Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 678: Reincarnation of the Savage Emperor

Chapter 66: The Incarnation of the Savage Emperor

The seven masters, King Zhou is Daojun, and the others are at Taoist level, each using their own means to fully urge the reincarnation and rebirth. A group of phosgene was thrown to the center of the large array. The phosgene was the breath of the wild deities, and it was necessary to use it to make the will of the barren deities come down and regenerate into a peerless power.

Later, King Zhou also put Tiansha Sword Pill, Anti-Panther Medicine, Rare World Treasures, etc. into it for the achievement of the barbaric deities.

The seven people in the state have different powers of operation. Li Xing felt strong pressure, but he was calm and still, waiting for the last minute to come.

Finally, a barren will that came down from the sky and infiltrated it, and that will convey an excited idea: "Okay! Okay! With such a physique, this deity can once again dominate the lower world!"

The wild will, carrying a strong wild atmosphere, rushed into Li Xing's body at once, to plunder his body and soul.

At this moment, Li Xing broke out completely, and he performed the sericulture at once, and the whole person condensed into a huge cocoon. This giant cocoon completely enveloped the wild will, and the roots of the tree of faith permeated from the heaven and inserted into this will.

"What? The tree of faith? Impossible!" The will sent out the thoughts of shock and fear, but then disappeared. The tree of faith, the **** busters, not to mention a multitude of **** thoughts.

In fact, it was just a ray of avatars from which the desolate gods landed, not their deity. But even so, the tree of faith still has a huge harvest, and it can produce at least three hundred wild fruits.

And many of the heavens and earth are treasured by Li Xing. On that particular day, Sword Pill was killed. As soon as he saw it, Li Xing resonated with him. Bento's "Toto" jumped and seemed to fly into his hands.

The tree of faith dries up the will of the gods, and the roots return to heaven. At this time, Li Xing had fully understood what the purpose of King Zhou was, and with his body, he led the gods to fall.

"So many good things, if you let them know that everything is in vain, I don't know if I will be furious? Yeah, just show them a good show!"

Immediately, Li Xing hurriedly practiced the sericulture, and he decided to pretend to be a reincarnated god.

When the golden cocoons appeared, Da Zhouwang and others were stunned first, and then appeared happy. The blood shadow Taoist eyes brightened, saying: "The imperial emperor's method is really no small matter. It is like breaking a cocoon into a butterfly, and the feathers are soaring, and they are directly transformed. If I can get this function, I can definitely break through again!"

King Zhou smiled: "After the birth of the Emperor, you can ask him for advice, and His Majesty may pass it on to you."

The other kings also talked about it, thinking that after the cocoon was broken, the barbaric emperor would appear. Where did they know that the so-called barbaric emperor had been killed by him long ago, and he is now practicing with the help of a large array.

Three days after the tree of faith, the first wild fruit was born. Li Xing is already a wild body, eating wild fruits, the effect is very strong, the whole body is suddenly full of wild air.

The next day and the third day, he would eat a wild fruit almost every day. Then use the power of the reincarnation to raise the metamorphosis.

As a matter of fact, this reincarnation and reincarnation battle is similar to that of the Silkworm Gong, but it is just too extreme. At this time, Li Xing used the silkworm power to absorb this metamorphic power, and then put it back to his own use, which immediately greatly enhanced the power of the silkworm power.

At the same time as practicing sericulture, Li Xing drew a wild breath into the godhead. There was a slight change in the whole godhead, just like a drop of ink dripped into the clear water, and the clear water all changed its color.

This thing, for the ancient godhead, has many mysterious uses. Although Li Xing couldn't completely control it, after so long observation and research, he also found a lot of laws. At this point, he is using those rules to strengthen the wild atmosphere of his body, thereby deceiving King Zhou and others.

Under the guidance of ideas, in Tianyuanzhou, many believers' blessings on the "Bright God" directly blessed the power of the barren. The power of light actually turned into a force of barrenness.

This is one of the wonderful uses of ancient gods, which can transform the power of various beliefs.

The power of faith can be reached no matter how much time and space are separated, which makes the power of wildness continue to increase and expand, and the wildness of his body becomes more and more intense.

Day after day, ten months passed. Li Xing ate three hundred wild fruits and swallowed all the anti-elixir and heaven and earth treasures provided by King Zhou. And with the help of ancient gods, a strong sense of wildness is cultivated, and the whole person is born and reborn.

At this moment, he slightly moved his thoughts, and above the chaotic array, a ghost image of a deity appeared, which was the wild deity. The desolate deity, with a waist-skinned animal skin, has a blue sharp horn for the first time, a strong body, blue eyes, and great strength.

Feeling that the barbaric power was sufficient, he took the killing pill of the day and entered a ray of the true meaning of the killing of the sword. Suddenly, the sword of pill turned into a killing sword, and revolved around the chaotic array of Li Xing.

"This sword pill is not a trivial matter. In the future, you can use it to cast the sword." Li Xing secretly rejoiced. In fact, Xiu reached his step. Under the use of chaotic martial arts, the sword is a sword, and the sword is a knife. There is no distinction between swords, and even everything can be turned into a sword.

