Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 584: Refine the Remains of Heaven and Man

Chapter 73: Refining the Remains of Heaven and Man

"This matter rests on Taixumen, and they will do the same." Tianxiedao said, "Anyway, that Ren Chongtian will definitely enter the ancient battlefield, and he will be beheaded."

Li Xing nodded: "The Wizards Conference has gained a lot. You should find a quiet place and digest it carefully. In more than three months, you will enter the ancient battlefield. I must increase my strength again!"

At the conference, heavy flying armor and Dugu star marks both severely injured him and almost lost his life. This shows that his strength still needs to be improved. Otherwise, once he enters the ancient battlefield and kills many masters, he may not be so lucky.

Immediately after the Wizards Conference, Dongxu Taoist people passed Li Xing to Taixu Hall. The meeting was very different from the previous one. The six high-level officials of Taixumen all showed their true colors.

In fact, after a meeting of Wizards and several conversations with Qingyu, he already knew enough about Taixumen. In addition to a few old antiques closed, there are six people who are in power today.

Among them are Dongxu Taoists, and the two elders are divided into Dongji Taoists and Dongyin Taoists. The three elders, the Qingling prince, the Qingchen prince, and the Qingyu prince, all of them are all Jiu Tianzhong and have extraordinary strength.

Inside the Taixu Hall, Li Xing stood underneath, and worshipped everyone respectfully. Just listen to that hole and say humanity: "Li Xing, at the Wizards Conference, you have made great achievements, repeatedly won and defeated the enemy. As a prize, you can submit it if you need it."

There was no reason for Li Xing to refuse the benefit of being delivered to the door, he quickly thanked him and said, "I don't know if there is a patch in the door?"

Upon clearing the dust, his eyes widened: "Bou Fu? You know, Bao Fu is more precious than magic, and you dare to speak!"

Qingyu said: "What are the charms of Taixumen? To the head, there are not thirteen of them in the library of Taixu symbols, and one of them seems to be repaired."

The elder Tailing also yelled, "Clear dust! Don't lose too much because of small things. Li Xing will be my person who is too imaginary in the future. Talents like him will not say a treasure, even if all 13 treasures are out Why not? "

Qing Chen lowered his head and said, "Yes!"

Li Xing felt strangely, and he said to himself how this Qingchen was so old against him? Could it be related to Qingyu?

Thinking about it this way, Dongxu Taoist already said: "Li Xing, there is indeed a repairing treasure rune in the treasury. Seventy-two laws are forbidden. If you need it, you can use it."

Li Xing was overjoyed. With the charm, he could continue to repair the battle charm and quickly thanked the hole.

Dong Yin said: "After March, you will enter the ancient battlefield. During this period, you can stay in Taixumen to cultivate, but you need it, even if you speak."

Qingyu also said: "Li Xing, Taixumen will fully support you, not afraid that you will be shocked, the stronger the better!"

Li Xing smiled slightly: "Everyone rest assured, Li Xing will not let Taixumen down!"

In this way, he received a patch of treasures, said goodbye to the people, and was arranged to practice in a quiet cave house. This cave house is located on a peak in Taixu Cave. There are many flowers and grasses on the mountain.

After entering Dongfu, Li Xingding set out to practice, and decided to give the refinement of the day's punishment to the star. The intricacies of heavenly punishment are introduced into the Great Five Elements Furnace, and then they are turned into one by one and fall down.

The body of the Fivefold Heavenly Penalty has a profound star power, and after a while, a large number of star charms have successfully condensed. In the end, more than six hundred days of penalties were refined, and each of them was infinitely useful.

After finishing the star charm, Li Xing looked sad and hated: "There must be a method to quickly cultivate the star power on the lonely star mark. If I get that method, I will also be able to cultivate the body of the five heavy punishments!"

"That's okay. You have a big star map of the week. As long as you have enough time, you can open up all three thousand nodes sooner or later, and then there will be three thousand kinds of star power for you to cultivate, there is no need to rush."

Li Xing nodded, his body moved, and he entered Baiyangjingtian. In the sky of Baiyang, a patch of seventy-two heavy laws was suspended. This symbol is eight feet long and three feet wide. It looks dazzling, brilliant and brilliant.

Li Xing looked at repairing the treasure charm and sighed: "The treasure charm is precious, but it is a waste to use it all at once!"

Patches are different from normal spells, and can only be used once, regardless of the grade. Before Li Xing, he spent a lot of real and king amulets to repair the amulets, which were all consumed at one time.

At this moment, Xiao Jin swam over, and the fighting spirit of this little true dragon was very strong. The fighting body had been cultivated to the 30th level. At this time, he would not suffer from the wealth.

Li Xing stretched out his hand, grabbed the fighting treasure, and then gritted his teeth and patted the 72-strongly forbidden patch. Suddenly, the thunder was rumbling, and the whole battle spell radiated the light of infinite battle, like a day, shining Baiyang Jingtian brightly.

Li Xing observed for a while and said, "This time, it will take longer, I am afraid it will take two or three months."

