Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 706: Nirvana rebirth

Chapter 94: Nirvana Rebirth

The third serious disaster is a huge picture covering thousands of miles. This picture is completely drawn from the pattern of the road and the sky, representing the order of the avenue and the power of the law. As soon as this picture appeared, the second emperor also changed color.

"Extinction Road Map! How much potential does this son have, even God will exterminate him?" The demon emperor looked sighed, and then sighed.

"The map of extinction, in this legend, the calamity that God used to kill the genius actually appeared." The demon emperor frowned, his expression full of regret.

The extinction road map was suppressed, and the chaotic array shook fiercely and kept shrinking to resist this pressure of terror. Li Xing felt that every trace of his soul and body had been suppressed by Daotu, and he was about to kill him in one fell swoop.

The breath of extinction pervaded the air and seemed to have no solution.

With a long whistle, Li Xing broke through Jiuxiao: "If I die, I will fight the sky!"

Under this pressure, the three thousand natal star wheels finally became one. An ancient clumsy natal star wheel, condensed at the core of the chaotic array, it is the emperor star wheel!

As soon as the Emperor Star Wheel came out, it immediately moved three thousand main stars. In the empty space, the rich starlight descended, turned into three thousand tracks, perfused, and entered the chaotic array. Even the road map could not be stopped.

"This ..." Everyone was stunned, showing an incredible expression.

"He actually cultivates 3,000 kinds of star power?" The demon emperor smiled slightly. "Maybe, there is still a chance."

"Gu Canglang, how is my son Yizi than you were?" Dragon Emperor also laughed.

"Huh! This kid is invincible, no one can match it." The demon emperor had to admit.

Three thousand stars, like devout believers, rushed into the imperial star wheel desperately. Li Xing had a feeling that he was now the master of the stars and a star emperor.

Three thousand star powers, a large number of astrology deduced changes in the chaotic array. With the help of the Star Emperor Sutra, an astrology that shocks ancient and modern generations is produced. It is the Emperor Astrology.

"Broken world!"

In the chaotic array, there was a cold drink, and the Emperor Xinglun fired a ray of starlight, condensing into a starlight giant fist, and slaughtered the path severely. The punches are powerful, the killer is transpiration, and the forward.

In the loud noise, the Dotu oscillated slightly, releasing a breath of supremacy, and the giant fist shattered. Li Xing was also shocked, and the chaotic bursts jumped.

"Sure enough, I can't compete!" Even the sky operator was a little discouraged and thought it was impossible.

"My life is not in my sky!" Li Xingda sighed, the chaotic array contracted twice, continued to absorb star power, and prepared for a second confrontation.

The road map is not in a hurry, and it landes at a constant speed. Once it was suppressed, Li Xing was over, and his body died. A large number of **** fruits are constantly smashed, and the spirit of the **** is absorbed by the true form, adding strength.

Li Xing has never been more powerful than he is today. He feels that even if he meets a situation character, he can still fight hard. Unfortunately, the map of extinction is too horrible and makes people feel powerless.

"Li Xing! Absorb the source of real people and achieve the body of real people!" Tian Xie, the emperor who has never spoken, said, "Success or failure is here! If you rush past, you will be on the Jiuzhou continent in the future. "

Li Xing gritted his teeth and shouted, "Heaven can't kill me!" He grabbed his hands and took the real person directly. This true human origin is left by the heavenly machine of the wild days, and an ancient true saint is left behind.


The terrible, indescribable strength of the mighty shore suddenly rushed into the body, suppressing it in the chaotic array of eyes, it was an indescribable strength, ancient true power!

The chaotic array went up fiercely, and if there was no suppression above the road map, this array would explode immediately. The pressure of the extinction road map became a necessary condition for Li Xing's cultivation.

"Okay! Devour the true origins!" Li Xing yelled, and now it was a crucial time, he had to work hard.

At this time, under the pressure of both inside and outside, the body of the dragon elephant that had been lurking in Li Xing finally broke out. On top of the chaotic array, there is a virtual shadow, which is an ancient man, with a great figure, one finger, one finger, and it seems to have the power to open up the world.

This image coincides with the supreme ghost image of Li Xing's refining, which is actually the same state!

The power of the dragon elephant was fully revealed, nourishing Li Xing's flesh, blood, and spirit, making his power soar. The power of the dragon elephant seems to have something in common with the real human origin.

The huge dragon-like power actually resonates with the origin of real people, and the resonance of power. Originally, Li Xing still had a headache to absorb this real human source. It is too powerful, and if it is not good, it will be "supported".

But at this time, the resonance between the forces gave him great confidence. That source of power turned into hundreds of millions of rays of light, shot out, plunged into Li Xing's true form, and transported the real human source into it.

Li Xing's true form, like a newborn baby, **** milk and grows quickly. He felt a majestic force flowing into his body. With the joining of this power, the heavens and the earth are gradually appearing in his body!

The meridians in the physical body, the support in the divine infant, all disappeared. What reappears is the heaven and earth warp and weft. His body is directly connected with heaven and earth.

This process is slow, but it only takes a few breaths. Li Xing's temperament changed greatly, and the chaotic array condensed into a true form, high and magnificent, noble and magnificent, and sacred and glorious.

