Chapter 56: Marine Patrol

The flight on the road took a lot of time. When Li Xing arrived at the Dragon Palace, it was just three months since he last left, no sooner or later. So as soon as others arrived, they went directly to the patrol guard.

A cruiser, located south of the Dragon Palace. In the First Guard, except Wei Hou's repairs are acceptable, the rest are all shrimp soldiers and crab generals with limited strength, not even a person at the level of law and heaven.

Therefore, after Li Xing, the seventh-level person who came to practice God, came into being, even if he did not consider his terror strength different from ordinary people, he could only be regarded as a big man by talking about his status as a seventh-level person.

There are about 3,000 soldiers in the patrol of a maritime guard divided into 30 units. They are responsible for patrolling the sea area of ​​300,000 miles. The responsibility is heavy. The Dragon Emperor had orders, and Li Xing could only work from a small soldier, so he was assigned to the 30th army by the Weihou, and he started a voyage mission.

For this task, Li Xing didn't really resist, cruising the sea was like playing for him, and it was good to enjoy the scenery of the South China Sea. The 30-year-old leader is a squid spirit who practiced seven heavy gods.

Captain Wu is very kind to Li Xing, but he knows the origin of Li Xing, and even died of eating the Fajun, then he should not be offered as a grandfather? Therefore, Li Xing actually became the chief Wu, and the squid listened to him.

However, he said that Li Xing led the 100th Shrimp Soldier General and patrolled for a few days.

Until a month later, a shrimp soldier in front of him reported with tears: "Master Li! Three monks appeared in front of him. The younger stepped forward and questioned him. As a result, he was slapped three times and hurt the villain!"

Li Xing's face sank. These people were actually his subordinates. The person who beat him was just hitting his face. Is this ok? Without saying a word, he lifted up the Han Guangjian and drank, "I'd like to see, who ate the bear heart and leopard gall and dared to hit me!"

In fact, Li Xing was not such an impulsive person, but he had nothing to do for a month, and he was so busy. Even if it was okay, he still wanted to cause something, let alone someone came to the door? This was almost right in his heart, and he was not upset in his heart.

Li Xing took the lead, and the soldiers and crabs followed behind, approaching the incident with a mighty spirit. When I reached the realm, I saw three strong gods standing proudly in the air. They were all very young and handsome, but their faces were full of arrogance and they were probably disciples from a family.

"Well, waited for a long time, only such a group of wastes came!" The young man in the middle shook his head in disappointment, and they actually came here for such officers who were cruising.

Li Xing took a step forward and yelled, "Who are you three? This place is in the Dragon Palace forbidden area, and outsiders are not allowed in! And if you hit your subordinates, you must apologize, otherwise you should blame the **** and arrest him!"

The three gods were happy, and laughed. They can't see that Li Xing and the squid essence are all seven-level training of God. Sevenfold gods and men are as weak as ants in their eyes, and naturally they will not be in their eyes.

Li Xing turned deliberately and asked a subordinate: "What's this product laughing at?"

A shrimp soldier blinked his blisters' eyes, and screamed, "Naturally, I was frightened by Li Wei's Long Wei and became crazy. Then I laughed."

Li Xing nodded and turned full of the truth: "You don't have to be afraid, I won't kill you."

The faces of these three people couldn't hang, and the man in the middle said in a cold voice: "The arrogant man, don't teach you something, I don't know the means of our black dragon pool!"

"Stop!" Li Xing stopped the other side and turned to ask Sepia Jing, "Captain Wu, where is Heilongtan?"

The squid essence tilted its head and thought, "There is a Black Dragon Island sixty thousand miles away. There is a Black Dragon Pool on Black Dragon Island and it is occupied by a black dragon. Presumably it is it."

"What is the cultivation of the black dragon?" Li Xing asked again, and he decided to find out the situation before starting.

"Fatian is three or fourfold. The black dragon often colludes with the remaining evil dragons, plunders monks, and commits many cases. We have rules at the Dragon Palace, and within 300,000 miles of the Dragon Palace, we must not harm passersby." By the way, he also said the crime of Heilongtan.

Li Xing knows something now. As the saying goes, snakes and mice are in a nest, but the black dragon is limited in repair, and the collusion of several dragons is probably not a master. He suddenly sank his face, and said, "What? Someone blatantly disobeyed the Dragon Palace order? Why not?"

The squid wanted to say that, depending on our strength, we couldn't control it. However, Li Xing's strength was overbearing, so he swallowed this sentence and continued to watch the excitement.

The three people in Heilongtan were interrupted by Li Xing, and were very upset. They waited until now, and finally yelled: "To tell you the truth, we are here to catch a few strong men and go to Heilongtan to do hard labor. Since Hit us, just obey! "

The three men's faces showed cold smiles. The labor of Heilongtan is not easy to do. It is necessary to go deep into the sea caves, collect spar, and even force the enemy to come to the door.

Li Xing was not surprised at all, but said, "Dare you even plan to patrol the ten guards? Sin will be a plus!"

