be the elder of Wanfamen."

Li Xing said in his heart, "The juniors have practice in the future, and they will definitely look for the Tianma Master and cut it under the sword!"

"Very well, you've got three relics I've refined. There are eight relics and eight gates in my eight-pole tower. When your strength grows, you can get them all and practice them. The Eight Great Paths I taught. One day, when you can fully control the eight pole gates and refine them all, you will have a 50% chance of killing the Teana. "

"Senior, why did the Master Tianji secretly account for you?" Li Xing asked.

"I and I were friends. Later, I went into a mysterious ancient ruins together and found many treasures. Tian Tian was so greedy that he killed me while I was doing my work, leaving only a ray of remnant to escape. I hit him with a full blow and wounded him, and took away a few treasures. "

"I know it ’s hard to survive, so I put all the eight-pole towers and everything I have accumulated in my life here. Among them, the treasures from the five relics are all placed in the Tiangan Cave on the eighth floor of the eight-pole tower. Wait for someone to inherit my mantle and avenge me in the future. "

Li Xing said positively: "The junior must go all out."

The elderly Baji nodded with satisfaction: "Mage Tianji, obtained a lot of treasures, kill him, you will gain a great deal. This is the eight-pole Taoism that I cultivate, and I will give it to you now."

He handed eight fists the size, crystal clear, and the seeds condensed by mysterious runes to Li Xing, saying, "This tower, you can only earn income for the time being, until you become a mage, you can exercise its power, so you can do it yourself . "

After that, the image of the old man with eight poles disappeared, and at the same time, a booming sound made Li Xing return to the eight poles tower again. In his hand, the eight Taos slowly rotated, forming a mysterious formation.

He immediately collected the Tao, feeling that there was a mysterious connection with the entire Octapole Tower, and he could receive this tower with a single thought.

As soon as Li Xing came out, Lu Tianjiao was frantically searching for his figure between the mountains. He immediately laughed and said, "Lu Tianjiao, you're one step behind!"

Lu Tianjiao saw Li Xing appear, his eyes flashed, and he rushed over to kill him.

Li Xing snorted: "Idiot!" When the divine thoughts moved, there was a strong force. All the people, Lu Tianjiao, Xifeng Lie, Jing Wuming, Nangong Xiaoyi, were all ejected from the Eight Polar Caves.

But outside said, five mages were waiting around, and suddenly the tower was shaken. Four people were shaken out and landed on the ground. Except Master Ting Tao, the other three masters all changed their faces. They knew that the successful people must be Li Xing and Nan Shanweng!

Nanshan Weng smiled and rushed towards the eight pole tower. Mage Shiraishi's eyes flashed and said: "Hands on!"

The other two Master Taiping and Master Jinyu also shot at the same time, hitting spells to attack Nanshan Weng. Nanshan Weng had been prepared for, and laughed, "It's too late to make a shot now."

Sure enough, the eight-pole tower shook and wrapped Nanshan Weng directly, then rotated it, rising slowly, and seemed to fly away. The three mages desperately hit mana, but they were all bounced off by the eight pole tower, unable to hit it at all.

Hearing Master Tao coldly, asked Nangong Xiaoyi next to him: "How?"

Nangong Xiaoyi smiled bitterly: "Master, there are people outside, that Li Xing is very powerful, and Lu Tianjiao can't beat him."

Tingtao nodded, waved his sleeves, took Nangong Xiaoyi, and left directly, but asked about the three mages.

In the eight-pole tower, Li Xing controlled the tower body, and Nanshan Weng also entered into it, laughing: "It really succeeded!"

Li Xing smiled, and went through the things one by one, without concealing them. Nanshan Weng nodded: "It seems that what I need is in Tiangandongtian, which is the eighth-level tower. It ’s okay, you slowly cultivate. One day, you can open the eighth-level tower, and I will come to you no later. "

"Senior, what should we do now? The three mages are chasing after each other." Li Xing said, "I can't urge the Eight-pole Tower to hurt people for the time being."

"Oh, let them chase, you will urge the Baji Tower to a high place and go straight to Jiuxiao. There are so many winds there, and he will never dare to go up." Nanshan Weng Road, above Jiuxiao, there are all kinds of dangerous environments, Even the mage was afraid to enter easily.

Li Xing smiled "Hey," and immediately ran the eight-pole tower, rising sharply, the higher the higher. Gradually, the wind was rising like a sword, and the three chasing mage's faces were hard to look.

"Entering Jiuxiao, we have no choice but to stop it!" Master Shiraishi shouted.

Unfortunately, no one can stop the octopus tower and watch it keep on flying. The higher and higher it is, it eventually disappears in the howling wind. The three mages retired helplessly and dared not chase again.

After flying for a while in the high air, Li Xing urged the eight-pole tower to land slowly, and then found a place to put it away.

Nanshan Weng laughed: "Let's just part it. Five years later, I will look for you again."

"Senior takes care."

"Take care." Nanshan Weng smiled, and Kong Kong left.