True shape stretched, palms propped up, gave a thunderous drink, and went to that Tuto.


The map of extinction was finally suppressed, but it was held by Li Xing's true form and also a real person's body. Then he looked at the light and said, "Break!"

He grasped the Tao map with both hands, and tore it with a force, as if the sound of a ground breaking, the light was extinguished, and the trembling in the void, the invincible road map of extinction was torn in half by him!

Then he squeezed his hands a few times, swallowed his mouth and swallowed.

This scene stunned the two emperors, and Heavenly Man opened his mouth in surprise.

Swallowing the map of extinction, chaotic large array, in the heart of the eyebrows, Li Xing's three portals, various avenues, and ancient gods are floating in it. This is the mud pill palace.

The position of the lower abdomen also opened up an air of haidantian, which Li Xing absorbed the power of the dragon elephant.

After eating the Tao map, Li Xing shook his figure and shrank into a normal * small. At this point, he spent eighty-one days of disaster and came forward to meet the Dragon Emperor and the Demon Emperor.

"Yifu! Mr. Qian, thank you for your help!" This is sincere gratitude.

The demon emperor is exactly the image of Mr. Qian Daqian. I nodded: "Very well, I did not disappoint the emperor, and the girl did not waste the Xuanjie Yuanzhang in vain."

After seeing the second emperor, he hastened to observe the injuries of Zhishan and Zhiyi. The two Daojun were severely wounded and could not recover in a short period of time. I do n’t know how long it will take them to retreat, or they may not be able to go out of the customs and disperse the Tao.

Li Xingmu was stunned, and said arbitrarily, "Luo Tianmen! Wan Fa Men! Tian Da Men! Troll Gate! All will disappear in this world!"

Sincerity Daojun shook his head: "Li Xing, Taixumen's vitality was badly hurt, and for a long time to come, he must hide his strength and not fight with others."

"Disciple understand!" Then worshiped the two emperors. "Father, sir, please help me to collect the great wasteland."

Dongxuan, Dongzhen and Dongming are all dead. The great wilderness secret belongs to the Taixu gate, and the Taixu map must be taken as soon as possible. However, the hole cause, hole machine and hole deficiency of Taixumen have fallen, and they were seriously injured and unconscious. Even the sky operator and sincerity are seriously injured, and they can't urge too much imagination.

The second emperor immediately agreed that the good guys would do it to the end, and they decided to help Li Xing and incorporate the great wasteland into the imaginary map.

The imaginary map is also a psychic treasure. Suddenly, the great wasteland vibrated and the vitality tumbled. That too imaginary picture enveloped the entire mystery, and it was absorbed into it, turning it into a part of the imaginary cave.

Too imaginary maps will be the foundation for Taixumen to develop in the future.

After the incident, the demon emperor took Xiao Xue, who was injured by the earthquake, and returned to the demon forest, saying that they would not meet until Li Xing stepped into Fatian. The Dragon Emperor brought too imaginary pictures to the Dragon Palace.

Overnight, the news of the siege of Taixumen spread all over Tianyuanzhou, and the factions shook. People don't expect this to happen. Taixumen suffered heavy losses and the siege forces also suffered many injuries.

Three Taoist figures were destroyed, two Taoist men were beheaded, and four Luotianmen men were killed, and Wujun Xianjun lost an arm. Even the mysterious and great God was shocked by the demon emperor and the dragon emperor.

The Taixu Gate and the Wilderness Secret disappeared overnight, too, giving up the Taixu Beyongyuan, giving up the control of the Taiwei Kingdom, I do not know where to go. As soon as the news came out, the Star Gate of Chen Kingdom disappeared shortly thereafter.

Few know that the Xingxing Gate was completely loaded into Li Xingdong by Li Xing. He was worried that forces such as Wan Famen would be detrimental to the star under the protection of Taixumen ~ www.readwn.com ~.

But he said that Taixutu was taken into the Dragon Palace by the Dragon Emperor and suspended above the Dragon Palace. In the imaginary sky, the disciples wept and mourned the ancestors who passed away.

Except for a few fallen characters, Taixumen and five mages, including Qingchen and Qingling, fell and were killed. During the battle, they contributed the most, so they were strongly affected by the counter-shock and died on the spot.

More than seven hundred gods, tens of thousands of nations, and countless warriors died, and they became the heroes of the virtual gate.

No one knows whether they will be able to resume cultivation until Zhijun Dao and Zhishan Daojun close their dead ends. The Supreme Good and Heavenly Operators also need to practice retreat in order to restore their injuries.

In the wilderness, the full power of Dong Xuanmen has been accepted by Li Xing. Several capable people are dead. Naturally, they will not resist, and they are willing to join in too empty doors. Of course, there were also some die-hards who were directly killed by Li Xing.

After dealing with the aftermath, the Supreme Master Jun announced to everyone that Li Xing took over the virtual gate and served as the fifth head. The Qingyu and Tianshu Taoists were elders of the Supreme Court; Jian Xingtian, Li Xuanbai, Jun Qianheng, Nangong Xiaoyi and Xi Xiaobao were promoted to the elders to assist Li Xing and revive Taixu.

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