Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 486: Sky mirror

Chapter 75: Celestial Mirror

Tianxing Kingdom, located in the east of Tianyuanzhou, is the largest country in Tianyuan. At this moment, Li Xing landed on the huge street of the Imperial City of Heaven. On this street, all the people who come and go are people who practice blood and energy, and even practice God level. There is no ordinary person.

This street, called "Dahang Street", is full of shops, fifty miles long and three hundred steps wide. Li Xing quickly found a shop selling artifacts, Artifact Square, according to the mark on the Destiny Rune.

On the surface, Artifact Square is a shop for selling magical instruments, but it is actually a liaison organization established by the Destiny Organization. Destiny members can accept tasks and receive rewards here.

The artifact workshop looks average in size, with only three rooms, small and small, and even less conspicuous, not even a patron. When Li Xing entered the shop, he immediately lit the sign.

On the counter, a chubby middle-aged man nodded slightly and said, "Guests, please come with me." Immediately, he introduced Li Xing into the back room, took a look at the sign, and then passed on the sound. "Thunderstorm, what are you doing here?"

Li Xingdao: "I killed Wu Xiaogong last time and came to receive the reward."

The fat man checked out a booklet and said, "You do not receive the reward, just wait." He took out a magic weapon from his body and input the divine power. After a while, shaking the magic weapon, a sword figure fell. Come down.

Obviously, this instrument has the magical effect of space teleportation, transmitting the sword of annihilation from a distant place.

Putting away the sword and making another record, Li Xing immediately left and went directly to the Blood Slayer.

Xie Shou Tang is a domestic killer organization in Tian Xing. Although it is not as powerful as Destiny, it is also quite powerful. The people in charge of the Xueshoutang are the three deities of the Yuwen family, Yuwen, Yuwenhong and Yuwenbing.

On the three people, there is a word "yin", a word "yang" and a word "sheng". Three ancient characters are very important, Li Xing must get them.

The location of Xie Shou Tang is very secret and unknown to outsiders. But Li Xing captured the memory of Yu Wenguang and others, and soon found it. Xie Shou Tang, located in a downtown area, ten miles away, is the Imperial Palace of Heaven.

From the outside, the Blood Slayer is just an ordinary house. Who would know that this place is a place where killers gather. Xueshoutang has trained more than 50 god-man-level killers and more than 600 national-level killers. It receives thousands of business every year. It is one of the largest industries of the Yuwen family.

At this moment, in a brick house, Yu Wenhua, Yu Wenhong and Yu Wenbing are sitting together to discuss something. The three were all in their 30s and 40s, dressed as literati, but all of them were quiet, with a murderous look in their eyes.

"Recently received a big business and asked the three of us to do it ourselves to be sure." Yu Wenhua said, there is a mole on his eyebrow, like an eye, so in the killer circle, nicknamed "three-eyed blood demon" .

There was an inconspicuous scar on Yu Wenhong's right cheek, which looked a little embarrassed, and he sneered: "Guan Chengtian practiced the gods tenfold, and practiced three great divine skills, except for the three of us. People can deal with him. "

"Then take a trip." Yu Wenbing said, "The person who killed him still has a condition, let us seize the sacred thing on Guan Chengtian. The sacred thing, called the" celestial mirror ", do not know what usefulness."

"It's off, killing people, snatching things, and it's okay for us." Yu Wenhua said, "It has been investigated clearly, we will shoot tomorrow afternoon."

The three only talked, but they didn't know. Li Xing heard clearly next to him and left quietly at the moment.

Li Xing did not start immediately, but went out to find Guan Chengtian. Guan Chengtian is famous, but Li Xing asked casually on the street, almost everyone knows his name.

Guan Chengtian, the head of the Chengtian Dart Board. The so-called dart board is mainly responsible for the security of the guards. It is a trade that licks blood with a knife edge. However, Guan Chengtian himself is a ten-strength God and has good strength.

The dart board is not as secretive as Xueshoutang. On the contrary, the building is majestic, with many people, and Zhong Ming is eating. At this moment, Guan Chengtian, the master, sits on the high hall. On each of his left and right sides, five god-men stood.

Ten gods in the hall were born and died together with Guan Chengtian. After ten years of business, they have the scale of the Chengtian Dart Bureau today. Every year, the Chengtian Dart Bureau has tens of millions of Xuanjing income.

Guan Chengtian was full of spring breeze and had just completed a single business. He suddenly charged 3 million Xuanjing and was in a good mood. Xuan Jing is a hard currency throughout Tianyuanzhou. Where there is a **** and man, there is a demand for Xuan Jing.

Not all gods and human beings, like Li Xing, have Baiyangjingtian use. There are many gods and men who use Xuanjing to absorb the aura in Xuanjing and improve their cultivation.

Guan Chengtian smiled and glanced at his ten subordinates, saying, "After three days, let's take another trip. This time, we need to protect a family boy and go to the demon forest to find a potion."

Talking, people in the hall flashed, Li Xing appeared.

