Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 550: Supreme Dragon King

Chapter 39: Supreme Dragon Emperor

At the end of the stairs, enter a stone room, the size of a normal room. The stone room extended in all directions and contacted the rest of the rooms. In the stone room, a tenfold godhead nodded slightly to Li Xing: "Please deliver the goods."

Li Xingdang will take out the magic map that day. According to the agreement, the magic map will be owned by the employer. At the same time, Li Xing can also get a Thunder Emperor Rune.

The god-man put away the demon figure and said, "Wait a moment." He turned and walked to another room. Before long, he took out Leidi Fuyu.

The rune is the size of a slap, the thunder light flashes on it, and countless telegrams of the rune twist and change, demonstrating powerful power.

Li Xing took over Lei Fu Fu and said, "I want to see Lord God. I wonder if I can pass?"

The man nodded: "Yes." He entered Li Xing's sign and input a divine power. Immediately, a phantom appeared in the Dan room.

"Thunderstorm, why are you looking for God?" This God appeared so easily, even the god-man was surprised. You know, God generally doesn't show up. From this he concluded that God attached great importance to thunderstorms.

"My Lord, I have something to ask for," Li Xing said.


"Immortal skin, immortal immortal, these two things, God can know their whereabouts? If you know, please tell your subordinates." Li Xingdao.

"In this matter, you can inquire about the news through God's Will. God's Will sells any news, different news, and different prices." God said, "The whereabouts of these two things is expensive, at least five hundred godsend."

"Please Lord, tell your subordinates how to contact God."

Xuying said: "I have contacted you and will give you the news directly." After a while, he said, "You are lucky, God said that you are very interesting, and are willing to give these two messages for free, but I hope you become theirs' Message node '. "

"The so-called message node is to report useful news to Tianyi regularly. Would you like?" Tianming asked.

"If the Lord does not mind, his subordinates are willing to accept it." Li Xingdao said, he may even use God ’s will to become their news node, and it would be more convenient to ask about anything.

"God's will and destiny belong to the same family. There is nothing to agree with. If you like, you can join." God said, and threw a sign to Li Xing, and then informed Li Xing of the whereabouts of Erbao with his thoughts.

"The undyed skin is in the hands of the South China Sea's never-night island, the owner of the never-night island; the immortal essence is in the hands of the Danding faction, the extinct mage."

"This is the sign of care, after today, you are a member of Providence." Then asked, "Anything else?"

Li Xing bowed his hand, "No, thank you, Lord."

"You're welcome, Li Xing. The Lord of God is very optimistic about you. If you need anything in the future, just look for me." After that, the ghost image disappeared.

At this time, the tenfold god-man suddenly became very polite, greeted Li Xing with a smile, and said, "Thunderstorm, I didn't expect Lord God to attach so much importance to you, it seems you have a bright future!"

This person admired before and after, Li Xing had no good intentions, nodded slightly, and said, "Farewell." Directly took off.

The god-man snorted coldly and said, "What's so great! This person needs the unstained skin and immortal immortality of Qiqibao. Does he have another Qiqibao? It's news! You can sell one Good price! "

After Li Xing came out, he said, "The Danding faction is in the northwest, and the road is far away. It is better to go to the South China Sea's Night Island first, and by the way, you can set up the Shenhuomen."

Making up his mind, he flew all the way south, crossed countless countries, countless mountains and rivers, and finally reached the edge of the South China Sea.

At this point, Li Xing took out the chart, sighted the direction of the island, and flew in divine light. However, when Shenguang stood up, he was stopped by another Shenguang. The person who intercepted it was a tenfold **** man, and said, "Friends are sorry! Today, the sea is closed, no one is allowed to pass!"

Li Xing wasn't angry, and asked calmly: "Oh? Feng Hai? The South China Sea is so big. Who has such great ability, dare to say Feng Hai?"

"Oh, friend, can't you think of it? Of course, there is only one person who dares to do this, of course, Her Majesty the Dragon King of the South China Sea!" This humane.

"Why seal the sea?" Li Xing asked.

"We don't know about this." God said, "Brother, you will come again after a while. If you want to force the passage, I have to do it."

The other party was very polite, Li Xing didn't want to embarrass him, and nodded: "Okay, I'll come again later."

Not too far away, he sacrificed a nimbus and flew back. He quietly followed Fang Cai's god-man, trying to find out why the South China Sea Dragon Emperor had closed the sea. The Dragon King of the South China Sea is the overlord of the South China Sea.

In the South China Sea, there are billions of aquariums, all of which are respected by dragons. The highest ruler of the Dragon race is naturally the Dragon Emperor. The Dragon Palace of the Dragon Emperor, located in the depths of the South China Sea, has countless people. In fact, although there are many cultivators on the South China Sea, most of them are on the edge of the South China Sea. For example, the South China Sea Sword School, Mad Sword Gate, etc. are all on the verge.

The depths of the South China Sea are extremely dangerous areas. People without a few brushes simply cannot pass through alive. Especially in the barren waters, some flood monsters and ancient beasts may appear.

