Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 590: Lake bottom altar

Chapter 79: Lake Altar

The three treasures obtained by Li Xing were extraordinary and directly entered the Zen characters into the ancient Xuanjing. Suddenly, the "Xuan Jing" was shaken, and the strength of the ancient characters released was more than doubled.

In the Xuan Jing, the word "magic" suddenly became eye-catching. It seemed at this time that due strength should be bloomed to stimulate the six demon heads, all screaming, as if the flies saw blood.

Not only that, Li Xing also put Jiupinliantai into the Vajrayana array, so that the gods live on the lotus terrace. The method of sitting on the lotus seat of the divine fetus is the idea that Li Xing's mind flashed.

At this time, the lotus brilliance was bright, and it released a powerful zen feeling, which was thousands of times stronger than the zen feeling of washing Dugu star marks in the ancient temple!

Moreover, in the ancient battlefield, two consecutive silkworm changes have taken place, and the divine fetus has long been extremely hungry. Twenty-four relics were obtained at this moment, which was simply an appetizer, and I swallowed one directly.

When the relic enters the divine fetus, he immediately and continuously releases the strong power of Zen, so that Li Xing's divine fetus is extremely satisfied at once, and the realm is also improved. Zen power, constantly infiltrating into the chaotic array, makes this chaotic array even more unpredictable.

Treasures were counted, and Li Xinghuan left the country. Next, he was going to clean up the big spies who were too virtual, so he released a message to let everyone move closer to Li.

Before entering the ancient battlefield, the cave had orders, and in a crisis, everyone must obey Li Xing's unified dispatch. After his order was given, the remaining 13 people in Taixumen came one after another.

The thirteen people gathered around Li Xing and talked.

"Who the **** is that? Let me know, I must have broken him!"

"That's right! Dare to hit us with too much imagination, we must kick him out! Severe punishment!"

Li Xing reached down and pressed down. Everyone was quiet and looked at him. Today, he is the supreme authority, everyone must listen to him.

Li Xing's eyes glanced at 13 people one by one. None of these 13 people dodged his eyes, and they did not seem to be spies. A cold expression appeared on his face: "Spy, it must have been sent by the Wanfa School, and it is not a native disciple who is too virtual."

"Li Xing! What do you mean by saying this? Although we are not too virtual people, we sincerely cooperate with Tai Xu Men. Otherwise, Tai Xu Men could get fifteen places?" Someone immediately objected.

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Three spies, one was killed by me, and two remain!" His body flickered, and he suddenly caught behind him and grabbed him.

This grasping was exquisite and powerful, and the man's neck was tight and he couldn't move. He didn't even have the chance to respond, but he was angry: "Li Xing, are you crazy? Think I'm a spy?"

"Of course you are a spy!" Li Xing did not give him a chance to argue at all, because all this was forced out of Dugu Xingshen's mouth, and he released the Tower of Tolerance directly, suppressing this person.

Then he glanced at the other person. The man did not wait for Li Xing to use it, screamed, and suddenly flew up.

"Want to leave?" Li Xing struck out, violent forces running through the space, hitting the opponent's back in one fell swoop. The man spit blood, fell to the ground, and was restrained by the rest.

This time is no clearer. The two are spies, and the remaining eleven are furious, claiming that they should be executed.

Li Xingdao: "Each of them should be killed, but it's a big deal. It's best to wait for the ancient battlefield and hand them over to the head. What do you think?"

"You're right! What should we do next?" One person asked, and after experiencing this spiteful capture, they all realized that the ancient battlefield was too dangerous, so they asked.

Li Xing thought about it: "I recommend two people in a group, be careful, and if there is something, immediately call for help." Immediately divided everyone into six groups, the master of this group, named Tang Sen.

After the grouping, the six groups were scattered separately, and in the ancient battlefield, they searched for treasures.

Tang Sen looks young and light, Fa Tian is double, and he is very courteous. He said to Li Xing, "Brother Li, take care of you, it's not you, we all have to be conspired."

Li Xing waved his hand: "Nothing, Tang Sen, you and I act together. If you encounter a treasure, half of you."

Unexpectedly, Tang Sen shook his head and said, "Brother Li, I want to act alone."

Li Xing froze, nodded, and didn't persuade him, saying: "Okay, if there is something, notify everyone immediately."

Tang Sen saw Li Xing promised so quickly, but stopped talking, Li Xing laughed: "You must know a treasure? Is it OK? It doesn't matter, everyone has a chance in the battlefield, you can go there by yourself. Let's get things done. "

Tang Sen was overjoyed, worshiped Li Xing, turned around and left, looking for the treasure.

As soon as Tang Sen left, Li Xing felt free to act. In fact, if this Tang Sen is really with him, Bacheng will become a drag, making Li Xing unable to do his best.

Moving forward, Li Xing found a lake in front of him. The lake is vast, like a pool of standing water, without a trace of wind, the lake is as flat as a mirror.

Li Xing narrowed his eyes. He felt that something was wrong here. At the moment, the sacrifice lamp of emptiness was thrown into the lake water, and the lake water could not bear a wave of waves.

At the bottom of the lake, he roamed for a week and finally found all the problems. A huge altar is located at the bottom of the lake. This altar is like a pin of the sea god, which holds everything.

Li Xing's nimble lamp, as he approached it, couldn't help it. He couldn't help but be surprised. What was it, it was so powerful!

He turned around the altar ~ www.readwn.com ~ and found that the object occupies a 100-meter circle, is about 30 meters high, and is a big man. Above the altar, there is a power of sacrifice, and it seems that through this thing, can communicate an extremely great existence.

At the same time, in the distance, Wanfamen and his party of six were rushing towards the lake. One of them took a compass-like treasure, and dozens of light spots flickered. Some of these spots are the size of sesame seeds, and some are the size of eggs.

That egg-sized thing represents the altar in the lake.

"I don't know what baby it is, it actually emits such a strong treasure light, alas, is it a treasure of creation?" Someone said excitedly.

The person holding the Baoguang instrument has a handsome face and a handsome expression. It is Zhuang Zihan, the first master of Wanfamen's trip. Unfortunately, Li Xing was unable to fight him at the Wizards Conference.

Zhuang Zihan laughed: "In short, this thing is not a trivial matter, it is not too late, everyone move faster." At present, everyone accelerated the flight and flew towards the lake.

At this moment, Li Xing just released the power of Bai Yang Jing Tian's ingestion and wanted to take this thing away. And that altar, released an unparalleled force, stalemate with the power of Li Xing.

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