"Who is going on?"


"Take him down!"

The gods and men screamed, and this uninvited guest was Li Xing. He ignored the ten gods and looked at Guan Chengtian. He opened his door and asked, "Are you Guan Chengtian?"

"Yes, I am." Guan Chengtian's look remained unchanged.

"Very well, I'm here to protect you." Li Xing said, "you hand over the sky mirror, even as a reward."

Suddenly Guan Chengtian laughed, "Haha" laughed: "You protect me? You, a quadruple god, ran to my heavenly dart board to protect the tenfold god? Did you get water in your head?"

Li Xing was too lazy to make nonsense, step out, and went directly to Guan Chengtian. He pointed out that this finger, called the "Fingerless Killing Finger", was a very large and severe operation. It was more powerful with the helpless Wushu.

Guan Chengtian felt that in the sky and underground, he had no way to escape, nowhere to hide, it seemed that he could only kill him by his neck. The other ten god-men did not respond, and Li Xing's fingertips had already touched Guan Chengtian's heart.

However, Li Xing did not kill, but just said lightly: "I can kill you, they can also kill you."

On Guan Chengtian's forehead, cold sweats began to flow. There was a feeling of walking away from the gate of the ghost. He exhaled and said in a deep voice, "Who is a friend?"

At this moment, no one dared to underestimate Li Xing, but was in awe of him.

"It doesn't matter who I am. What's important is whether you are willing to use a sky mirror and change your life. If you want, I can take care of you and kill those who came to assassinate you." Li Xingdan said indifferently.

"Who is going to kill me?" Guan Chengtian asked, looking dull. He didn't doubt Li Xing's words, because Li Xing could kill all the people present and steal the sky mirror, there was no need to talk nonsense with him.

"Xie Shou Tang." Li Xing said, "At that time, there will be three top ten gods. Any one of them will be better than you. Together, the three will have little chance to survive."

Guan Chengtian is a smart man with a flexible mind. Otherwise, he would not be able to operate the Chengtian Dart Bureau as it is today. With a few words from Li Xing, he knew the importance of the matter. To him, the celestial mirror is like a chicken rib, and it has not been able to be sacrificed, and I do not know what mystery it is, it is better to give it away.

The thought flashed, and Guan Chengtian immediately took out a small mirror. This mirror, with several cracks on it, seems to have been damaged.

Li Xing took the celestial mirror, and smiled, "You can rest assured that with me, there will be no return from the Blood Slayer."

Guan Chengtian stared at Li Xing, but couldn't help asking: "Why do my friends help me? The sky mirror has been damaged and has little value. It doesn't seem to be worth your shot."

Li Xing didn't speak coldly, Guan Chengtian touched a soft nail, and laughed, so he didn't ask.

The dartboard is as usual without any changes. This is what Li Xing ordered to block the news of the assassination of the Blood Sword Hall, and what the darts should do or what to do, so as not to frighten the snake.

The night was getting darker, Li Xing changed into the costume of a dart division and sat in the town hall. His appearance, even Guan Chengtian and others could not see clearly, and it looked blurry, giving people an unpredictable and profound feeling.

Eleven gods including Guan Chengtian were present, sitting behind Li Xing. They are waiting for the arrival of the Blood Slayer.

In the middle of the night, Li Xing suddenly opened it, pressing his big hand down, and the "big wave fingerprint" was displayed. A circle of light waves oscillated and three figures jumped out of the void with a surprised look.

Li Xing stood up, stared at the three, and asked sharply, "Who are you? How can I break into my dartboard?"

The three people who jumped out were the three of Yu Wenhong. They had already arrived, and all the people who saw the dartboard were there, all surprised. However, the trio are daring, and they still use assassinations to kill those present.

It's a pity that ~ www.readwn.com ~ As soon as they shot, Li Xing knew. As a master of martial arts, he had a keen sense of murderous force, and he directly cast fluctuating fingerprints to drive the three out of stealth.

"I didn't expect that there is a master like you in the Chengtian Dart Board!" Yu Wendebing stared at Li Xing. "But the person we are going to kill is Guan Chengtian. It has nothing to do with you. Your best to let the heaven avoid mistakes!"

Li Xing stared, and said angrily, "What? You actually want to kill the master! Kill!"

The three Yu Wende could not have imagined that there were such fierce people in the Chengtian Dart Board. As soon as Li Xing shot, he was shocked by the world. One type of highly poisonous fingerprints were suppressed. At the same time, many powerful themes such as the "two great seals", the "big ice seal" and the "ten great captures" were simultaneously exhibited.

Layers of horrible divine power, firmly locked the three, unable to move.

"What? How is this person so strong? Is he a god?" The three of Yu Wende were shocked, the thought flashed in his mind, and Li Xing's palm had been pressed down.

What level is Li Xing? In the Wanfa Conference, the first person on the list of gods and men can kill the gods and fight against the strong of the mage. How are these three opponents? So in one move, it was suppressed.

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