The man who shot the shot was also a seven-time master of blood training. In one blow, although the power was reduced due to injuries. But this injury was fatal to Chen Shuang. After she fell to the ground, she was in a coma, and blood leaked from the corners of her mouth and nostrils.

Suddenly, the man with the arrow also fell to the ground after a blow. The arrow was inserted into his heart, and the poison on the arrow was very fierce, killing him instantly.

When Chen Xue fed Li Xing to heal the wounded dan, Ximentai behind his eyes suddenly showed fierce light, raised his hand and slapped Chen Xue's back.


This blow directly shattered Chen Xue's concubine, and she fell softly on Li Xing. Li Xing felt that a soft body was pressing on him.

I was filled with shock, Li Xing realized that this was a trap! It was just that he couldn't figure out who was going to hurt the sisters Chen.

Xi Mentai hit this hand, just right, can not only kill Chen Xue, but not make Chen Xue die too ugly. He is a clean person and does not like the **** scene.

A laugh came from behind me, and Li Jie, who had been injured for a long time, walked in full breeze.

"Brother Ximen's tricks have made me escape this calamity." Li Jie said, taking a look at Chen Xue, and regretfully said, "Unfortunately, such a beautiful woman is dead. Huh! She should not come to check the accounts . "

Xi Mentai said lightly: "As long as you have power and power, what kind of woman can't get it? Brother Li, when you discover Xuan Jing here, you must keep it secret and don't let outsiders know."

Li Jie laughed: "Brother Ximen, don't worry, more people will know about this." He frowned suddenly. "But brother Ximen, the two of them died one by one. I am afraid that Chen Jinsong's old ghost will come to investigate. "

Xi Mentai said lightly: "Leave this matter to me, and say that they met a robber halfway, and they were both taken away. Everything has been arranged to ensure that it is seamless and no one can see the flaw."

杰 Li Jie put down his heart: "There is Brother Simon, there is only three or five days left to transfer all the mysterious crystals to ensure that people don't know it!"

The two men were talking, and somebody had brought the unconscious Chen Shuang over to Li Xing.

Xi Mentai glanced at him. All three of Li Xing were severely injured, nodded, and said, "Throw into the jail." Several people dragged Li Xing three into the mine like a dead body.

This is an abandoned mine hole, up to 100 meters above the ground. In this way, Li Xing was lost. Falling from such a high place, even a living person, will be killed.

兴 When dragged to the mine, Li Xing opened his eyes. Unfortunately, he was powerless, and was thrown into a dark and quiet hole.

Li Xing has wind in her ears and feels that her body is constantly falling. Suddenly, he felt a soft force supporting him. This power grew stronger and stronger, eventually stopping his falling body completely, and then bouncing upwards.

Li Xing's body lasted for a few moments before he discovered that he actually fell on a huge spider web. This spider web, with its green brilliance, is very conspicuous in the dark. The diameter of the cobweb was ten meters away and sealed the entire mine.

Later, Li Xing felt that the cobweb vibrated twice, apparently Chen Xue and Chen Shuang were also dropped and stopped by the cobweb.

Li Xing breathed a long sigh of relief. If it were not for this cobweb, all three would be killed. Even if he does not die, Chen Xue and Chen Shuang will never survive.

"It turned out that Xuan Jing was discovered. Li Jie wanted to swallow it alone, so he joined Simment to kill Chen Xue and Chen Shuang who checked the accounts. He was so guts!" It is inferred that although the whole picture cannot be known, it is still inseparable.

Although Jiuyangzhu has been repairing the injury, Li Xing is also very difficult to turn his head at this moment. He turned his face and found that Chen Shuang fell on the left and Chen Xue fell on the right. Both sisters have only a faint breath, and if they are not given timely treatment, they will certainly lose their lives.

"Can't let them die." Li Xing sighed, turned over hard, hit a roll, and touched Chen Shuang.

He sighed for a few moments, Li Xing exhausted all his strength, and turned over again, finally pressing on Chen Shuang's body. The woman's body was extremely soft and exuded the fragrance of her daughter's body.

Of course, Li Xing did not want to take advantage of this. If a person hurts to such an extent, even if he is anxious, he will never have the mood to do such things. He did so to save Chen Shuang's life with the help of Jiuyang Zhu.

Li Xing's chest, close to Chen Shuang's chest, this wonderful and soft makes his heart sway.

Zhu Jiuyangzhu was close to the two and at the same time sent out that strange power to help Li Xing and Chen Shuang repair the injuries.

I persisted for about ten minutes, and Li Xing realized that Chen Xue's breathing was getting weaker and could disappear at any time. He laughed bitterly, turned away from Chen Shuang and rolled towards Chen Xue again. After ten minutes of recovery, Li Xing's movements are no longer so difficult.

Finally, Li Xing was pressed on Chen Xue. He clearly felt that the woman had a fuller breast and a different aroma from Chen Shuang.

At this time, the two of them were very ambiguous, but Li Xing didn't think too much.

十几 After more than ten minutes of treatment with Jiuyangzhu, Chen Xue seemed to recover some.

In this way, Li Xing rolled into Chen Shuang from time to time and Li Xue from time to time, helping the sisters to heal in turn. In the process, his injuries gradually improved. Obviously, Jiuyangzhu's repair speed for Li Xing's injury ~ ~ is obviously higher than that of Chen Xue and Chen Shuang.

After an hour, Li Xing has recovered some strength. However, this way of rolling around is relatively labor-saving, and he still flips around in turns, holding Chen Shuang for a while, holding Chen Xue for a while.

The time passed by one minute and one second, and it was nine hours before the three had dropped the cobwebs. Chen Shuang, who was slightly injured, gradually recovered her consciousness. She groaned, opened her eyes, and saw Li Xing pressing on her, her eyes widened and looking down.

霜 Chen Shuang did not move. In her mind, the experience of being injured was flashed. She asked coldly, "What are you doing?"

兴 Li Xing smiled awkwardly: "You were seriously injured just now, and you are now familiar with a healing technique, and are healing for you. It seems you are already well." Then, he hurled one by one, and lay on Chen Xue again.

However, Li Xing's luck was obviously not good, and Chen Xue opened his eyes at this time. Chen Xue's reaction was much stronger than Chen Shuang. She was full of anger and waved to beat Li Xing. Unfortunately, her strength was limited. Yushou only touched Li Xing's face lightly, and she fell weakly.

Li Xing quickly turned over and lay flat between the two. He had been rolling around like this, and he was physically weak after the injury, and sweat was already on his forehead.

He hurriedly explained, "Don't get me wrong, I'm here to save people."

In fact, Chen Shuang knew that Li Xing was saving her because she remembered that she had suffered a serious injury, but now the injury is almost half. This shows that Li Xing is indeed helping her heal.

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