Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 53: Ma Boxion

伯 Ma Boxiong looks more than thirty years old, with a purple-cheeked face, lying eyebrows, and wearing a big red robe. Gu Pan is quite influential. He laughed, his voice was loud, and his hands rubbed around the woman. The woman's eyes were silky, and she seemed emotional.

Qian Jun smiled charmingly and brought a glass of wine to respect each other: "Ma Guoshi! You are the No. 1 character in Flying Dragon City. My son-in-law said that a strong man like Ma Guoshi must make a good relationship. In the future, if Ma Guoshi has any mission, he must be with him The villain said. No matter how difficult the villain will be!

Ma Boxiong didn't know that Qian Jun was hiding the mischief, and laughed: "Qiangzi is polite." Although saying so, his mouth said, "The outhouse I raised was greedy. I asked for it three times, and it cost me money. It's given me a lot of money. "

Qian Jun has a dazzling heart, obedient, and immediately laughed: "Women, naturally use things to coax. Ma Guoshi is the sacred hand in flowers, and naturally knows the truth. The Qian family just opened a treasure shop. Guo Shi asked her to choose what she wanted. "

伯 Ma Boxiong was in a good mood, and after having a few drinks with Qian Jun, he called his brother and his brother up. This Ma Boxiong is not only greedy, but also loves to take advantage of the small advantages. Qian Jun has already become familiar with him after three or two hits.

At the same time, in Qingyun City, in an elegant house.

A woman with a charming and charming appearance and a sturdy figure, he was thinking hesitantly. Opposite her, there was a smiling young man. This man has a handsome face and stepped forward to gently hold the woman's Yu Shou, and smiled: "Zhou Zhenzhen, think about it, if Ma Boxiong knows you stole the man, will he spare you?"

The woman is called Zhou Zhenzhen, Ma Boxiong's outhouse. The young people are Qian Jun, Qian Jun's brother. After some investigation, Qian Shi found that Zhou Zhenzhen had close contact with a young literati nearby.

Qian Qianshi seized this, first killed the literati, and then came to persecute Zhou Zhenzhen.

Zhou Zhenzhen's eyes fell out of the door, and the corpse's body was still hot. She trembled with a cold war, "OK, I promise."

Qian Shi laughed, and there was a hint of brutality in his eyes.

Qian Jun and Qian Shi calculated Li Xing, Li Xing still did not know.

He said that the next day, Li Xing was still training, and Xiao Xiu screamed and ran in. He threw himself on Li Xing and was hit with a full body. Li Xing smiled bitterly: "Xiao Xiu, what are you doing?" Both hands held her right.

Xiao Xiaoxiu looked excited: "Master, I can practice blood, I can practice blood!"

It turned out that Xiaoxiu couldn't wait to start practicing blood last night. What surprised her was that the process of training blood was so smooth, faster than Li Hu. In just one night, he was able to listen to blood.

Li Xing smiled: "It seems that Xiao Xiuguo really has the qualifications for training, um, keep up the hard work!"

After three days in a row, Li Xingdu practiced meditation. On the third day, Li Ying seemed to confirm that Li was naturally not at home, so Li Yuan took action.

Far away, Li Xing heard the approaching footsteps, he came out of Zizhuwan, waiting for someone to come. Li Yuan brought ten people who practiced three or four of their blood, and hurried to Zizhuwan. Seeing Li Xing, Li Yuan said coldly: "The grandfather invited the second grandfather!"

兴 Li Xing laughed with "Hey", with a disdain on his face: "Since you know my father is away, why bother asking?"

元 Li Yuan snorted: "Li Xing, Grandpa already knew that Second Grandpa was not here, and sent me here to ask if you need anything."

Li Xing naturally would not believe Li Yuan's words, and said lightly: "If you care more, there is no need."

Li Yuan nodded: "Since it is not needed, the director has nothing to worry about." With a wave of his hand, he was forced to break into Zhulou.

Li Xing didn't stop, but stopped Li Hu and Xiao Xiu who were staring at each other.

Twenty servants successively moved out the things in the Bamboo House. These things were sent by Li Yuanming last time, but today they all moved out.

Seeing all of this, Li Xing was expressionless, but Xiaoxiu's expression was darkened, and his eyesight became red. She cherishes everything, and everything she does every day is spotless.

Suddenly, Li Xing held her hand, showing a mild smile, and whispered: "Xiao Xiu, the things in the future will be ten times and hundred times better than this, and I'm afraid you won't be able to care."

Xiao Xiaoxiu flat mouthed: "Master deceives."

Li Xing smiled: "Did I lie to you, I will know later."

Li Yuan took the man and left with a big swing. On the way, when Chen Shuang was hit, he asked the maids around him, "What is this, Mr. Li?"

A pouting maid said, "I heard that it was Zizhuwan's things that were removed. It's strange that these things were only delivered to Zizhuwan for a few months, and now they will be moved again."

Chen Shuang thought for a moment, turned his head, and walked towards Zizhuwan.

很少 She rarely goes to Zizhuwan. Several times, she is still a child. Old age, knowing that Li Xing is a waste, Zizhu Wan is not many people, and lost interest. This time, it has been ten years since she last came to Zizhuwan ~ www.readwn.com.

The Zizhuwan is undoubtedly a place with a single view, but it looks slightly desolate. Except for bamboo, it is still bamboo, and there are no other flowers.

Before Li Xing returned to Zhulou, he saw Chen Shuang coming. He rushed forward and smiled, "Miss Chen Er came here by surprise and let the accident happen."

霜 Chen Shuang laughed: "You don't have to call Miss Chen Er, call Chen Chen."

Li Xing nodded: "Chen Shuang, my family has just been evacuated. Are you kidding me?"

For some reason, Chen Shuang felt that Li Xing in front of him had completely changed to a different person, and it was quite easy to talk to him. She stared and said, "I came to see you with good intentions and was so miserable." Go in? "

Li Xing smiled: "There is a mess in the house, so please come in and sit."

霜 Chen Shuang's eyes rolled around: "Li Xing, this afternoon, my sister and I are going to check on the mine. Would you like to watch the fun?"

Wu Sanyiyuan controlled a blood crystal ore, and the people responsible for mining were all those who had committed the death penalty. These people are desperate, and their strength is not weak, so entering the mining area is quite dangerous.

Li Xing was hesitant, but he didn't have time to watch what was lively. However, seeing Chen Shuang's expectant gaze, he was somewhat unsure. But after all, he is a decisive person, and he will refuse now.

Unexpectedly, Chen Shuangtu said, "If you don't go, you will regret it."

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