The Dragon Palace where the Dragon Emperor lives is located in the wild waters. According to legend, the dragon emperor's cultivation is extremely clever, on par with the demon emperor, and his status is above the supreme existence of several major super schools.

Li Xing followed the person who intercepted him and secretly overheard the news, but for half a day, he didn't hear any useful information until it was dark.

That day, the god-man met with several other god-men and talked to each other.

"Fortunately, these days, there are no powerful people to pass, otherwise we will not be able to do it." Yishen Humanitarian, "Once His Majesty began to discover the treasures of the ancient emperor, the movements will certainly not be small. Let us these little shrimps block and be useful. ?"

"Your Majesty certainly has His Majesty's thoughts. How can we little ones know? But with His Majesty's shocking measures, it can be completed for up to three days. The main thing now is to prevent the news from leaking out. When the capable person comes, Your Majesty has finished the work long ago. "

"Ancient emperor is a **** in the mythological era. It is said that it surpassed the existence of the mage. The treasure he left behind must be no small matter. I heard that His Majesty this time was mainly looking for the 'Shan Hai Jing'."

"What is Shan Hai Jing?" Asked another god-man.

"Do n’t you know yet? The Shan Hai Jing is the treasure of the ancient emperor. On that book, there are countless ancient beasts and evil birds sealed on it. Each one can devour the mage and cross the sea. Your Majesty, if you get the Shan Hai Jing, You can tame these ancient beasts one by one and use their power to unify the mountains and the sea. "

"Yeah! Your majesty, not only dominate the South China Sea, but also the entire Tianyuanzhou!"

After hearing this, Li Xing almost understood. It turned out that the Dragon Emperor was preparing to dig out the ancient treasures, so he would not allow outsiders to enter, in case the news leaked out and attracted masters.

After knowing it, Li Xing immediately flew into the depths of the South China Sea. From the conversation of several people, he knew the general orientation of the treasure. After flying for half a day like this, he saw the strange light rolling in front of him and the thunder and thunderous movements.

Among Guanghua and Thunder, there is a great existence, with his head on the ground, his feet on the ground, his supreme body, his supreme majesty, and he is punching down with a punch.

Below this great existence, a subtle nine-colored brilliance, constantly tumbling, seems to be protecting something.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

One punch and one boxing hit, and each punch made Jun Xing tremble, and the sea broke. Li Xing was at least 30,000 miles away from that great existence, but was still involved in boxing. It only felt that an unceasing amount of blood came over, and he was shaken violently, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Even the nimble lamp could not stop the impact of this force.

"Oh my God! What kind of strength is this?" Li Xing was completely shocked and quickly backed away.

The Great Emperor of Heaven, Xiaoxiao, said, "This person's strength is not under the year when he was a teacher! The Dragon Emperor of that year did not have such strength. It seems that this person must be a rising star!"

"Have you heard of the treasure of the emperor?" Li Xing asked as he stepped back.

"There are countless gods in ancient times, then the emperor is one of the higher status, and it is the richest one among the many gods. If there is a rich collection, there are many treasures, no **** can be right." The evil way, "Unfortunately! Your strength is not enough to compete with the Dragon Emperor, otherwise you can go and **** the treasure of the Emperor."

Li Xing said indifferently: "That's fine, I can take the baby from the Dragon Emperor as long as I am arrogant enough!"

God laughed: "Speak well!"

That great being, like a dragon and a human being, could not see the face, and after a violent collision, that Guanghua finally broke down. Immediately, the great existence issued a series of laughs, and the whole person rushed into Guanghua.

Suddenly, a ray of light burst out of Guanghua, full of wildness, the breath of ancient times, the breath of civilization, the breath of wisdom, and it was gone in an instant. This luxuriant light actually jumped in space. With each jump, it was miles away, and its direction was uncertain, and it was not easy to capture.

After a moment of light, a huge palm chased after it, and the person who shot it ~ www.readwn.com ~ was obviously the Dragon Emperor.

Three jumps in a row, unfortunately, this light came to Li Xing.

This was a thousandth of an instant, extremely short. In such a short period of time, Li Xing's mind turned quickly. He was blessed to his heart, and immediately opened the Baiyang Jingtian, slamming: "Take me!"

Hikaru did not expect that in a void, there would be a person hidden, and it seemed to be a trap in advance, waiting for it to drill.

With a strange sound, the light was taken into Baiyang Jingtian, and at the same time, Li Xing also entered it.

The next moment, the Dragon Emperor's hand arrived, but he had lost the trace of light. He "snapped" and searched arrogantly, covering a million miles, but found nothing.

"Here you are here, why can't you see him?" The idea actually covered the point where Li Xingyu went and fired back and forth. Gradually, all thoughts shrank to this point, and reconnaissance.

Li Xing lived in Baiyang Jingtian at the moment. He was sweating coldly on his forehead, and the atmosphere did not dare to come out, his heart trembled: "Is this power discovered?"

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