Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 653: 12 Day Corpse

Chapter 41: The Twelve Heavenly Corpses

"Fantastic!" Qi Menyu is good at Qi Men's Armor, and has the most accurate vision. When he saw the exquisite structure of the plundering chariot, he could not help expressing his admiration.

Tian Needle asked: "Sister Three, what is the origin of your chariot?"

"This chariot is capable of turning decay into magic, and possesses a high degree of wisdom. I can't watch its mystery. However, it can be concluded that the chariot has not yet reached its strongest state."

"Can you continue to increase your power?" Furui laughed. "This way, we really don't have to worry about it. Big deal will turn the corpse world to the bottom and let the corpse regret it!"

A large number of silver corpses were killed, leaving the remains of bones and ground in one place, but the power of the plunder was getting stronger and stronger, with every additional kill of a corpse monster, its power was one point stronger.

After all the silver corpses were killed, Li Xing felt that the plundering chariot seemed to be about to transform again!

"Ang ~"

There was a roar of roar, and a cloud of corpses came in front of it. A large number of gold corpses appeared in the cloud of corpse condensation! Gold corpses, the strongest beings in the corpse, if they live long enough, they can also become king corpses.

Each golden corpse has ten times the fighting power of the silver corpse, which is equivalent to practicing the masters of the seven or eight.

Li Xing didn't panic, but was excited. If he could kill all these golden corpses, the plundering chariot would definitely transform again!

"Kill!" He yelled, urging the chariot to strangle him, colliding with the golden corpses fiercely. The crystal is still killing, but it is not as easy as killing the silver corpse.


A golden corpse was slashed and slashed to extract spiritual power. There were no golden corpses that could be spared and they were hanged.

After a short kill, Li Xing once again felt the power of metamorphosis, the crystal skeleton of the plundering chariot suddenly "clicked" and shattered, turning into a light of war. The light of war is ten thousand times stronger than the crystals!

In addition, the light of war is more flexible, and can be composed of any weapon at will, and can be large and small. Li Xing's body was also baptized by the light of war, and once again gained great benefits!

"Okay! With a plundering chariot, we will set foot in the corpse world today!" Li Xing laughed, and the light of the war went out, covering a thousand miles. As soon as the golden corpse was illuminated by light, it was drawn directly into a pile of carrion.

Li Xing was capable of killing sex, urged the plundering chariot, drew up and down, and hunted around the dead corpses.

After three days of killing, the light of war is more intense, and in the light, a ghost of war is faintly gathered! As soon as the virtual shadow appeared, Li Xing was also zealous, and at the same time felt that the power of the chariot had improved!

"Humble humans, how dare you break into the forbidden space of the dead!"

Suddenly, the twelve generals of gold armor blocked the way. Each of these twelve generals has a strong breath, and their strength is equivalent to that of Fatian Ersan, and they are all kings of the kingdom!

The king's corpse has three levels: lower, middle, and upper. The corpse of the king of the kingdom is equivalent to Fa Tian * 's heavy cultivation; the corpse of the king of the kingdom is equivalent to the rank of Fajun.

The corpse above the king's corpse has the strongest strength, which is equivalent to a master of state.

Although the twelve generals were king's corpses, they looked similar to ordinary people. They had no trace of corpse on their bodies, but they were angry, as if they were monks.

Tian Needle laughed and said, "If you make these twelve corpses into puppets, you can look at the home care home." She reached out and grabbed, and a supreme force flew out. The twelve corpses did not respond well, and were taken into the sky needle cave.

Qimen smiled and said, "The elder sister starts quickly, and then there is the king corpse, you must let the little girl me." Then to Li Xing Road, "continue to go deeper, we have to see what Tian Corps looks like."

There were four senior men sitting in the town, Li Xing was not afraid, and he immediately urged the chariot and rushed into it quickly. On the way, we encountered several groups of dying kings who were blocked by the road.

In front of it, a powerful corpse gas rose into the sky and condensed into a black lotus flower. The power of terror has shocked Li Xing. Even if it is a chariot, it cannot be countered.

"It should be the breath of the heavenly corpse." Qimen stunned several people and said, "Go, let's go and meet them for a while!"

With a thought, Li Xing turned the plundering chariot into a spot of light and poured it into his babies. He constantly released the light of war and tempered his physical body and babies. He followed behind the Nanhai Siji and approached the core.

On the way, if the shadow of Jiu Dao blocked the way, it was the corpse of the nine kings of the kingdom! Their strengths are all comparable to, or even worse than, those of Baihua.

Qi Menxiong solemnly said, "They gave it to me!" With a wave of his hands, a set of Qi Men shrouded, trapping the corpses of nine Kings of the Realm.

Li Xingzan said: "Hey, this is a great effort. Can he teach the kid in the future?"

Qimen smiled and said, "You have to learn, and I can pass you on at any time."

Tian Needle is the boss, saying: "Hundred flowers, you guard here, Gujing, you and I and Li Xing enter to look inside."