Later, he observed it in Baiyang Jingtian, took out the Yuqing fruit and the supernatant fruit, and planted it on the ground. These two fruits are extraordinary products. Li Xing waited for a long time, but they did not see them take root. Knowing that this matter could not be anxious, he set his heart and began to nourish the fetus and practice Chiyang Gong.

Li Xing's Chiyang Gong has reached the fourth level and is already quite powerful. Chiyang Gong seems to have little effect, but it is the foundation of Li Xing's cultivation. It can be said that Li Xing can have today's achievements and is inseparable from Jiu Yang's achievements. Without Jiu Yang's achievements, there would not be his great achievements today.

Even though he has been practicing Jiuyang Gong, Li Xing still feels that he has not fully understood the Jiuyang aura, and he always feels that there are important things in it, but he cannot understand.

Jiuyang Gong has always been low-key. When Li Xing fought, his power was limited. It seemed that it had been suppressing its strength.

Bai Yang Reiki, every breath, runs for 33,000 days in his body, and this rate is still increasing. The non-destructive body of the Nine Heavy King Kong has become more tyrannical after three flashes of silkworm, and can withstand high-intensity cultivation, which is an advantage that others cannot compare.

Jiuyang Gong, at this time, entered the country very slowly. Li Xing practiced for a period of time. Seeing that the effect was not great, he switched to warming up.

Warming up the fetus is also a delicate task, and we must focus on it. Emperor Tianxie, with rich experience, made Li Xing take a lot of detours.

There are many ancient authentic texts on the ancient Xuanjing, and there are several authentic texts around the Xuanjing. These peripheral texts cannot be found on the first page of the Xuanjing, so they cannot enter the Xuanjing.

Each authentic text will release the Taoist breath and nourish the fetus. In addition, different combinations of words can release infidelity. The combination of "yin and yang" can release the yin and yang breath; the combination of "rigid and soft" can release the gang and soft breath.

In addition, the Badao Avenue of the Baji elderly and the Buddhism Avenue of Chanmen have also continuously released Dao Qi to nourish the fetus. As for the killing star power, the punishment star power, the celestial star power, and the power of Chiyang, they are also nurturing their fetuses in different ways.

Li Xing ’s divine fetus is a trivial fetus, with Tongtian spiritual fetus as the base, Xuanjie Yuanshen as the support, and three thousand runes as the core. Then, with the help of chaotic martial arts, Da Luo ’s shocking feat came back to one. .

This fetus, if he can successfully break through in the future, will achieve the supreme mysterious infant child, that is the day when Li Xing has great power. But the more powerful the fetus, the harder it is to raise it. The recipe alone can cause headaches.

In a blink of an eye, more than two months passed, and the time to enter the ancient battlefield was close, but Li Xing's fetus was famine.

At this time, Yuqing fruit and Shangqing fruit on his body, after more than two months, had given birth to fine buds and were unwilling to eat. At this moment, he was like a hungry man, his eyes were scurrying around, hoping that he could find something to eat.

Emperor Tianxie came out at this time and said, "Don't be hungry in the early days of the fetus!"

Li Xing sighed, wondering if he had dug out Yuqing fruit and ate it? Just listen to the evil path: "Huh? The remains of this man have been refined almost. I don't know how it works. I should have added it to the recipe."

Remains of heaven and man? Li Xing immediately remembered that he flew to the front of the French Front.

The array was slowly operating, suppressing the remains of a celestial being. This remains, like a whole body of ice and jade, that evil force has now been completely persecuted.

This remains was Li Xing's first beheading of Momen Hanquan. He read the memory and learned the whereabouts of the ice cave, so he collected it when he went on an expedition. Heaven and man, it is the existence of a transcendent state mage.

At that time, the ice mage was secretly fallen by the evil forces in the remains of the heavens and men, and before the death, he sealed the evil spirit with a large ice seal. At this moment, the evil spirit was suppressed by the French array, turned into a mass of black light, and kept writhing.

In the dark light, the breath of decay, decay, and death is revealed, which is extremely uncomfortable, and the heart escapes.

"Master, what exactly is this?" Li Xing asked, "It seems to be an evil idea ~ www.readwn.com ~ It looks like it should be related to the undead evil spirit in ancient mythology." Tianxie opened a huge memory Library, concluded.

"Undead evil spirit?" Li Xing blinked. "This thing is terrible?"

"The undead evil spirit is very mysterious. Some people have studied many clues and found that the undead evil spell should be the pioneer of today's magic. However, the undead evil spell is too evil and sinister. Once ordinary people practice, they will turn into undead evil spirits."

Li Xing said: "I have a feeling that even if I can't pack the immortal seal, I can't clean it up. I'll talk about it later." When he beckoned, the remains of the evil spirit were expelled and flew out. , Ingest the divine fetus, and throw it into the big five elements of the furnace.

The Great Five Elements Furnace, the treasure of the ancient Five Elements King, was extremely powerful, and immediately began to refine the remains.

The sound of "Sisi" was endless, a ray of white light rose, and fell into Li Xing's fetus. This ray of white light contains a force that transcends humanity and is very arrogant.

When the power entered the fetus, Li Xing could not help but widen his eyes and took a hard breath, exclaiming, "Cool!"

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