Chapter 96: Kistler

"You ..." The fairy monk opened his mouth wide, his face incredible.

Li Xing reached out and grabbed the opponent's mighty Jin Dan. The wave exploded. The spirit in it was refined and the memory was read. And that monk, with only one scream, was dead.

His big sleeve trembled and the body turned into fly ash.

On the same day, a fire broke out in Sanyi Garden in Qingyun City, burning everything here. When the fire went out, the luxurious garden turned into a ruin.

At this time, Li Xing was incarnate. According to the memory read, this Yinke belongs to an internal disciple of Tiandaomen. Since his father's Yinwen is an elder of Tiandaomen, he has a good status.

Yinwen and another monk were instructed to pass through the law formation and enter the Wanfa Gate, and then came to Pingguo to look for Li Xing's descendants, Li Xing. Tiandaomen always believed that Jiuyangzhu fell into Li Xing's hands.

The founder of Tiandaomen is the ancestor of Jiyang, but what Li Xing did not understand is that Jiuyangzhu was passed down from the ancestor of Jiyang naturally. However, Li Xing did not understand why the extremely yang ancestor had never been aware of Jiuyang Zhu.

Now, Li Xing has to use Yin Ke's identity to enter Wanfamen to get a glimpse of Wanfamen's situation at this time. When the siege was too virtual, Wan Famen also had one point and sent two Daojun.

Of course, he had another purpose in this trip, and that was to plunder resources. Yin Ke's memory told him that all three Taoists at Wanfamen went to Tiandaomen to discuss major events. Of course, in the event of an accident in Wanfamen, they can rush back at any time.

At this time, there were only seven Taoists in Wanfamen. Of course, there are a large number of masters below the realm, such as the five elements, five thunders, the sons of the Taoist monarch, several elders, and so on.

However, Li Xing is not afraid of these forces. Condensing the true form, he is fully capable of fighting these powerful men and even beheading them. Of course, he doesn't know how strong he is now, he only knew after playing.

"Yin Ke" landed on Wanfa Island.

Wanfa Island, like that of Taixu Tu, is a magic weapon, and it is the innate true treasure of Heavenly Order. Like Taixu Sword, it has sixty-four levels of innate bans, which is better than Taixu Tu.

On Wanfa Island, there were seven large defensive formations. At that time, the demon emperor led an 800-day magic demon, and he could not attack it, showing how terrible its defense was. Wanfa Island is the foundation of Wanfamen. Without it, Wanfamen would not have become the first major faction.

Of course, now it has been surpassed by Luo Tianmen and is no longer the first school.

Li Xing had a sign from Yin Ke's hand, so he easily passed the defensive array and entered Wanfa Island. Wanfa Island, 30,000 miles across, has extraordinary weather. It not only has a large amount of space on the surface for practitioners to practice. In Neizhong, there is also Wanfa Dongtian, a place where core disciples and inner disciples cultivate.

On Wanfa Island, "Yin Ke" went straight to Wanfa Cave. The area of ​​Wanfa Dongtian is twice as large as that of Taixu Dongtian before the integration of the Great Wilderness. In the sky, there are many buildings, forests, grasslands, and rivers. There are disciples of all levels in Wanfa Gate.

Li Xing, who was in the form of Yin Yin, limped over Wan Famen, observing everything indifferently. Suddenly, a divine light came, and a man appeared, with a frivolous appearance, holding Li Xing and laughing. "Yin brother, I've been looking for you for a long time!"

Li Xing's heart moved. This man was named Han Lin, an inner disciple of Wan Famen, and he practiced God. Although Han Lin and Yin Ke knew each other shortly, the two had a close relationship.

Practitioners also take part in gambling. Of course, their gambling methods are different. The things they bet on are called "ancient stones." Speaking of ancient stones, we have to mention the environment of the ancient times.

In ancient times, Jiuzhou was unified, full of aura, and many creatures. At that time the heavens were higher, the earth was wider, and the earth was full of elixir. Later, the era of the Great Destruction came, the end of the ancient era, and the heavens and the earth moved. Many wonderful treasures, including elixir, weapons, wonders, and so on. .

At that time, the special environmental changes made these fossils invisible to others and isolated the consciousness. If this kind of stone is not cut open, no one knows what is in it.

Therefore, some people set up a gamble. The setter took out a few stones. The stones have an ancient atmosphere. They may contain treasures, or they may contain some worthless things, even nothing.

People who buy stones can rely on experience and luck to buy stones at a certain price. If there is something in the ancient stone and it is of sufficient value, it is earned. If there is nothing in the stone, it is naturally lost.

This gambling method is called a gambling stone. Speaking of betting on stones, Li Xing clearly remembers that in the world of his previous life, there were also people in the industry of betting on stones. The difference is that the gambling stones of that life were bet on the original stones.

Yin Ke, as the son of the elders on Tiandaomen, had a wealth of knowledge, and when he was young, he accidentally got a scripture called "Jinshi Jing". The Golden Scriptures, to put it plainly, is a study of archeology, tombs, and feng shui.