After a few trials, I felt that Jian Guang was working as intended, as if being sacrifice. However, Li Xing can feel that there is still a force in the seal pill, and his strength is not enough to unlock the seal.

Everything was ready, Li Xing knew that the good show was about to begin. Suddenly, there was a long howl, and the golden cocoon suddenly exploded. A horrifying light burst into the sky and turned into a great baby on the shore.

This divine baby had a green horn for the first time, with blue complexion, nobility, and arrogance. Seeing that the King Zhou and others were also drawing air-conditioning. A thick and wild atmosphere fell, and it seemed that the entire cave heaven had turned into a wild and desolate kingdom.

Of course, the image of this wild deity was intentionally changed by Li Xing. However, the wildness of his body is not fraud.

"See Her Majesty the Emperor!"

The seven living figures in the world actually knelt down, obviously without any doubt in their hearts.

Li Xing took the baby, returned to his body, and said coldly: "You have worked hard. In the future, the emperor will rule Jiuzhou, and he will lead you all to heaven."

This is where Li Xing is clever. He doesn't believe that King Zhou and others are full, and he must ask for the Emperor to come to the world. It is not profitable to be early, and what they require is nothing more than a long-term view, and if they want to live for a long time, they can only go to heaven.

Sure enough, Qi * xi, once again prayed religiously: "Thank you, Your Majesty the Emperor!"

King Zhou reverently said, "What is your Majesty's plan? Will you immediately send troops north to attack the Dragon Palace?"

Staring at King Zhou, Li Xing asked coldly, "If you want to succeed in dominance, you must put a personal grudge. Ascension to heaven, and personal grudge, which is more important?"

Da Zhou Wang Leng Khan came down and quickly said, "I know the wrong thing, please give your pointer."

Li Suan said: "It is the best policy to win without a fight. Although you have a lot of people, it is difficult to win the Dragon Palace. However, Dragon Palace has its own Dragon Palace nemesis, and we do not need to do it at all."

"What? There are busters in Dragon Palace?" Everyone stunned.

King Zhou came out of the Dragon Palace, and understood in his heart, saying, "Is your Majesty pointing, is it the Elephant Race?"

Li Xing nodded: "Exactly, one of the heavenly gates in Lingzhou also wanted to enter the master Tianyuan Island. At that time, it would definitely start with the Dragon Palace, and it must rely on the strength of the elephant clan. You can take advantage of it! "

Everyone nodded again and again, saying that the Emperor Shengming.

Li Xing suddenly asked, "Do you know this body, the original owner?"

Da Zhou Wang Yiyi: "I haven't asked in detail, who is he?"

Li Xingdao: "This person's memory has been read by me. His name is Li Xing, known as the first deity, is the righteous son of the Dragon Emperor, the brother of the order of the Taixu Men, and the apprentice of the Tianzhu Taoist. relationship."

All seven were taken aback, and accidentally caught a big fish!

Li Xing added: "The important thing is that Taixumen is preparing to join forces with Dragon Palace, and both sides will fully cultivate this son. In the future, he may be the teacher of Taixumen and even master the power of Dragon Palace!"

The few people of King Zhou were all highly intelligent, and immediately realized what Li Xing meant, and said joyfully, "Your Majesty means, as Li Xing?"

Li Xing nodded and proudly said: "With the speed of the emperor's practice, you can control the Taixu Gate within ten years and then gain the trust of the Dragon Palace. By then, both the Taixu Gate and the Dragon Palace will be used by me! With the invasion of the Elephant Clan, shake hands with the power of the Dragon Palace! "

Li Xing showed a wonderful picture to the seven people, and the future is so promising that the seven figures in the state can't help but be excited and admire one after another.

"The Emperor decided that the soldiers had two paths. The barren land is still managed by you, and continues to expand the site, and collects many forces, thinking it echoes. But the Emperor only needs to go to Taixumen and continue to cultivate. When the time is ripe, the two sides At the same time, a big thing can be done! "

"His Majesty!" Everyone feels ~ www.readwn.com ~ The wisdom of the imperial emperor is really not comparable to them.

In fact, Li Xing's chaotic array can not only calculate practice, but also calculate change. If he is really emperor, this plan would have been extremely mysterious and the chance of success would be great.

"The Dragon Emperor has already paid attention to this place, so you should not be against the Dragon Palace for the time being. Instead, keep your eyes on the ground, and when it does not sing, it will be a blockbuster. The Emperor wants to shake the whole Jiuzhou!

"Barbarian soldiers live through generations! Dominate the world!" The seven men were excited and began to praise the fake master.

Seeing that Li Xing lied to a group of masters, Tian Xie the emperor couldn't help but said, "Okay, these seven people will be used by you in the future. However, you must give them some benefits, otherwise you will inevitably have a second heart."

Li Xingdao: "Master, they are higher than me. How can they benefit?"

"Easy, use your mouth as a teacher to give pointers to their practice." Tianxie Emperor is a Ga Shiqi man. With that vision and experience, no one can be better today, a word of guidance, for those who are at the bottleneck, It's worth hundreds of years of enlightenment!

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