Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 793: Rain division

Chapter 793 Rain Master

Chapter 793 Rain Master

At the foot, there is a green field, with millet on it. This kind of millet is very different from the millet that Li Xing saw in Dragon Elephant World. Millet here contains aura, although it is not as good as a potion, it is also capable of refining alchemy.

This kind of millet, which belongs to the spirit valley, is the food eaten by ordinary people and foundation-building monks. Using this spirit valley to refine the aura can even make it into the spirit valley for the monks in the enlightenment period.

Therefore, planting a spirit valley is a very important thing in the land. Ordinary ordinary people often plant Gu Ling to make a living.

Gu Ling's planting is not simple. Fertilization, watering, etc. all require experience and means. This often requires the monks in the enlightenment period.

After a short flight, Li Xing suddenly saw a little girl sitting in the endless field. The little girl is only three or four years old, pure and lovely, but her eyes are full of sadness and confusion.

The little girl held a handful of grain ears, tears dripping.

This is just a crying little girl in Tanida. If a monk passes by, she will definitely not look at it more. A little girl is just an ordinary person, how can it attract the attention of a monk who is superior?

Li Xing sighed. He landed from the air and stood beside the little girl. The little girl was startled, backed up, looked at Li Xing in horror, and cried, "Brother, don't hit me, the baby will not dare in the future."

Crying, the little girl set aside the ear of corn in her hand.

Li Xing's eyes were very mild. He squatted down, picked up the ear of grain, and laughed, "Are you a doll?"

The little girl nodded: "Brother, do you know my name?"

Li Xing smiled and touched her little head: "You little confused, didn't you tell me just now? Well, it seems that I should call you a little confused in the future."

The doll smiled embarrassedly, and then said, "Brother, you are a good person."

"Why?" Li Xing asked, "I look like a good person?"

"In the past, when they saw the doll stealing Gusui, they would definitely hit the doll." The little girl flattened her mouth and looked very grieved. "The doll didn't want to steal, but the doll was hungry."

With a sigh, Li Xing stooped and hugged him, and said warmly, "Tell the elder brother what he wants."

As soon as the baby's eyes lighted up, she was about to speak, and suddenly someone behind her yelled, "Bold! Someone went to my master Tanaka to steal the valley!"

Li Xing turned around and saw a health slave rushing forward, stepping on the tip of Gusui, such as walking on the ground, and rushed to the front for a while, staring at the grain of Li Xing in his hand and scanning the doll again. , Furious.

"It's so daring! You dare to steal the spirit valley of the royal family? Boy, what's your name? Who is this family? This little smelly girl is with you? No wonder you come to steal the spirit valley often, is there such a reason "The slave yelled, clenching his fists, and seemed to be about to start.

Li Xing sighed secretly. From the moment he entered the realm, he felt that the realm of the realm was extremely magical, he acted ruthlessly, and was wicked. It can be said that all of them can kill without blinking, burning and looting are commonplace for them.

No wonder when it comes to the realm of beheading, all the monks in the realm have to cut off the demon head, because they are too strong to be cut off.

Li Xing was too lazy to talk to the kin slave, and stretched out his hand, pointing to the air, the aura of heaven and earth around him suddenly came together. A white mist appeared over the field, and then the light flashed, and the light rain began to patter.

This rain is not ordinary rain, it contains aura, and it is most suitable for watering the valley. Seeing this scene, that Kinu was suddenly surprised, and said in shock: "Dare to ask where is your monk? What a beautiful raindrop!"

Kenu is just a little man in the foundation period. He can't see Li Xingxiu's behavior, but he feels that he is at least a level of consciousness, so he dares not to envy, and speaks a lot.

From the memory of two monks of Shura, Li Xing learned that the cultivation of Linggu was unsatisfactory. Monks at the level of consciousness are often reluctant to engage in such work. He first came here and didn't want to have trouble, so he showed his means.

"Passing here, just walk freely. However, recently I lacked some panacea and wanted to find something to do." Li Xingdao.

At this moment, the kin slave rejoiced, "Your Excellency wants to do something? Our master is looking for a master of falling rain. Would you like it?"

When he came here, Li Xing just wanted to quietly understand the laws of the realm and find the cover of a falling rain teacher. It was also appropriate, so he nodded: "Okay, there is a talk to your master."

The health slave immediately took Li Xing to see the owner of the field here. The owner of the field was named Wang, and his face turned red. I have to say that the men and women of the wonderful family are born with beautiful looks, and it is difficult to find an ugly one.

The owner of the field called Wang Deli and realized the beginning of Tao. Under Wang Deli's hand, there are 5,000 acres of land, and he is usually irrigated by himself, and is tired enough every day. Wang Deli was very greedy and unwilling to ask someone for help.

Wang Deli looked like he was in his thirties. He looked at Li Xing with a robe and a gown, and said, "Dao Brother, where are you from and where are you going?"

Asked unknowingly, Li Xing had to say: "Four travels around, occasionally here, I heard that Brother Wang needs Rain Master?"