Yin Ke relied on the knowledge and methods learned from the Jin Shijing to gamble on the stones and made a lot of benefits. A few months ago, he came to Wan Famen, and stumbled upon a warehouse in Wan Famen, where he actually put a lot of ancient "raw stones."

When Yin Ke saw his heart hunting, he called his colleague Han Lin. After a discussion between the two, the bureau invited ginseng to gamble. Among the many methods, many boring people were present all the time, and a group soon gathered.

Everyone learns that among the ancient stones, there may be hidden treasures, and they eagerly moved to persuade the warehouse elders to sell those ancient stones. In this way, Yin Ke flexed his muscles and chose ten from the thousands of stones, which cost little.

However, from these ten stones, he cut out valuable treasures and made a fortune. Naturally, Han Lin, a fellow traveler, was also stained.

"Brother Han, where is this going?" Being pulled by him, Li Xing asked quickly.

Han Lin smiled, "Hey, you cut out so many strange treasures last time and shocked the third son. The third son wants to ask you to come over and talk to you."

The three sons are naturally the three sons of the Master Tianhuan. At that time, he had played against the third son and was very impressed.

Soon, the two reached the height of a large hall built of purple jade, which was 100 meters high and very delicate. In the hall, the third son greeted with a smile and said, "Brother Yin, I have heard of you for a long time."

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Exceed the prize, the third son asked me to come, what is the command?"

The third son knew that Yin Ke had a high status in Tiandaomen, so he was very polite to him and said, "I heard that Brother Yin can judge the preciousness of the stone. Since the establishment of Wan Famen, three precious stones have been collected. Please invite Brother Yin to visit , Judge a few words. "

Kistler? Li Xing was interested, and at the same time thought that if he could get close to the three sons, he would have a deeper understanding of Wan Famen, so he nodded and promised: "Three sons have a life, how dare not to obey."

The third son was overjoyed, and immediately took Li Xing into the treasure house of Wanfamen. The treasure house of ten thousand gates is tightly guarded, and idlers cannot enter. However, San Gongzi has a distinguished status, and Yin Ke is also a person of Tiandaomen, but he has not stopped.

After going through various levels, the two finally entered a light gate and a palace. The palace was surrounded by a vast field of white mist, and in front of it was a portal, but it was closed tightly.

Above the portal, there is a groove shaped like a key.

The third son took out a glorious golden key, walked forward, and pressed it into the groove. Suddenly, the portal "Kaka" rang and opened on its own. Two * steps into it, this is the treasure house of Wanfamen, and it really is not easy to enter.

If it were not for the third son, Li Xing would have no chance to break in.

At this moment, the two were in a huge palace, with jade pillars standing in the air, and the lights were shining. On each jade pillar, there are carved arrays, and restrictions are placed on them. Inside are sealed various precious treasures.

If you want to take away the precious treasure from the jade pillar, you must use a special method, otherwise you will alarm a too elder of Wanfamen who guards the treasure house.

Li Xing counted. In the whole hall, there are 33,000 jade pillars! Each jade pillar is very large, and ten people can hold each other together. Some seals are elixir, some are seal magic, and some are magic seals.

As the head of Taixumen, Li Xing naturally entered the treasure house of Taixumen. But compared with Wan Famen, too virtual door seems to be a little witch, there is a big gap between the two.

"In just a few hundred years, so many treasures have been collected in this method! No wonder they can overpower the door." Li Xing was surprised.

San Gongzi went straight to a red jade pillar, pointed to the inside and said, "Three odd stones are sealed here." Open a hole and reveal three stones.

These three stones are different. A stone, about nine feet long, faintly resembles a stone monkey, sitting on its knees and showing nothing. The second stone, oval in shape, looks like a watermelon, with a layer of red light flowing outside, which is very weird.

The third stone, boxy, one person tall and extremely heavy, exudes powerful power.

According to Yin Ke's knowledge, Li Xing watched for a while ~ ~ I was surprised that these three stones were really extraordinary. However, he was not sure what was sealed inside.

"Please Yin brother, give me a few words, what are these three strange stones sealed?" San Gongzi humbly asked for advice. He wanted to know what was in the stone, and if it was useful, he would ask for one of them. As the son of Tian Jun Dao Jun, he has this qualification.

Li Xing turned his mind, and deliberately showed shock, shouting: "Yibao! Absolutely Yibao!"

The third son was overjoyed: "What is the treasure?"

Li Xingdao: "Three sons, I pass you a set of methods, and you can tell what is in it by yourself." During the talk, he passed a ray of divine thoughts to it, which is the Golden Stone Sutra.

The third son thought that Li Xing was teaching the scriptures, but he did not watch out. He opened the sea of ​​knowledge and accepted his teaching. He secretly rejoiced and felt that he had a useful knowledge.

Divine thought passed halfway, and suddenly a forceful thought rushed into the third son to know the sea like a row of mountains. He was shocked and stiffened.

For such an instant, the true-shape master suppressed it fiercely and wanted to shoot the third son.

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