Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 655: 3 boxing down the vanguard

Chapter 43: Three Fists Strike Down the Pioneer

Soon after the flight, he entered the wild waters. In the wild waters, ordinary monks dare not enter because many ancient beings live here and are extremely dangerous. After entering the barren waters, in order to avoid being discovered by the Dragon Palace, the four sea turtles in the South China Sea hid in the Jiulong Mountain.

Flying another three thousand miles is the area of ​​Dragon Palace. The Dragon Palace is the residence of the Dragon Emperor. The emperor ’s cultivation has reached the rank of Dao Zun, and the power is endless. Therefore, the 30,000-mile sea area around the Dragon Palace is calm and calm, and no one dares *.

However, due to the Long Palace recruiting, Li Xing met a lot of monks along the way, most of them were gods, and occasionally met a mage. When these monks met Li Xing, they all had a slight hostility.

After all, everyone came to compete for the Dragon Palace son-in-law, and it was natural for them to be hostile to each other. Li Xing didn't take it for granted.

Li Xing flew from the south. When approaching the Dragon Palace and faintly saw the outline of the giant Dragon Palace, suddenly a terrifying dragon spirit came down, and a giant one hundred meters tall appeared to block the way.

This giant, holding a big and fierce mace stick, is still dripping with blood on his barb, wearing chain mail, foot-gripping boots, murderous and imposing.

Li Xing looked up at the other party, arching his hand, "Please! I don't know why I stopped here?"

When the giant waved his mace, the wind rose in the sky, and the sea shook. Shen said, "By the orders of the little prince, stop the people here, boy, you can't pass!"

Li Xing's eyes rolled around and he said, "Why can't we go?"

"Little five sons have a life, and any male monk above god-man must not let you go. You are a god-man and a man, so you cannot pass." The fierce light flashed in the giant's eyes, "unless you can defeat this!"

Li Xing laughed: "Dare you ask where is your sacred? Your little prince, who is the son of the Dragon King?"

"I'm the pioneer under the throne of Bai Yulong, I'm overlord!" The giant roared, shaking Li Xing's diaphragm. He dug his ears and asked seriously, "I can defeat you if you can pass?"

"Yes! Why, do you want to do something with Ben?" Yan Ba's eyes narrowed, and he seemed to be hit by a stick at any time.

At this time, in all directions, a large number of gods and even mages gathered around, numbering up to 100 people. These people are blocked by the tyrants and cannot pass through, so they are stranded here.

"Who is this person and seems to want to do something with that monster? You can see that he is just practicing the Seventh God. I'm afraid he will be killed in one move. Unfortunately, I am going to repair it for a stranger."

"This gangster has killed seventeen people, including a mage. Bai Yulong is too overbearing. Why can't we let us participate?"

"Look, it's time to get started!"

Li Xing's operation of King Kong is not bad, and his body grows up as soon as he shakes, and he becomes a hundred meters tall, which is comparable to that of the tyrant. His infant child, at this time, also temporarily merged with the physical body of the Vajra, and the whole person exuded extremely terrifying power.

At this moment, he held the Jiulongyao and stared, "Go!" He waved his arms and beat them down.

After the Jiulongyu had four bans, it was much more powerful. At the moment, it became thicker than a mace. After this, it could break mountains and rivers, and its killing power was amazing.

When Li Ba saw Li Xing's momentum and body, he was taken aback first, then called "OK", and the mace hit him hard. This tyrant is a heterogeneous tyrannosaurus who has grown into an adult with great strength. It is also a triple repair of Fatian, so its strength is very strong.

As usual, he went down with a mace and even the Five Masters had to dodge. However, today I encountered someone who was not afraid of death, and dare to stubbornly confront him!


He Ba shouted loudly, and the two heavy weapons hit each other.


The tyrant's mouth cracked, the mace flew away, and his man groaned and was slammed into the sea. Li Xing remained motionless, and stood on the sidelines, watching coldly, and said, "Just because of your strength, do you want to stop people?"

Li Ba rushed out from the bottom of the sea, and Li Xing stepped forward and grabbed his head, drinking, "Don't you agree?"

Ba Ba roared, "I don't agree!"

Li Xing hummed, closed his hoe, raised his fist like a hill, and slammed it down.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

After hitting three punches, Ji Ba's head was flattened and his legs were kicked randomly. The people around him were scared and called, "What kind of person is this? Great strength!"


Suddenly, a young girl in white walked in, with a pretty eyebrow and a slim figure. She stared at Li Xing and said, "Let him go!"

Li Xingli ignored it, raised his fist, and punched it again. The bully was held by him, and he couldn't move. He was only beaten, and he screamed again.

"You ..." The young girl bit her silver teeth, and said, "I'm not going to compensate you on your behalf, let him go!"

Li Xing raised his fist, then stepped on the bottom of the sea with a kick, and said lightly, "Forget it, adults don't count on villains."

The girl stared at Li Xing fiercely, and went to the sea to seek out the bully.

Li Xing grinned and went to the Dragon Palace with a big swing. The group of people behind them were all happy, entering the light of Li Xing.

I finally saw the legendary Dragon Palace. Most of the Dragon Palace was built on the ocean floor, but the part on the sea is also magnificent. I saw countless thick conical silver thorns, as high as ten thousand feet, inserted into the sky.

These silver thorns are connected by keels to build palaces. Among the seabeds, there is the Crystal Dragon Palace, but it is inside the Dragon Palace and outsiders generally cannot enter. Obviously, the recruitment was held in the building on the spikes.

Li Xing and others were led into a hall by shrimp soldiers and crabs. This hall, located at the top of the spikes, has a large area. At this time, many people have been seated, and people have arrived one after another.

Li Xing casually picked a seat and found a handful of fruit to eat. Next to him, a young man sat with a beautiful face and glanced at Li Xing. When he saw the fruit he ate, he suddenly opened his eyes ~ www.readwn.com ~ said: "Brother Taiwan, what you eat Supernatant fruit? "

What Li Xing ate was the super clear fruit. The super clear fruit tree and the Yu Qing fruit tree had grown for hundreds of years in Baiyang Jingtian, and they had already bloomed and fruited, and produced a bunch of fruits. Although he condensed the infant, he still had to raise the infant at this time. The supernatant fruit was a good tonic.

When asked, Li Xing took one out to him and said, "Little brother, you are also going to be a Dragon Palace son-in-law?"

The man saw that Li Xing was so generous. He smiled at the moment, took the fruit and ate it, saying, "Of course, Xiongtai is really generous. I have never eaten this supernatant fruit, even if there are a few , But also keep alchemy, not willing to eat. "

Li Xing smiled, "Hey, how can I eat fruits directly?"

After the two sides entered into a conversation, they asked each other for their names, and the other side said, "Little brother, Xiaobao."

"Zhang's?" Li Xingyi said, "But in the ancient times, was it passed down by the archer tribe?"

Xiao Xiaobao smiled, opened his sleeves, and on his Bai Nen's arm, there was a bow and arrow sign, as if a burning flame, and then said: "I am the only one of the Dai people!"

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