Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 680: Taixumen Project

Chapter 68: Too Virtual Door Project

After one month, Li Xing and Xiao Jin returned to Taixu Beyongyuan. When the rich and wealthy saw Xiao Jin for the first time, he laughed, and burst into tears.

Xiao Jin was annoyed. He and the rich have always not dealt with it. From childhood to big, he has won or lost.

"Rich, what are you laughing at?" Xiao Jin asked.

"I laughed that you actually married your wife, why are you unconvinced?" Just said, the rich and wealthy also stared, his sleeves were about to go up, apparently following Li Xing, is a violent.


Li Xing coughed, the rich and the noble would be honest, obediently came forward and said: "Master!"

He called this master, and the little golden eyeballs turned around and yelled, "Can't you call Dragon Lord yet?"

As soon as Fugui heard it, he was furious: "Hey! You're the **** of the dragon, you should call me a lion!"

Xiao Jin finally found the advantage. "Haha" laughed: "Don't you know? The master asked me to call his elder brother Jin, and the old man is my elder brother, what do you not call me Long Ye?"

Wealth soon panicked. Is this okay? What can't be lost can not lose the seniority, suddenly looked at Li Xing pitifully, with a grudge on his face.

Li Xing rolled his eyes and said, "Whatever you call it."

Fugui was delighted now, "Hey" smiled, stepped forward and said, "Brother see brother!"

After a while with the two, Chen Shuang came forward and said, "Xing brother, I haven't told you something yet." She glanced at Fugui.

Fortune suddenly lowered his head. Li Xingli knew that this little **** had committed something, and asked: "What's the matter, rich?"

Chen Shuang replied on his behalf: "Some time ago, five monks came to the demon forest, named to see Xing brother, disrespectful. In a fury, four of them were killed, and everything was turned over. The next injured escaped. "

Li Xing frowned: "Come out of the Demon Forest? How to repair it?"

"The four dead were all Fatian triple, and the seriously injured one was Fatian six, and I don't know who they are." Fugui said carefully, looking at Li Xing, for fear of punishment.

Li Xing snorted, and killing someone was nothing, he didn't care much, but his expression was still serious. This rich man is very powerful and can't drive his killing, otherwise he will be in trouble in the future.

"The other party must be here, and you have to be careful these days. Rich and wealthy, before you start the next time, ask clearly, you do n’t even know who the other person is. How can you kill people randomly?"

The rich and noble nodded again and again: "Fugui understands, next time you kill, ask if you know and kill again."

Chen Shuang and other girls can hear their eyes roll up. Is there such a way to educate their brothers? Dare to be a killer.

The crowd entered the octopus tower, and the octopus boy suddenly jumped out and shouted, "Master, next time you go out, please bring a young one!"

Li Xing laughed: "No hurry, wait for me to consolidate my true form, and I will naturally take you out and break the world."

Eight-pole boy said: "The Jiulongyu fell, but the young man couldn't protect his master. He felt ashamed!"

Li Xing was also a bit sad, but the growth of Jiulong Xiu took his painstaking efforts, but was scrapped.

"Eight poles, there are times when you dominate the world, but now your appointment is to help me guard the Taixue Bethlehem." Li Xingdao.

The eight-pole boy naturally took orders, flickered, and walked away.

After a few questions, Li Xing went to Taixumen. There are a lot of important things about the trip to the barren sea, and you must inform Taixumen as soon as possible. The alliance of the Dragon Emperor, the matter of the Emperor, the King Zhou, and so on are all important information.

In a short while, he arrived at the Taixu Hall. In the hall, important figures such as hole virtual, hole machine, hole cause, heavenly calculation, as well as Qingyu and Qingchen are all present. Obviously, they knew about Li Xing's becoming the king of Mubei through other channels.

At the sight of Li Xing, Dongxu Taoist laughed loudly: "Li Xing, you haven't let us down!"

Li Xing met the people and said, "He is in charge, the disciples have something to report." At the moment, he said this experience and chose something important.

After listening, everyone was shocked. I did not expect that Li Xing had encountered so many major events, and each one was very important to Taixumen.

"Li Xing, King Zhou's seven figures in the state, all listen to you?" Qingyu asked incredulously.

"Exactly, they thought I was the reincarnation of the Emperor, so they obeyed me." Li Xing nodded.

The matter was too great. After thinking about it for a long time, I thought: "I'm afraid that Tiandaomen will start soon, and the Dragon Emperor will be shocked! It seems that our plan needs to be implemented in advance!"

Li Xing knew that the so-called plan was to deal with Dong Xuan Daojun. He thought for a while and said, "Head, why not use the power of King Zhou to suppress Dong Xuan?"

Dong Xu shook his head: "It's not right, this is the internal matter of Taixu Men, and outsiders should not intervene." He paused. "Dong Xuan is ambitious and wants to refine the entire Great Wild Secret. The elder is preparing to fight against him and suppress it in one fell swoop while refining the great wilderness. "

At the moment, he will talk to Li Xing about a detailed plan.

It turned out that Dong Xuan Daojun practiced an evil skill and was able to devour all things, so he wanted to consolidate the great wilderness into the cave heaven. Sincerity and others decided to use the plan as a measure and suppress it with too much imagination during the cave worship. Of course, doing so is risky and does not guarantee complete success.

"This matter is handled by us. Li Xing, you have learned a lot. You have digested it recently and further enhanced your strength. After you clear the hole, you will be too vain and master in the future. Strength is the first." Going very far, he said, "In addition, ~ www.readwn.com ~ this head gives you the highest power, to make every effort to arrange the marriage between Li Xuanbai and the Princess of the Dragon Clan, and make sure that the scenery is beautiful and let the world ’s martial art know that Too virtual together. "

"Yes." Li Xing got the order and quit Taixu Temple.

Li Xing didn't return to Taixu Beyongyuan and went directly to Jiuyang Dongfu to practice. In Jiuyang Dongfu, there is always someone to take care of them. Among these miles, they have been dressed up more elegantly.

Back at Jiuyang Dongfu, Li Xing saw Liu Yiyi and Li Jie trying to martial arts. The two of them had one move and one style, which actually had a hint of martial arts.

When Li Xing was happy with his hunting stature, he came into the field with a dazzling figure, and did not use his divine power, only feeding the two with one move. At the beginning, both of them were taken aback, and after a few strokes, they learned that Li Xing was teaching them martial arts, so they concentrated their minds and shot with all their strength.

Both of them felt that Li Xing's tricks and tricks contained the ultimate mystery, simple truths, can turn decay into magic, and use the impossible as possible.

The three played more than a thousand moves. Suddenly, Li Jie screamed and sat down with his knees crossed, seeming to understand. Li Xing smiled, took out the Buddha's beads, and put it next to him, hoping that he could learn martial arts and condense martial arts will.

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