Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 682: 3000 Star Wheel

Chapter 70: The Three Thousand Star Wheel

Relying on the star map of Da Zhou and referring to the Star Emperor's Sutra, Li Xing practiced impatiently. Day in and day out, in March, Li Xing practiced the Celestial Star to the fifth level, condensing the illusion of the birth star in his body.

As soon as this phantom appeared, his speed of absorbing the star-killing power suddenly accelerated a lot. While absorbing star power, I also continued to realize that the majestic star power began to condense into a star array in the star wheel.

As soon as the star array is 10%, Li Xing can perform astrology, and there are more than one. As the star array is completed, more and more astrology can be cast.

By virtue of the natal star wheel, Li Xing felt that there was a strange connection with Tianshaxing, as if Tianshaxing was his family, and he could call a lot of Tianshaxing power at any time.

Cultivation continued. After half a year, Li Xing's destiny star wheel was completely completed, reaching the ninth weight of the heavenly body. The power of the Nine Heavenly Slayers is not weaker than the body of the Nine Dragons. This is the magic of star power.

The second thing to cultivate is the celestial body. Tian Li Xing, the star of the stars, is the most pure and vast. Li Xing had already practiced the Lichen Star Force before, and accumulated a lot of Lichen Star Amulets. All of them are used at this moment to improve the practice speed.

It was another year, Li Xing condensed the celestial destiny star wheel, reaching the ninth weight of the celestial body!

The next practice will be more difficult. Because Tiansha and Tianzhu stars have corresponding nodes on the Dazhou Tianxing map, while the nodes corresponding to the other stars have not yet been opened, Li Xing must get through one by one.

The next node to get through is the Sky Strange Star.

Fortunately, Li Xing has the majestic strength of the Tianying star and the Tiansha star power, so this process is smoother than expected, and in just six months, this node was opened.

So, for the rest of the time, Li Xing kept on tapping the nodes and then practicing star power. From spring to autumn, star wheels were condensed, star arrays appeared successfully, and a variety of star techniques were mastered by him.

With each star wheel condensed, Li Xing's strength increased. With the power of a nine-star object, you can fight against a mage with a heavy sky, and Li Xing must consolidate the three thousand star wheels! The three thousand star wheels become one, which is the emperor star wheel!

If anyone knows what Li Xing is doing, he will undoubtedly think that this is a crazy move and an impossible thing. Human beings are not like gods. They have a long life span and can cultivate slowly, but he has done it, and is moving towards success step by step.

For each additional astrology practice, the more powerful Li Xing's star power and the richer his experience, the faster the next star power will be cultivated, so the process is smoother than expected.

One hundred days passed outside the eight-pole tower, and three thousand years elapsed in the sky of heaven!

When the last star power was cultivated to the ninth level, Li Xing found that the endurance of the **** babies and the physical body had reached the limit and could no longer continue to cultivate. It is not even possible to consolidate the three thousand star wheels into the imperial star wheel, because once this is done, the body will explode.

Of course, his strength has reached a horrible level, and he can completely fight against Fatian Yae!

Li Xing opened his eyes, and in his eyes, a nebula was spinning each other, and the stars were bright. Between his breath, the star power surrounds the whole body, and a door star technique can be issued at any time.

"Li Xing, your baby and body can no longer hold more power, otherwise it will explode. You ca n’t practice any exercises, improve even the first-line power. Even when you do it later, you can no longer use the One yuan strike, even twice the combat power, can kill you. "Tianxie Emperor said.

Li Xing smiled bitterly: "Master, what's the next step? Do you want to continue to improve the power of the **** baby? This seems unlikely!"

His baby child, almost perfect, belongs to the Xuanjie baby child, and it is very difficult to continue to improve.

Emperor Tianxie said: "Yes!"

Li Xing froze and asked curiously, "What's the solution?"

"Transformation! Constant transformation, ten times a time, ten times a thousand times." Emperor Tianxian said lightly, "You must not forget the sericulture."

Hearing Tian Silk Gong, Li Xing was excited, and it seems that he will continue to "self-harm"!

Except for the suggestion of Emperor Tianxie, Li Xing really had no other choice, so he had to hurt himself and then practice the sericulture. The practice of tian silkworm practice is endless, which is a great advantage of this practice.

"One hit to return to Yuan!" Li Xing roared, playing more than double his combat power, his physical body and Yuan Ying suddenly couldn't support it, King Kong's body exploded, and the **** baby was also hit hard! Could not help but screamed, and then screamed, "The silkworm changes!"

The cultivation of emperor silkworm skills takes at least seven days and most requires forty-nine days. In this way, Li Xing kept repeating and repeating, cultivating and cultivating again, and each time he transformed, his physical body and Yuanshen were overbearing.

In 4,500 years, it took 3,000 years to practice the Star Emperor's Sutra, and the remaining 1,500 years were all used for "temporal silkworm change", which transformed 30,000 times before and after!

Every transformation is a painful choice. The damage to Guiyuan's blow increased from twice the combat power at the beginning to three times the combat power to four times the combat power. After thirty thousand metamorphosis, Li Xing needs to consume three hundred times his combat power if he wants to hurt himself!

In other words, 30,000 times of metamorphosis have made his godliness level increase 300 times! This is a horrible figure. Of course, Li Xing's strength, of course, has gone up and reached an incredible state.

Even he didn't even know what level his strength was now.

"Unfortunately, the vitality has been used up for 4,500 years." Li Xing sighed and had to walk out of the sky.

In the sky of the water, Xueling, Chen Shuang, and others were all there. After half a year, when I saw Li Xing again, I found that he was raising his hands and throwing a glorious starlight behind him, very dazzling.

Shuiyue Qidao said: "Xing brother ~ www.readwn.com ~ what are those?"

Li Xing said with a smile: "I practiced some astrology." When I read it, I converged all the stars. If he speaks, he has practiced for 4,500 years in one breath, condensed 3,000 star wheels, fearing not to scare everyone to death.

Fugui and Xiaojin came together, looked at Li Xing up and down, and then looked at each other. Fugui said: "Xiao Jin, I bet, the big brother can beat you down with one finger."

Xiao Jin rolled his eyes: "Aren't you the same?"

They all felt that the horrible breath on Li Xing's body, such a breath, could only be produced by the characters of Fa Tian Ya Bai or Jiu Zhong.

Li Xing smiled slightly and asked, "Xiao Jin, two months is the day to welcome your relatives. How are you preparing?"

Xiao Jin blinked: "Of course, this is going to be hosted by Brother, we are all waiting for you to go out."

Li Xing thought about it and said, "This matter must be done in a beautiful way, so that everyone in the world knows that Taixumen and Dragon Palace join forces. It is not too late, let's start!"

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