Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 592: Treasure hunt

Chapter 81: Treasure Hunt

However, it was said that the five mages had just blown up the witch puppet, and they felt a terrible wave coming from them. Everyone was discolored. What happened?

When they hurried back, they saw that there was only a large mobile movement in place, and Zhuang Zihan had disappeared and could not help but look at each other.

This time, Li Xing was so hurt that he couldn't even collect the tomahawk and hurriedly left the scene. At the moment, he is practicing sericulture in Baiyangjingtian.

As for silkworm gong, each time it undergoes metamorphosis, its strength will be overbearing. This time, it took nine days for Li Xing to fully recover. As soon as his people came out, they immediately sacrificed the precious light instrument.

The treasure light instrument is a strange magic weapon. It is non-aggressive, but it can sense the treasure light. There are nine heavenly order bans. In other words, this object is a heavenly order magic weapon, very rare.

The celestial magical rituals were sacrifice, and most of the difficulties were incurred. Li Xing continually exhibited the wishful collection tactics, which took seven days and nights to finally successfully sacrifice them.

Out of Jingtian, Li Xing was holding Baoguangyi and saw a dozen or so small or large light spots flashing on the disk. Each light spot represented a treasure. Moreover, the larger the light spot, the more precious the treasure.

At this point, he has entered the ancient battlefield for more than a month, and there is not much time left, and he must act now. So he didn't stop and immediately began the treasure hunt.

In the past few days when he was closed, there were several killings every day in the ancient battlefields. Wanfamen, Taixumen, Trollsmen, and Dayijiao each had their own injuries. However, each faction has also gained a lot and found a lot of ancient treasures.

At this time, Li Xing had no worries about fighting with others. He had to work hard to find the treasures and not have the energy to do other things. Everything that was very useful to him was found.

The wings of the snake, wand, dragon elephant Nedan, Jiupin Tianlian, high-level witch puppets, many ancient weapons, a lot of ancient elixir, etc., were all included in Li Xing's pocket. Among them, the most important thing is the ancient authentic texts, which Li Xing obtained the most.

Unconsciously, there are only three days left before the deadline for leaving. Li Xing has already obtained 330 ancient writings. The first page of the Ancient Xuanjing was basically supplemented, with only nine words left.

The nine characters that are missing are "xian", "sky", "earth", "ghost", "beast", "buddha", "holy", "empire", and "god".

On that day, Baoguangyi flickered violently, and a spot the size of a goose egg appeared on it, so that the eyes could not be opened. Li Xing's heart beating fiercely, what baby?

Without saying a word, he rushed towards the treasure.

When people arrived, Li Xing saw that the five large giant pillars were red, white, yellow, green, and black in five colors, representing the power of the five elements. Five elements and five columns, condensing a large array in the direction of five elements, suppressing a mass of rolling blood in it.

The five pillars are in balance with the power of blood and light.

Seeing the Five Elements Pillar, Li Xing's eyes lit up and he shouted, "Isn't this the Five Elements Town Yuanzhu?"

The Yuanzhu of Wuxing Town is one of the treasures of Tianyin that constitutes Wuxing Town. It is exactly what Li Xing needs!

"What is that blood light? I feel it is full of blood evil power!" Li Xing said in surprise, temporarily afraid to act lightly.

So, after observing for a long time, he decided to take Baiyang Jingtian together with Yuanzhu and Xueguang of Wuxing Town, suppress it first, and then talk. Immediately, he released the power of ingestion and wanted to ingest two things.

Unexpectedly, this object was taken into the heavens with ease. It turned out that the strength of Yuanzhu and Xueguang in Wuxing Town reached a balance, and he would not resist Li Xing at all, which made him easily.

Immediately after the work was completed, two Faguangs descended and Ren Chongtian and another mage. There is a treasure on Ren Chongtian, called Zhentian Stone, which is also part of the Five Elements Town Seal.

As soon as they appeared, they did not show hostility. Ren Chongtian hugged his fist and said, "Brother Li!"

Li Xing was expressionless, depending on what the two were doing, and said lightly, "Two, who are looking for me, what can you tell me?"

Ren Chongtian said: "We have just discovered a huge abyss. In the abyss, there is boundless vicious gas. However, there is a treasure in the vicious atmosphere."

"Oh? What heavy treasure?" Li Xing didn't seem very interested.

"The source of witch power." Ren Chongtian said, "Moreover, a treasure is wrapped in the source, the ancestral witch's staff of the ancient witches. But this thing is difficult to ingest, so we want to ask Brother Li to help."

Li Xing's eyes flashed: "Oh? May I help? What's the benefit?"

"Welcome to the source of witch power and ancestral witch, how about you?" Ren Chongtian said, "Wan Famen fell the two strong men of Dugu star mark and Zhuang Zihan.

Li Xing's eyes flickered, and his heart trembled: "These two guys must be uneasy. Ask me for help. There must be a negative move. I must be careful."

Thinking about this, he said lightly: "OK, the deal."

Ren Chongtian nodded: "Brother Li, please follow me."

So the three rushed to the abyss together.

The abyss is very huge, calling it a vicious abyss, because there is an immense amount of vicious gas in the abyss. That vicious gas, even if the algorithmist gets a little bit, will also be polluted.

At this time, Li Xing was suspended above the abyss, and saw a thousand miles long and hundreds of miles wide. The poisonous gas rolled and there was no living thing around. In the sky, Wan Famen's other eight mages were all there.

This time on the battlefield in ancient times, Wan Famen was the one with the most losses. Li Xing alone disposed of five people, including Zhuang Zihan and Dugu Star Mark. In addition to the other fallen, Wan Famen had only ten people left.

Li Xing ignored these people and asked, "Where is the treasure?"

Ren Chongtian said lightly: "In the abyss, I don't know if Brother Li can get in?"

"How do you know that there is a treasure in the abyss?" Li Xingdao ~ www.readwn.com ~ Brother Li has a treasure light instrument, and you can tell it when you take it out. "Ren Chongtian said coldly.

Li Xing's complexion remained unchanged: "What is Baoguangyi?"

"Li Xing! You should pretend to be less garlic! Hand over Bao Guangyi and spare you not to die!" With a few beeps, ten mages surrounded Li Xing at the core.

Li Xing sighed, "It's boring to fight and kill." As soon as his body turned into a dust, he was about to be taken away.

But at this moment, a poisonous gas burst out of the abyss, covering the world at once. Ren Chongtian and others showed a sullen smile on their faces, their bodies gradually disappeared, and all the original avatars were used.

"Li Xing! This is a terrible place, a vicious abyss, even if the Taoist characters are here, they will fall! Forbidden land no one dares to enter, you are dead!" Ren Chongtian Yin said, "You dare to offend Wanfa , This is your end! "

As soon as the poison gas rushed, Li Xing was unable to cast the dust particles and showed his figure. He was wrapped in poisonous gas, and King Kong's indestructible body began to corrode.

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