That * anger: "Dog bastard! I'll kill you now!"

The other side insulted, Li Xing looked cold and stepped forward, reaching out and grabbing. The surging force pushed the people on both sides away and locked the curse monk in the middle.

The monk just felt his body tight, so he couldn't move, and then he was light again, and Li Xing was stunned like a chick.

"Insulting Dragon Palace officer, that's a big sin. First reward you with five sesame cakes!" Li Xing smiled coldly, opened the bow with his other hand from side to side, and slapped each other's five slaps, hitting the top ten gods' teeth and cracking the skull However, Li Xing was locked in the true form, unable to dispel the air of self-help, and could only suffer with his eyes open.

"Ah!" The other two yelled, knowing that Li Xing was terrible, and turned away.

"Right?" Li Xing released the demon head of fighting, with three heads and six arms, and a black light and a rush, caught the two back, one in each hand.

With five slaps, the man was seriously injured and unable to move. Li Xing put a restraint on him, then threw it to the squid essence, and said, "Stop it!"

The squid is so happy that it was a great achievement to catch this thief today! Looking back, the reward is indispensable, and he cheerfully ordered his subordinates to bind people.

Li Xing stared at the other two frightened gods: "What are you guys in Heilongtan now? Come from the facts. If not, I will chop your skin, draw your muscles, and refine the spirits!"

This threat is really scary. The two are not a kind of character, and quickly said: "We say, we say!"

At the moment, you and me, one by one, rush to explain the situation clearly. On the Black Dragon Island, there is a black dragon coiled, known as the Black King. Under King Hei, there is a mage, eighteen god-man, and a number of young men.

Coincidentally, recently, King Hei was about to do something big, so he joined three other characters. They are King King, King Silver, and King Wing, who have been eating and drinking on Heilong Island for several days.

The three "kings" have the same strength as the black kings. They are all practiced by Fatian Sanyuan, and often work together to do some killing and overdoing. Speaking of that important matter, Li Xing naturally asked for details.

However, the three god-man disciples in Heilongtan did not know the details, because Hei Wang didn't seem to tell them the truth for the sake of confidentiality, and everyone was in the dark. The three knew only that it was a big deal, and the four kings were very cautious.

Li Xing asked everything, and went to Heilongtan to simmer the four kings in a pot. He sang, "Small man, take me back to the guardhouse and dispose of it according to law." Then he said to the squid, "Master Wu, you Follow me to Heilongtan and capture the black dragon king! "Turn around and leave.

At this moment, the squid spirit was so frightened that he quickly drew him to persuade him, "God King and King, don't be careless. I think that the King of the Black Dragon has been involved here for many years, and even Weihou has failed to take him."

Li Xing snorted: "Why, are you afraid? Ben Shenjun never rubs the sand in his eyes. Regardless of his black dragon and white dragon, when he commits the case, he must be arrested. Since you are afraid, this monarch goes alone."

While speaking, he also banned the other two Heilongtan gods and delivered them to his escort. Then it turned into a shocking light, flew towards Heilongtan, and disappeared instantly. The squid spoiled and said quickly: "Hurry up, let's go back to the newspaper guard, Hou, and let something happen to Li Shenjun!"

Shrimp soldiers asked strangely, "Why is the Chief Wu so nervous? Ye Li is clever and means nothing will happen."

The squid replied: "What do you know? The future of Dragon Palace is very different from our grandpa Li. If Grandpa Li is injured, we will not be able to walk around!"

That said, the soldiers were all afraid, and they hurriedly detained the three people to return to the guardhouse in an effort to report this fact to the defender.

However, it was said that after a short flight of Li Xing, he saw the location of Heilongtan, which is a large island with forests all over it and a blackwater deep pool in the center. There is a mountain near the lake with a cave house on it, called the Black Dragon Cave.

Li Xing knew himself and knew one another, and when he got to the sky, he yelled, "The King of the Black Dragon ~ ~ Come out and die!"

At this moment, inside the Black Dragon Cave, the King Black Dragon and King Wing, King King, and Silver King ate and drank, discussing major events. The four kings were all fairies, and the feast was filled with hearts and hearts, cut into slices, simmered with a small fire, and sprinkled with spices.

I was eating with relish, and suddenly I heard a shout from outside.

The King of the Black Dragon froze, and then angrily yelled, "Who?"

As soon as he walked into the cave hall, he shouted, "King, there is a human male monk outside, who is practicing the sevenfold practice of God, and says he will catch the king."

The King of the Black Dragon "haha" laughed and drank: "Young people, take the piping and hang them. I'll meet this little boy who knows nothing!"

The King Jin and the King Yin always acted cautiously, saying, "Hey, brother, the visitor is not good. Since you dare to call, there are two brushes in the word. Be careful."

King Heilong laughed: "No matter how strong he is, he is also a god-man, and the two are more concerned. When I take that man, let's have a drink and a meal." Li Xing.

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