Li Xing drove Shenguang and returned to the Qiyun faction.

During his visit to the Eight-Pole Tower, he learned a lot, and this time he went back to digest it. One hundred kinds of great divine magic must be deduced and practiced twice; the three sacred objects obtained in the eight-pole tower must also be studied carefully.

More importantly, he has to re-perceive the eight Taoist species, the comprehension of the three laws, and the three ancient writings.

Flying all the way like electricity, two days later, he returned to Qi Yunpai.

During the time he left, Qi Yun sent peace and everything went smoothly. However, Jiuliong broke through again and stepped into the training of the Seventh God. Originally, with his qualifications, it was very difficult to make progress.

However, Li Xing had many almighty hands, and he wanted to help him improve. Naturally, naturally, Jiuli Xiong stepped into the training of the Seventh God.

After returning, he went straight to Baiyang Jingtian and retreated.

The first step is to re-cultivate the newly practiced one hundred great divine spells, push down the exercises, and then gradually develop them. Zhenwu Tianzhen, constantly running, passed day by day, Shen Dan consumed a lot.

Two months later, one hundred kinds of great divine skills reversed ninety-three exercises. And these ninety-three heaven-level exercises have newly introduced twenty-seven kinds of great magic skills. In other words, there are as many as 220 types of great divine magic now possessed by Li Xing, and their strength has soared again.

However, the three hundred **** spirits were also used up, and the remaining ancient **** spirits were all used up, and none was left. Even in the process, Li Xing had to consume the original power of the Great Divine Seed for deduction.

"Well, continue to search for gods!" Li Xing frowned. He figured it out and deducted a great divine skill completely. It would consume seven to twenty gods. On average, at least fifteen gods.

"Your practice is too bad, and the difficulties along the way are natural." Tianxie said, "But once you grow up, there is no power to stop your footsteps."

Li Xing nodded: "There are gains and losses. Peerless powerhouses are not so successful, I understand."

Immediately, he ran the Zhenwu Tian array and nursed two hundred and twenty divine spells. At the same time, he sensed the three ancient characters "wind", "thunder" and "mountain" that were newly obtained. These three ancient characters are not trivial. Compared with the words "broken", "killed" and "lied" that Li Xing obtained before, they are all magical.

All three texts are accompanied by a magical power, circulating in Li Xing's body. Throughout the sky array, the chaotic cloud atmosphere is still in the center, martial arts are turned into stars, and the magic is turned into planets.

And these three ancient characters turned into three rotating nebulae, covering many stars, orbiting the chaotic cloud gas. Every week, there will be a wave of power passed on to temper Li Xing's body and Yuan Shen.

The forces released by the nebula are the power of thunder, wind, and mountain, respectively. These three forces, together with the golden smelting light released by Wang Ding, tempered his constitution.

These three forces should not belong to the god-man, but to the mage. However, Li Xing can now use them to constantly strengthen himself. At this point, the cultivation could not continue, because at this moment, Qi Yunpai came to an uninvited guest.

Shenhou Aojian finally became the emperor and established the Aotian Empire. Ao Jian was a prince, but now he became emperor, and immediately alarmed the Quartet. As a mage, he was indeed qualified to be the emperor and to order the princes.

On that day, all the princes witnessed Pride and became a mage. At that time, Li Xing was also beaten by him and seduced into the body. Ao Jian thought that Li Xing was wounded by robbery and must have died. The news that I didn't want to get is that Li Xing not only died but also grew.

This time, Ao Jian was finally surprised. The first thing he did after being named emperor was to send someone to recruit Li Xing.

Qi Yun sent the main hall, Li Xing and You Yuxu and others sat on it, and saw an emissary striding into the palace, holding his death in hand. This messenger, practicing God tenfold, looked around at everyone and said proudly: "The Emperor Aotian has a purpose!"


Li Xing grabbed it with a big hand ~ www.readwn.com ~ Directly took the so-called imperial edict, rubbed his hands and turned it into fly ash, coldly: "The coming of the proud sword must be persuaded to descend to me, you go back and tell He, now only a stupid person like him wants to be emperor! "

The messenger stared at Li Xing coldly, indifferent to his method of crushing the imperial decree, smiled sternly: "His Majesty the Emperor had already expected that you would do this, so he has come in person!"

"What? Aojian is here?" Everyone present was surprised.

Li Xing's look remained unchanged, and he said, "Awesome sword, come out!"

A man in a golden robe suddenly appeared in the temple, and his momentum was unfathomable. Who was not the proud sword? This proud sword, although a newly-developed mage, can definitely be above the three mages in Tianxingmen!

"Li Xing, I have given you a chance, but you did not cherish it." Ao Jian stared at Li Xing, like staring at a dead body, "You will not have another chance!"

Li Xing stood up and said lightly: "It's more useless, proud sword, you are a mage, I respect your strength and status. But you can't kill me, but you can't! Today, I Li Xing will fight you! "

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