Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 694: Mountains and rivers

Chapter 82: Mountain and River Maps

Qingqiu Mountain is the place where the foxes live. The foxes all have the surname Liuxia. They are a big family. Several big demons in the tribe cultivated in the state, even the demon emperor must give three points of face.

Li Xing flew to Qingqiu Mountain four times before crossing a mountain peak, and a ray of light rose into the sky, blocking the way and yelling, "Bold!"

Those who drink and scold are practicing the Sixth God, and they are not high, but they have high toes and high spirits. They don't take Niubusan several figures of law and heaven in their eyes, eat and drink loudly, and have a fearless look.

Niu Busan hummed, reached out and grabbed the god-man in his eyes, and said angrily, "Call your mother! Let you bite my bird!"

The god-man was arrested, not afraid, sneer again and again: "In the hills of Qingqiu, do you dare to scatter the wild?"

Niubi was fierce. He squeezed his big hand, and twisted the wrist of this god-man with a click, and asked, "What are you talking about?"

The god-man screamed, but didn't give in: "Some kind killed me!"

Niu does not have three hearts to kill, so he has to be a black hand, and suddenly a sharp sword light passes through Guanshan Wanli and beheaded. This sword light is extremely arrogant, even if it is a prince, it can be killed.

Ma Busi shouted, "No! That's a sword of heart!"

Li Xing gave a "hum", without a word, he punched. A giant fist, surrounded by golden light, has star power, witch power, fairy power, buddha power, and bone power. Chaos is supreme power, centered on chaotic will, and bombards the past.


The space was blasted with a punch, torn and shattered, and then compressed into a layer of horrible black light and crashed into Jianguang.


The sword light flickered, and Li Xing immediately closed his fist, and said lightly, "Go." Four people hid their statures by offering the nimbus. When Niubu San walked away, he twisted the neck of the sixfold god-man.

A moment later, a strong man from Fa Tian was stunned to the scene and saw a corpse, but he could not see Li Xing and others. He looked shocked and murmured, "Is that a punch from a state character? Yes? How could it be so arrogant? "

On the way, Li Xing asked: "Niubu San, what is your holiday with the Fox family?"

Niu Busan said: "Our cows used to work hard as cow demon, and they were once important members of the demon clan. However, they were conspired by the demon clan, and this has not fallen."

Ma Busi also said: "The horse tribe was attached to the cattle tribe and was once brilliant."

Li Xing nodded: "So it is."

With the help of the nimble lamp, no one can find four people, so they passed through the hills and entered a magnificent city. The city is 30,000 miles long, and there are tens of billions of demons living in it.

Niu Sansan said with excitement: "Master, Wan Yao City is here! In the entire Shangjing, almost all the powerful monster characters are in the city, and the princess usually lives here."

Li Xing glanced and couldn't help but admire: "What a big city!" Then he asked, "Niubu San, can there be people in the city?"

Niu Busan said: "There aren't many people in the state. Generally, they are cultivated in the realm of the king and stay with Her Majesty the Emperor."

Li Xing little bit, as long as he does not encounter hostile figures in the realm, this 10,000 monster city will not threaten him.

When the group entered Wan Yao City, they saw that the street planning was very reasonable. The wide streets were straight, the shops were uniform, the square gardens were tall, and the lush trees were larger than any human city in Tianyuanzhou.

As he walked, Niu Busan told Li Xing about the rules of Wanwan City. In Wan Yao City, the common currencies are Wan Yao Shen Dan, Wan Yao Fa Dan, and Anti-Sky Yao Dan. This big city is divided into five districts, namely East City, West City, South City, North City, and Central City.

The five districts are controlled by the five major forces, and they control the business and trade activities to obtain amazing profits. The Liuxia family and the spirit family belong to the five major forces.

The most prosperous and largest city in the five cities is under the direct management of the demon emperor, and the princess's residence is located in it.

The four entered from Dongcheng and met many bustling along the way. There were monster monks coming and going around, none of them were weak. The following practices of the god-man are only slaves here.

"At the beginning, when our demons first came out of Gumanzhou, there was no perfect cultivation method. Until they contacted Tianyuanzhou's method, only then did the demons revitalize and cultivate the patriarchs and gods like humans. , Master, gradually flourishing. "King Luli talked about a period of history.

"What does the ancient forest of Gumanzhou look like, and your demon clan has given up there?" Li Xing asked curiously.

King Luli shook his head: "The ancient Barbara is short of resources, but there are many horrible ancient creatures. It is very dangerous. When they are angry, they can turn the river and the sea. It is not something ordinary monsters can counter."

"In the ancient forest, there are several disasters every so often, which greatly reduces the number of monsters. The source of the disasters is some tyrannical flood monsters. They are very powerful, and some can compete with Taoist ranks. Big demon. "

"Is there no human in Gumanzhou?" Li Xing asked.

