Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 527: Wanfamen 3 masters

Chapter 16: Three Masters of Wan Famen

Consecutively engulfing five mages, the Jiulongyu finally changed, and another confinement came into being, although it was just childish and not complete. As soon as the second innate ban came into being, the strength of Jiulongyu and Li Xing immediately increased to another level.

As soon as Li Xing shot, he killed five mages. The great prince Song Zanfeng was already frightened, leaving the princess in his arms and looking at Li Xing in shock.

"It's you! I know you! The first deity at the Wan Fa Conference!" Song Zanfeng gritted his teeth. "Li Xing, I'm from Wan Famen. How dare you oppose me? Don't you know how powerful Wan Famen is?"

Li Xing could see that Song Zanfeng was extremely frightened, he said lightly: "Big prince, I won't kill you, I just want to save the princess, you have to let people go?"

Song Zanfeng wanted to vomit blood, knowing that, he would let go immediately. Now it ’s better. The five Masters who had been so hard to come in were killed by others all at once. How could the forbidden land go?

He hated Li Xing very much, but he was deeply jealous. He left without turning aside.

The princess was still in tears, and he gave Li Xingying a gift: "Thank God for helping, the little girl is grateful."

Li Xing gave her a glance, and secretly, unfortunately, she said that although you look beautiful, it's a pity that you have no trust in others. I am afraid you will not have a good life in the future.

Song Zancong came in at this moment, he ignored the princess at all, came forward to Li Xinglian and arched his hands, his expression was extremely excited: "The prince is truly amazing! The power is infinite! Even the five mages are not opponents, admire and admire!"

Li Xingdan said indifferently, "This is nothing, the sixteen prince. I would like to help you enter the forbidden area. How can we cooperate?"

There is no reason why Song Zancong didn't agree, and he quickly said, "You can't ask for it, you can't ask for it!"

However, he said that once Song Zhanfeng returned to the palace, he immediately sent news to Wan Famen and explained in detail what happened today. Wan Famen also wanted to participate in the trip to the forbidden land. At this time, the plan was destroyed by Li Xing and naturally he would not sit idly by.

Wan Famen's response was extremely fast, and soon news came. After looking at it, Song Zhanfeng was overjoyed and shouted, "He actually sent a mage of heaven power. He is the first **** of the previous generation of the Wanfa Conference, and he is already a trinity of law and heaven. His strength is earth-shattering and he must kill Li Xing ! "

Wan Famen attaches great importance to this time. Not only has he sent the Tianquan Master, but also a Tianheng Master and a Tiandu Master. These three are the outstanding masters of Wanfamen's younger generation of mages, all of whom have the triple practice of Fatian.

On that particular day, the Master Mage had a very high status and strength. Even in the face of the Six Masters, he was able to occupy an absolute advantage, and was regarded as the first wizard of Wan Famen for 500 years. Compared with the so-called youth wizards, the Dragon Gods are not even worth mentioning.

Wan Famen suddenly came to three masters. In Song Zanfeng's view, each of them could instantly kill Li Xing with unpredictable strength.

Song Zancong regretted the mansion of the sixteen princes and sighed, "Shen Li should not let go of the great prince. He has a narrow-minded heart and will definitely retaliate against us once he has a chance!" In his view, Li Xing If Song Zanfeng is killed, then everything will be fine, and he will completely clear the way for him.

Li Xing disagreed, and said lightly: "Song Zancong is not a deity, I pinched him with a finger. What is he? What really makes people fear is the forces behind him, Wan Famen. Even if I kill today Dead pine praises Feng, and Wan Famen will intervene in the same way. "

Upon hearing this, Song Zancong thought it was very reasonable and nodded again and again: "It is still the vision of the prince, Song Zhanfeng can be killed at any time, but if he does not kill him, the results have not changed much. Wan Famen also intervened in the meantime. . "

"Wan Famen had long wanted to bring the forbidden area to himself. When they first accepted Song Zanfeng as their core disciple, they had made this idea." Song Zancong said fiercely, "I mentioned this to my father at the beginning, that old confused Not listening at all! I also said I was jealous of Song Zanfeng's beast! "

Li Xing: "Since Wan Famen intervenes, we will definitely send great figures to come. We must be prepared."

Song Zancong looked anxious and asked, "Li Shenjun, to what extent has your strength been able to deal with them?" Although he knew that Li Xing was powerful, after all, it was the five-fold training of God. There are also upper limits, which may not be able to win the masters of 10,000 methods.

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "As long as the other party does not use the character of the Fa-jun level, I can protect myself. After entering the forbidden area, I rely on luck and wisdom, not exactly strength."

"What? Can the prince protect himself under the prince?" Song Zancong's face showed an extremely shocked look. "It is indeed the first **** of the Wanfa Conference. It is amazing! Such a prince can absolutely shock Throughout the ages, the world! "

The level of princes is the seven masters of Fatian, condensing the Dharma body, with immense power. Such a character is too horrible, Li Xing can't challenge it, even without a chance to escape under their hands. But if Fatian is less than seven, he can save his life.

Li Xing dismissed his flattery and said, "Although I can protect myself, I may not be able to hold you back then."

