Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 63: Silk wing knife

"Li Xing? Sanyiyuan?" Ma Boxiong's face was even uglier. "Those in Sanyiyuan, dare to play with my woman?" He "snapped" the table, a strong air flow rushed out, and Zhou Zhenzhen was lifted out of thin air In the air.

This is the means for those who practice qi, which can release the qi from the body and do all kinds of incredible things.

Zhou Zhenzhen looked terrified. She wanted to call, but couldn't, she could not help looking at Qian Jun for help.

Qian Qianjun looked indifferent, and said lightly, "Ma Guoshi, what does such a woman want her to do? It's better to kill." He clapped his hands, and the two women were better than Zhou Zhenzhen.

When Ma Boxiong saw the beauty, his anger suddenly went out. He laughed "Haha", Zhou Zhenzhen's bones "clicked" and shattered, all his internal organs and mud fell to the ground, and he fell to the ground softly and died.

Not long ago, Qian Jun's brother Qian Shi bought Zhou Zhenzhen and asked her to perform the show. There is a handle in the hands of people, Zhou Zhenzhen did not dare not agree, she just wanted to save a life. For Qian Jun, dead Zhou Zhenzhen is the safest.

Two women posted on Ma Boxiong left and right, he asked lightly: "Brother Qian, I heard that Sanyiyuan has a talent for training blood, also called Li Xing."

Qian Jun smiled bitterly: "It was that Li Xing. Originally, the villain sent a servant to take care of Zhou Zhenzhen. Who knows that she ran into her and Li Xing ... Well, my servant didn't dare to speak up and came back to tell me secretly. The villain thought, Ma Guoshi is a first-class hero, how can he tolerate such a poppy woman? So he came to report. "

Ma Boxiong's eyelids flickered slightly, Senran said: "She has admitted it, it seems that things are not fake. This Li Xing, dare to touch my woman!"

Qian Jun's eyes flashed, and he deliberately persuaded: "Ma Guoshi, it is not worth offending Sanyi Garden for a woman. Even if you do, it is best to do it secretly, so that Li Xing's death is unknown, and no one knows it. Guoshi killed? "

Ma Boxiong has dual skills, but there are also talents in Sanyi Garden. And in Qingyun City, Sanyiyuan had the biggest influence. Ma Boxiong considered for a moment and said, "Brother Qian said, I want to kill Li Xing, and I don't have to make things big."

Qian Qianjun laughed: "It's actually easy to kill Li Xing. It's a matter for the younger brother to do ..." He knows Ma Boxiong's character very well. If he wants to kill, he must do it himself, so he said so intentionally.

Sure enough, Ma Boxion waved his hand: "I will kill him with my own hands, my brother does not have to worry about it."

Qian Jun only said yes.

Li Xing was practicing blood all night and did not wait for Ma Boxiong.

The second night, he continued to wait.

A black shadow appeared outside Sanyi Garden. Black Shadow is Ma Boxiong. He has learned the position of Zizhuwan from Qian Jun's mouth. Zizhuwan is remote, just across a high wall.

At this moment, Ma Boxiong's body seemed to have some strength to hold it up, slowly rising, standing on the high wall. He stretched out his palm, and a palm-sized blade of palm of the palm of his hand vibrated slightly, making a "slight" sound.

This small blade is exactly a silkworm wing knife, as thin as a silkworm wing and as small as a nail.

Ma Boxiong stared at the aura of light, moving his qi in his body, and scolded: "Ill!"


He walked coldly, flew through the air, flew around the bamboo forest, and shot into the bamboo tower. Wherever Mang Mang went, all the bamboo leaves within three meters of the ground were shattered, and the air was full of amazing murderous energy.

Before Li Hanmang arrived, Li Xing was shocked.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a white light, almost transparent, and shot towards his neck. Fortunately, the armor he wore was accompanied by a helmet, which protected him rigorously. This armor is made of black iron and has a thickness of two centimeters, which is extremely strong.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

The sound of crickets struck, and the hard armor was cut off quickly. And that Hanmang continued to cut. If this continued, Hanmang would penetrate the armor sooner or later and behead Li Xing.

If Xun was beheaded, Li Xing would die even if there were Jiuyangzhu.

There was a huge fear in Xun's heart, and Li Xing's mind was writhing, trying to find a way.

"Is this a magic weapon? The power is so powerful!" He was shocked, and in shock, he grabbed his hands on the helmet to grab the Silkworm Blade. However, this knife was controlled by Ma Boxiong and was very agile. He immediately changed his position to cut the position of Li Xing's left chest. It seemed to be trying to cut his heart.

On the wall, Ma Boxiong was very angry. He never expected that this man named Li Xing was wearing a heavy armor, and it was black iron armor! Although the silkworm wing knife is sharp and kills like cutting tofu, the black iron armor is too hard to penetrate for a while.

"Hateful!" Ma Boxiong was so angry that he urged the Silkworm Blade more urgently.

I saw that Han Mang "Si Ling Ling" penetrated the black iron armor and stabbed to Li Xing's dirty.

Li Xing has been wearing that purse on his body, among the purses, there is a bead, Jiuyang beads. The silkworm wing knife broke the black iron armor. At this moment, Li Xing regretted that he had not heard the messenger's advice and died in vain.

"It looks like I can't escape this time." Li Xing sighed.

But at this moment, he heard "Ling" with a soft noise, and no pain came from his chest.

"What's going on?" Li Xing paused. Is it because Ma Boxiong doesn't want to kill himself?

Ma Boxiong didn't want to kill, but he suddenly felt that the feeling of blood connection between the silk wing sword disappeared. Silkworm wing knife is his treasure, and it is with this knife that he can cross the dragon city.

不好 "No! He actually accepted my flying knife!" Ma Boxiong suddenly panicked ~ www.readwn.com ~ Can't wait too much and flew towards Zhulou.

As soon as Ma Boxiong crossed the wall, a scream suddenly came from the distance: "Where's a friend coming? Why not invite a seat in the hall!" A figure, flying in the sky, was Li Ying.

糟糕 "Oops! Li Ying was provoked!" Ma Bo's ambitions suddenly turned, and he suddenly thought, "Li Ying seems to have been prepared for a long time, he must have snatched my silkworm wing knife!"

Thinking about this, Ma Boxiong was furious and yelled, "Li Ying, bring something!"

英 Li Ying was even more furious, thinking that the other person was asking for Wuling Ginseng, and he laughed at the moment: "The thing is in my hands, but you have no ability to take it!"

This statement undoubtedly "proved" that he had received the silkworm wing knife, and Ma Boxiong growled: "If you don't surrender things, I can't stand in harmony with you!" Knife, after all life and death, how can you easily let others go?

An angry Ma Boxiong, a yellow qi rushed on his body, condensed into a wild wolf form. Initiating his whole life, Ma Boxiong is desperate.

Li Ying was in his heart for a moment, he couldn't understand, how could this strong man who came to Sanyiyuan to **** Wuling Ginseng was even more angry than him? He was also infuriated, condensed into a giant snake, hovering overhead.


The wolf wolf howled, and when he rushed towards Li Ying first, the giant snake also screamed strangely and rushed towards the wolf.

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