There was no objection from the two, and the two remained behind immediately, and the three continued to deepen. After flying for half a day like this, I saw a huge corpse mountain. This corpse mountain is not only big, but all the corpses are spirit corpses!

On the corpse mountain, use the corpse to make twelve steps, each facing twelve directions. The powerful corpse breathed heaven and earth, and made Tian Aihan look vigilant, saying, "Li Xing, if anything happens, you should hide in Dongtian first."

Li Xing knew that fighting at this level was too dangerous for him and he quickly agreed.

The three walked down a ladder and quickly climbed to the corpse mountain. At the halfway point, he rushed out of the nine Kings of the King of the Realm again, and Gujing's eyes were quick, and Gujing suppressed them directly. However, in this case, only Tian needle can accompany Li Xing in depth.

Finally boarded the dead mountain, a large square with a skull paved with twelve bone beds. On each bone bed, a life-like corpse lay. A large amount of corpse rushed from the ground and entered them.

In the nostrils of the corpse, the horrifying corpse rushed out to the sky and condensed into a black lotus. The image here gives a feeling of horror and despair.

Tianzheng said: "It seems that the twelve corpses are practicing a corpse, and they are all in retreat. No wonder they have never shot!"

At this time, Qi Menyi's thoughts were conveyed: "Sister, they are practicing the anti-sky corpse skills, and they are about to be completed, they must be stopped!" The strange tone of Qi Menyi was actually a little panicked.

"What? The corpse against the sky! Legend has it that after practicing this corpse, the corpse can reach the level of Daozun, and can even soar like a monk!" Tian Needle also showed a shocked expression, "Be sure to stop, otherwise we may not be able to get out alive Corpse world! "

"Huh! You broke into the corpse realm, and still want to go out alive?" A cold, vicious, and cruel voice sounded with infinite breath. This sound, mixed with twelve thoughts, is obviously the common mind of the twelve heavenly corpses.

At high altitude, the black lotus emits four rays of light, which are directed towards the South China Sea. Since Li Xing was the worst, he was very vigilant, and immediately offered the nimble lamp and disappeared.

Hundreds of flowers have the weakest strength, with a moaning sound, spit out blood. While fighting against the black light, Qi Menyu absorbed the flowers into the cave.

"All will die!" The black light roared again and again, and the beam of light released was getting thicker and thicker, and Gu Jingyi was the first to hold on, kneeling on the ground with an expression of pain.

The twelve heavenly corpses were all cultivated in a state of affairs. At this time they shot, and the three puppets could not persist for too long.

"The three seniors insisted for a while, and the younger thought of a way!" Li Xing yelled and rushed to the bone bed. Although there is a nimble lamp, it is still blocked halfway by an overbearing force and cannot enter.

At the same time, the black lotus in the sky separated a brilliance and killed Li Xing. He was taken aback and made a large sum of money.


A terrifying horror not only broke the black light, but also chopped it directly onto the black lotus, so that the black lotus "boomed" with a few signs of disorganization.

Twelve days of the corpse, they all roared: "junior, how dare you!"

Li Xing held a large amount of money in his hands and sneered: "Idiot! You are alive and dead, what are you talking about? Don't be bold!" Raising her hand and making a second big money.

This time, it was another golden light that beheaded and killed the past, making the twelve corpses roar again and again and had to resist with all their strength. In this way, the three crickets took it easy and released their own magic weapons.


This time, Hei Lian was chopped in half, but closed again. An evil voice growled: "Damn ants, die!"

The entire black lotus, shrouded in Li Xing, was extremely powerful.

At the moment of life and death, Li Xing directly entered Baiyang Jingtian. And that black lotus suddenly lost the breath of Li Xing and hit the air.

After a while, Li Xing appeared twice and shouted, "Sooner or later, I will die one by one, fight!" With three big bucks in one hand, there will be three killings and beheadings ~ www.readwn.com ~ Twelve Heaven He was also panicked. Black lotus was the foundation of their cultivation. Once damaged, they suffered huge losses and had to fight desperately. The others couldn't care less.

When the money was soaring into the sky, Li Xing suddenly released the Supreme Divine Baby. The baby infant suddenly swelled and was so tall that he opened his eyes angrily and shouted, "Swallow!"

The baby shouted and swallowed the whole corpse mountain. Twelve days corpse, busy dealing with the supreme power of three big money, how can I care about Li Xing? When they realized that Li Xing was extremely dangerous, it was too late.

Above the corpse mountain, several crickets were gently sent out of the baby by Li Xing. When they stood outside, they saw the miracle baby, eating a mountain of corpses, of course, including the twelve heavenly corpses!

"This kid is crazy!" Qi Menji blushed. "The corpse is so powerful, can he swallow it?"

Three big coins were also exploded at this time, and the black lotus was blown away all of a sudden, and the dark air suddenly rolled back and returned to the body of the twelve days. They now found themselves on a huge altar.

Li Xingbao was solemn, his eyes widened, and he shouted, "Give me a sacrifice!"

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