Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 733: Yuansheng

Chapter 21: Yuan Sheng

With a move in Li Xing's heart, he saw that these miners should belong to the same tribe as the three ancient royal families. Immediately, he changed his life, changed into the appearance of a young royal family, and swaggered towards the mining area.

Suddenly, a nearby monster supervisor, Baba, ran over and looked very flattering. He "snucked away" to Li Xing, nodded and didn't know what to say, very respectful.

Li Xing deliberately pretended to be cold, waved his hand to him, took it to the distance, and then suddenly slap it down. He performed mind control on this ancient creature that has not all become human.

Instantly, Li Xing understood the language of the ancient royal family and also controlled the supervisor. More importantly, from this supervisor, he obtained a lot of information about the ancient royal family.

This royal family is called the Yuansheng family and has moved here since ancient times. After the Great Era of Era, due to the great changes in the world, this world is no longer suitable for ancient beings to continue to exist, and can only remain in the graveyard of the gods.

The Yuansheng blood flowed in the Yuansheng clan. They didn't need to practice blood, qi, and god, and they didn't have to enter the level of law and heaven.

The tyrannical bloodline, coupled with the shocking qualifications, has led to the Yuan Dynasty royal family being very powerful, once and for all in ancient times. In the era of the Great Destruction, this tribe had killed a large number of human monks.

However, due to the great changes in the world, many of the strongest members of the Yuansheng clan are sleeping. They collectively entered a fetish of the Yuansheng tribe, distorting time and space, where the time was almost static, thereby delaying aging.

However, in the recent period, people of the Yuansheng clan gradually felt that the world was gradually returning to the ancient times, so some members came out one after another to collect minerals.

To live and cultivate, members of the Yuansheng clan need food sources. Their food is the source of the gods. This news shocked Li Xing. No wonder this group is so arrogant that it feeds on the origin of the gods.

The blood of the Yuan Sheng enables them to directly absorb the power of the gods. When the power is strong enough, you can further enlighten the avenue. This is the power of the ancient royal family, and today's human beings cannot compare with it.

At that time, in the ancient times, the real people controlled the ancient royal family, but that era is gone forever.

There are indeed a large number of god-man roots in the deities of the gods, but to find these **** roots requires experience and wisdom.

Divine origins have spirituality. They can travel down the earth by themselves and have a characteristic. The origin and the origin are easy to attract each other. This has led to a large number of divine and human origins coming together to form the divine source mine.

Most of the divine sources are wrapped in stone shells, and even Baoguangyi can't detect their existence, unless it is the original source exposed. For example, not long ago, Li Xing found the skeleton of the gods.

At this point, Li Xing finally knew why he often couldn't find the origin of the gods.

Based on their experience, the Yuansheng royal family can collect a large number of god-man origins. Just now, the block of ore seen by Li Xing contains the origin of the god-man.

"According to this monster's scattered memory, in ancient dynasties, a large number of gods have fallen here, and the gods must have many origins, and there are not a few veins of coalesce." Li Xing Xinxin said, "Since it hits, how can you come for nothing? Simply put Their ore has been taken away! "

As soon as the idea came out, Li Xing immediately implemented it. He controlled the supervisor and ordered him to take him into the warehouse. The warehouse here has stored half a year's mining volume, and there are enough 100,000 pieces of ore. In each ore, there are big or small **** source blocks.

The warehouse was built underground, rough and simple, and the ore inside was piled up in piles. Li Xing stepped forward and cut open a large head of ore with one palm. Suddenly, Shenguang lased, a fist-sized god-man crystallized and exposed.

Li Xing secretly said that he would not be polite, and he swung his sleeves to collect all the ore. A full 100,000 pieces of ore can produce at least tens of thousands of **** fruit, which is a huge harvest.

The mining of ore is very difficult. Because no one knows which one of the ore contains the origins of God and man, it is up to the naked eye to judge with the experienced miner.

In fact, a considerable part of the 100,000 pieces of ore collected by Li Xing were empty stones, which did not contain the origin of the god-man. Even if the miners' judgments are sometimes not completely accurate, they only have a 60% to 70% certainty.

Li Xing got cheap and did not dare to stay long. He immediately left the site and headed for the second mine. According to memory, the Yuansheng tribe opened thirteen mines, and in each mine, tens of thousands of miners worked hard.

A miner can mine three or five ore a month, even if it is relatively level, so the mining speed is very slow. Each mine produces hundreds of thousands of ore a year.

The identity of the young royal family is really easy to use. No matter what mine site Li Xing goes to, the local supervisor will be polite and greet him with extraordinary respect.

With experience, Li Xing easily controlled the supervisor's boss, and then took away the hard-earned ore. He moved quickly, sweeping thirteen mines in one day, and obtained more than 1.5 million pieces of ore.

The harvest was shocking. At the same time, Li Xing understood that he had caused an extremely horrible force, so he did not dare to stay long. After the ore was in hand, he returned immediately.

Shortly after Li Xing's departure, the Yuansheng royal family suddenly sent a large number of people and searched around. Coincidentally, they bumped into the heavenly monks who came one after another.

"Huh? What monsters?" A group of dozens of gods and men saw the two Yuansheng royal families, and half-humanoid monsters rushed over and were taken aback. The two beast-shaped monsters turned into two phantoms and started to kill.


A god-man bears the brunt of the first ~ www.readwn.com ~ and was physically broken. The **** picture scared the others, yelled, and ran away. It's a pity that their speed is far less than that of the ancient royal family. In just a few breaths, they were overtaken and hit into pieces.

Along the way, Li Xing kept passing by with the monks of Tian Wai Tian. He sighed in his heart, saying that if these people encountered the ancient royal family, it would be more formidable. His prediction was becoming a reality, and a large number of monks were killed by the ancient royal family.

On the second day, Li Xing began to discover that there were already monks returning the same way as him, and their faces were full of fear. Another day, a huge bird suddenly appeared in the sky.

This bird, the lion's eagle claw, is ten meters away and quickly flies in the air. On the bird's back, there are ten ancient royal families with animal skins around their shoulders and arrow pots hanging from their waists. They are all brave and strong, holding bows and arrows, and shooting down relentlessly.

"Really! Really! Really!"

A sharp arrow, carrying a huge force, stabbed down like lightning, crucifying one monk after another. Li Xing also became the target and was locked by one of the archers.

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