Song Zancong smiled bitterly: "If Li Shenjun doesn't protect me, the kid will be killed by Song Zanfeng's beast."

"You don't want to die, there is only one way." Li Xing said, "Enter the restricted area in advance."

"Enter early?" Song Zancong paused, then exhorted to persuade, "Li Shenjun must not be reckless! The forbidden area is extremely dangerous. Only at a certain time can the source be, otherwise, it will be in it Power swallowed up and killed, even the mage couldn't compete! "

"It may not be so." Li Xing looked down, "There is a treasure in the hand of the god, you can avoid danger, there will be no accident."

The baby he said is naturally the nihility lamp. With this thing, he can indeed become nihilism without fear of many powerful attacks. Of course, this move still takes risks, and no one knows whether there is something in the forbidden ground to restrain the nimble lamp.

However, Li Xing has always been risky, no matter it is cultivation or other things, this style has always been. It is precisely the truth that the so-called precious insurance seeks that people have no wealth or wealth, and horses cannot grow up without grass. If you follow the steps in your life, you may never get a chance.

Of course, opportunity is with risk, Li Xing is a person who dares to take risks.

Li Xing's confident words sparkled in the eyes of Song Zancong, and he was pleasantly surprised: "It turned out that the Lord has such a hand! Well, the kid gave his life to the gentleman and walked with the Lord! Wait for the people of Song Zancong and Wan Famen to act At that time, we had already made a quick start, and we took all our babies into our pockets. "

"It wasn't us who harvested the baby, it was me." Li Xing secretly corrected the mistake for him, but this cannot be said for the time being, because he still needs Song Zancong to help enter the forbidden area.

When the forbidden grounds opened, only four people knew about it, Song Zanfeng, Song Zancong, Song Zanmeng, and the old landlord Songzan Luwen.

That night, the two discussed countermeasures and went to the forbidden area the next day.

The Miro Kingdom, which has been established for hundreds of years, has only grasped the opening time and place of a forbidden land. This forbidden land is known as the "Forbidden Land of Heaven." At the deepest legend, there is a God of Heaven. God's house is left by the heavenly machine in the barren days of ancient times.

In ancient times, people's cultivation methods were different from those of today, but their strength is far superior to that of today. As for why, it has always been a secret. The machine was a wildly famous man that day.

Emperor Tianxie often told Li Xing about the ancient things he knew. The ancient times are divided into three periods, which are the era of myth, the era of wildness, and the era of destruction. In the era of mythology, there are seven famous **** kings, including the king of chaos, the king of order, etc .; in the wild era, the most famous are the nine wild sons, Tianjizi, Tongtianzi, etc .; in the era, there are three emperors. Emperor, Emperor, and Emperor.

Tianjizi, one of the nine children in the wild, shows how great and powerful it is. The site left by him is naturally unfathomable and contains countless treasures. As long as you get one, you can use it endlessly. No wonder, Wan Famen also attaches such importance.

There is a huge ice and snow abyss in the kingdom of Miro, in the far east. The abyss has no bottom and is very wide. This is the entrance to the forbidden land. Every three hundred and sixty years, when the heavens and the nine stars are in a row, the entrance of the forbidden land will open under the sympathy between the heavens and the earth.

Nine-star renju will last one day and night. Once the horoscope is over, the exit from the forbidden area will disappear. Before that, those who enter must also come out. Otherwise, they will be trapped for 360 years.

In the forbidden ground, what exactly looked like, even Songzan Luwen did not know, because he had not gone in. Just listening to the ancestors leaving a legacy, we must keep this secret. However, he and his three sons apparently did not remember the words of their ancestors, and disclosed this information to Wan Famen and Li Xing.

Arriving in the forbidden area, Songtsan Congba looked at Li Xing and said, "God, what do you do now? How can you enter the forbidden area?"

For Li Xing ~ www.readwn.com ~ Song Zancong has been convinced that there is nothing he can't do.

Li Xing didn't disappoint him, saying: "You said that the forbidden ground will only open when Jiu De Lianzhu, isn't it?"

"Exactly! But there are still three full months before Jiuxing Lianzhu, do we have to wait?" Song Zancong licked his lips and looked into the bottomless abyss, as if he wanted to see the Forbidden Land.

Li Xing looked leisurely and authentically: "The nine-star renju, the so-called nine-star, are heavenly paradise, heavenly intention, heavenly hub, heavenly chong, heavenly cross, heavenly prince, heavenly god, heavenly god, heavenly Qi, these nine stars should have been It surrounds the celestial stars. But every three hundred and sixty years, they will lie on a straight line, which is called the nine-star renju. "

"Yes, but Jiuxing Lianzhu cannot be controlled artificially." Song Zancong blinked. "Is there any other way for God?"

"Of course." Li Xingyi popped up with a finger, Song Zancong went into a coma, and knew nothing, and was taken into Baiyang Jingtian by him.

Li Xing first sacrificed the miracle lamp, and then took out the big star map, saying, "Master, I do n’t know if you can use the big week star map to sense the nine star powers, and then forcefully simulate the star power changes when the nine star renjus, and open the forbidden land. ! "

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