"Of course there are, but they are not many. They practice Confucianism and Taoism, a very strange cultivation method. Beasts cannot understand it at all. Although there are not many people who practice Confucianism and Taoism, there are many powerful experts. Can be compared with the demon emperor. "King Luli said," The ancient forest is too dangerous, and human territory can't get involved, so the first demon emperor led the crowd into Tianyuanzhou. "

"So, the biggest reason for your demon to enter Tianyuanzhou is to avoid disasters and obtain resources. However, in this case, it will conflict with the humans in Tianyuanzhou." Li Xingdao.

"Actually, the demon clan has planned for nearly a thousand years to enter Tianyuanzhou. It was only after the fall of Emperor Tianxie that he dared to enter Tianyuanzhou. Otherwise, the human race would have no place to stand."

The four of them talked and acted unknowingly, so they went to a danlou, King Luli said: "If you want to buy something, you must change some elixir here."

Li Xing nodded and the four entered Danlou together. Danlou is a place to exchange elixir, which is equivalent to Qianzhuang's role.

Entering Danlou, Li Xing directly took a potion from Jingtian for exchange. You know, Li Xing has practiced in Dongtian for more than 12,000 years, more than 10,000 years, which is enough for many of the elixir to undergo qualitative changes.

The elixir has a long life. If it is not picked, it can almost live with the sky and continue to grow. However, there are too few such elixir, because ordinary elixir often grows for hundreds of years and will be picked by people, there is no chance to grow.

In particular, in Jiuyang Jingtian, there is plenty of aura, and the speed of elixir growth is hundreds of times faster than the outside.

As a result, a large number of high-quality elixir was produced in Jingtian. The quality of elixir is determined by the nature of the medicine and the age of the medicine. The longer the growth of the same elixir, the more precious it is.

The elixir of the millennium is relatively precious, and the value of the elixir of ten thousand years is hard to find. As for the 100,000-year and million-year-old elixir, it rarely occurs in the world. In theory, no elixir can grow for so long.

However, in Li Xing's Jiuyang Realm, there are a large number of elixir of 100,000 years and millions. The medicinal properties of this elixir have reached the level of returning to nature, being mellow and full, to the point of purity, and extremely precious.

Most elixir can only seed once, so the number of elixir cultivated by Li Xing has not increased much over the years, but each plant is very precious.

In Jiuyang Jingtian, the cycle of most elixir from germination to seed setting is about one thousand years. It belongs to the first generation of elixir planted by Li Xing. After the seeds are set, the seeds can grow and germinate immediately, and grow into new elixir, which belongs to the second-generation elixir.

To this day, Li Xing has planted the twelfth generation of elixir. Even the smallest generation of elixir, at this time, has grown in Jingtian for hundreds of years, possessing the qualities of ten thousand years of elixir.

At this moment, the elixir that Li Xing came up with was the first-generation elixir, a elixir with a quality of millions of years. Generally speaking, such elixir is powerful and is called anti-sky elixir, and they can be used to make anti-sky elixir.

When the shopkeeper of the Nalou saw the elixir, his eyes almost glared and called, "What kind of elixir is this?"

Millions of years of elixir are impossible to appear in the world. A million years ago, what era was that? Myth era? Even before the era of myth? Nobody knows.

Li Xing smiled slightly: "The shopkeeper thinks, how much elixir can this elixir be changed?"

The shopkeeper carefully observed for a while, sniffed its fragrance, watched its shape, distinguished its color, and finally shook his head and said, "This kind of elixir is like the holy medicine, with its old eyesight, it can only be seen that it is very extraordinary. As for the price, No one can decide for now. "

He paused and said, "Three hundred miles westward, the Liuxia family is holding an auction. Why not go there? In that case, you can get more elixir."

This suggestion was very good. Li Xing thanked each other, presented the other one hundred gods, and went straight to the auction. At the auction, Li Xing has visited more than once, knowing that if you are lucky, you may pick up the treasures, of course ~ www.readwn.com ~ The probability of such good luck is very small.

There are a few kings of Luli who don't know about Jiuyang Jingtian. On the way, he asked: "Master, how many years has this elixir lived? It doesn't seem like a tenure elixir, it is more honest than the eternal elixir."

"If you use the medicine to calculate it, it will live for more than 10,000 years. If you use the medicine, it will be equivalent to three million years." Li Xingdao.

Niu Busan even drew the air conditioner and said, "Master is well developed! Such an elixir is more than enough for refining anti-potamus! It is worth at least three anti-tan potions!"

Anti-Elixir medicines all have anti-Sky effects, such as increasing lifespan, increasing qualifications, strengthening the body, etc. The effects are different. Anti-Elixir is a rare elixir that is more valuable than Fadan and is rare in the world.

At the beginning, the congratulatory gift of Taixumen was only ten anti-Pandan medicines. King Zhou and others searched around, but they only got more than 20 anti-elixir pills for Li Xing's "very emperor" to take.

It can be seen how precious this antitiandan medicine is.

Three hundred miles away, it's just a blink of an eye. A twelve-story pagoda appears in front of it, and there are three characters in the book "Shifangyuan" outside the gate.

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