Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 51: In danger

Although Li Xing has not heard the conversation between the three of them, he is also thinking at this time. Suddenly Li Ying shot at him, a matter that greatly surprised him.

"Isn't Li Ying afraid of Li Ran's anger? But he still hurt me badly. Why did he do this?" Li Xing thought about the reason, and a moment later, his heart sank.

"If Li Ying is a smart person, he will never offend Li Nature at will." Li Xing put himself in Li Ying's perspective to consider the problem. Soon, he thought of a possibility.

"Li naturally left, this kind of thing can't be hidden for a long time. It is said that the characters in the Qi training level have the ability to sense and can feel the Qi field of other Qi training practitioners. Li naturally is not in the Sanyi Garden, Li Ying must be I know. Did he hurt me today because he was trying to attract Li to come out and judge whether Li was still in Sanyi Garden? "

When I thought of this possibility, Li Xing sighed. He knew that his good days might be over.

The guests were very happy, and the banquet lasted for half a day. When everyone left, Chen Shuang laughed and said, "Li Xing, if you are free in the future, you can come to me. They are all children of Sanyi Garden. You should be closer."

Li Xingxin said that I do n’t have much time to practice blood, so I wo n’t be free, but my face is polite: "Sure, thank you today."

霜 Chen Shuang laughed: "Don't be so polite. I don't think Brother Li is in the pool. He will definitely fly to Huang Tengda in the future. At that time, you must never forget the little girl."

霜 Chen Shuang's words are half admiration and half joke, Li Xing just laughed.

After returning to Zizhuwan, Li Xing called Li Hu and Xiao Xiu.

Since Li Hu saved his life with Jiuyangzhu with Li Xing, he has acquired the qualifications for training. Now he has completed the dual training of the blood, and is preparing to impact the triple training of the blood. Xiaoxiu, however, did not have the qualification to train at all. Li Xing wanted to help her for a while, but did not have a chance.

At this time, Li Xing's face was very serious, which made Li Hu and Xiao Xiu nervous and thought that something had happened.

Li Xingdao: "They finally know that my father has left. Presumably after a while, we still have to return to our previous lives. Zizhuwan no longer has supplies. However, this is just a matter of money, it will not cause us much. influences."

关键 "The key issue, Sanyi Garden may not be able to accommodate us." Li Xingdao.

Xiaoxou sighed: "Even though Er Ye was intoxicated every day, outsiders still had majesty, and outsiders didn't dare to offend. Now when Er Ye leaves, they must bully us again." Thinking of the possible future suffering, the little girl Eye circles gradually became red.

Li Xing smiled: "Don't worry, Xiaoxiu. I'm no longer the useless Li Xing. Whoever wants to bully us should also ask me if I want to. The purpose of what I said today is for you two Take care and protect yourself. "

虎 Li Huyuan opened his eyes: "Master, who dares to target the master, Li Hu will fight hard with him!"

Li Xingdao: "It's not going to be desperate. Although the father is not there, none of them know where his father went and when he will return. As long as they don't know, they won't do too much. The most likely, Sanyiyuan Will suppress me for a while. "

虎 Li Hu listened reasonably and asked: "As long as the master constantly improves his strength to the level of the second master, he need not be afraid of them!"

Li Xing smiled "Hey": "The triple training of qi is far away from me! But Li Hu, as long as you and I persist, this day will always come." He thought for a while and said, "From tomorrow , You go out as little as possible. Li Hu, you work hard to train blood, as for Xiaoxiu, today I will help you train. "

Wu Xiaoxiu blushed: "Master, I tried again and again, but it didn't work."

Li Xing smiled mysteriously: "Perhaps you tried something wrong." Then he looked up. "Li Hu, go to practice, I have something to tell Xiaoxiu."

虎 Li Hu wanted to know how Li Xing helped Xiaoxiu practice, but he didn't dare to stay, whispered and left.

Xiao Xiaoxiu stared at Li Xing with a quizzical expression, curious, she couldn't figure out how Li Xing could help her train her blood.

Li Xing's face was very serious, and he whispered, "Xiao Xiu, training for blood may be a little painful."

Xiao Xiaoxiu's face stretched: "I'm not afraid!"

"This pain may be unbearable." Li Xing avoided frightening the girl and tried not to use too terrible adjectives.

Xiao Xiaoxiu smiled: "Master, do you think Xiao Xi can not suffer?"

Li Xing was silent. This girl, not long ago, lost her father. The pain of losing relatives is more tormenting than the physical pain. Although Xiaoxiu is young, she is undoubtedly strong. There is no reason for Li Xing not to believe that she will be able to persist.

After a few moments, Li Xing nodded, and said: "Xiao Xiu, what happened next, you must not tell anyone, including Li Hu."

Yun Xiaoxiu was a little nervous, but she nodded hard: "Master, rest assured, Xiao Xiu will not say if he die."

Li Xing smiled: "Okay, let's go to the bedroom."

Xiao Xiaoxiu's face turned red again. What did you do in the bedroom? Is it Master ...

She lowered her head with a bowed head, twisted her hands together, and bit her lip. "Master, Xiaoxu said when he was young, no matter what happens in the future, Xiaoxiu is a master's person. ... but Xiaoxiu ... Xiuxiu is not ready yet. "

Li Xing stared: "What are you stupid girl thinking? I teach you to practice blood."

Xiao Xiaoxiu stayed ~ www.readwn.com ~ shamelessly, covering his face with both hands.

Li Xing grabbed her, the two entered the bedroom, closed the windows and doors, and said in a low voice: "Xiao Xiu, forbearance."

I didn't wait for Xiaoxiu to react, Li Xing already pointed at the front of the small and middle show. Li Xing is a six-strong warrior who knows how blood and blood run. He nominated Xiaoxiu's blood and blood running route and made Xiaoxiu faint.

In this way, the pain can be reduced a lot, even not felt. Coma is a way to protect yourself.

Li Xingsan removed the clothes of Xiaoxiu.

This little girl is under thirteen years old. The two small bags on her chest are obviously not big enough, but she has no style. Li Xing widened his eyes and stared at Xiao Xiuman. Wonderful posture, unable to let himself look away.

Xiao Xiaoxiu's skin is very white, like milk. Her legs are long, straight, muddy, round and flexible, full of youthful vitality.

Li Xing twisted his fingers and murmured: "The little girl's body is growing and developing, I'm afraid I can't control it." He didn't have time to think about a lot of sloppy things, he pulled a knife from the waist, a sharp knife.

The guillotine was sharp, and Li Xing was cruel, and began to cut on Xiaoxiu's back gently.

Blood shed continuously, Li Xing felt extremely cruel.

"If she doesn't do this, she can never practice her blood, 唉! I'll be a wicked, and complete her!" Thinking, his actions are no longer stiff.

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