Wang Deli turned his eyes and sighed, "Oh, the rain teacher nearby doesn't pay high wages. For five thousand acres of land, there are only twenty miracles per month. I am afraid I can't keep my brother."

This Wang Deli is ready to push prices down as much as possible. His bottom line is thirty miracles, so let Li Xing stay. In fact, the price of Yushi is no less than fifty miracles.

After all, Yu Shi was very hard, and he had to cast magic rain almost every day. Wang Deli knew it well.

Unexpectedly, Li Xing nodded after hearing: "Okay, twenty miracles."

Wang Deli stayed for a while, then rejoiced and said with a smile: "Brother Dao is so refreshing, Wang Yu, arrange a place!"

In this way, Li Xing became the rain teacher of the landlord Wang Deli's house, responsible for the irrigation of 5,000 acres of spiritual land. At the end of the field, there were two low thatched cottages that barely covered the wind and rain, and Li Xing lived inside.

In thatched cottage, the doll sat beside Li Xing, eating the ginseng fruit beautifully. In Li Xing's realm, a lot of spiritual fruits have been stored. This time, the little girl can be cheaper and try to eat as much as possible.

Li Xing looked at her with a smile and asked, "Well, what about your adult?"

As soon as the adult was asked, the doll flattened its mouth and cried: "The doll has no family and has been an orphan since childhood."

Li Xing quickly said: "It doesn't matter, you will not be hungry anymore after you follow me."

The baby smiled happily, sucking her nose and said, "Big brother, how nice you are!"

Rain division was a hard job. As soon as he took office, Li Xing was about to start raining. However, for him, such a trivial matter is not difficult, and it can be done between thoughts. Most of the time, he took the opportunity to understand the laws of heaven and earth.


Over 5,000 acres of grain fields, all over Lingyun, then began to rain heavily. In the distance, Wang Deli was shocked and delighted to see this scene, and shouted, "Extremely! I am afraid this person has reached a satisfactory condition!"

Realizing the four realms of the Tao, the first realm, the small perfection, the perfection, and the great consummation, Wang Deli believes that Li Xing has reached the great consummation.

Territorial monks are just practicing a few rules and learning a few avenues. Li Xing is different. He has to understand all the laws of the land. How many rules are there in the entire boundary?

Countless, if there is no core rule in inference, that is, the rule of Jiuyin, Li Xing does not know what year and month to cultivate to achieve. But he was not in a hurry, just walking down step by step.

Li Xing drops the rain of rain once a day and fulfills his duties with due diligence. The remaining time is cultivation. Of course, there is the little girl of the doll, who eats Lingering every day.

Unconsciously, three months have passed, and Li Xing's God of Law has gathered more and more, and has occupied the entire Law Temple. The Falun Temple, which stands among the Fahai, can't hold so much power of law.

"Who said that a temple of law must be built?" Li Xing asked in his heart, and when he read it, the temple exploded and turned into power of law and returned to Fahai. Above the Fahai, a respected **** of the earth was raised, and each of the gods was either complete or premature, and contained a powerful breath.

On the other side of the Fahai, the heaven and earth gods occupy it, with Jiuyang Pearl as the core, corresponding to the earth and earth gods.

On this day, Li Xing was being woken up by Wang Deli while he was practicing. Wang Deli hurried in, panicked, and shouted, "Not good! Shura is coming! Brother, let's run away!"

Li Xing sat still and asked, "How many people are here?"

Wang Deli stomped anxiously: "I said, brother, how many people are here for our farts? Leave quickly! You can't go any further if you are one step behind!" He still needs a cheap rain teacher like Li Xing in the future.

Li Xing stood up, grabbed the baby, and took her into Jiuyang Jingtian, Fang said: "I still have to practice here, how can I leave? How many Shura people came, I killed them."

Wang Deli looked at Li Xing like a madman, pointing at his arm and shaking: "You ... you don't want to live anymore? Do you know how powerful the Shura people are? They came with three masters of sermons and one state, and ten of them A perfect character! "

The nearby Shura tribe ~ www.readwn.com ~ is just a small branch, not many masters. There were only three monks who preached the three realms this time. The monk in this situation is about the equivalent of Fatian Qiqiong. How does Li Xing look good?

Li Xingdao: "Brother, if I cut off the invading Shulu tribe, what reward does the elder have?"

Among the best-looking tribe, the highest status is called the veteran. There are more than one veteran. They are all evangelists who have strong strength.

Wang Deli's heart moved, and from Li Xing's arrival, he saw that the other party's strength was extraordinary, and it should be that Wudao was successfully completed. Maybe there are really two brushes. Suddenly, his eyes turned alive, and he said, "The brother will surely be the veteran of the wonderful family! This is a great achievement!"

Li Xing smiled slightly: "Okay, Brother Wang, wait a moment, I'll come and go." After that, he rose up into the sky and went east, leaving Wang Daoli in a daze, muttering, "Is he really sure?"

The East Sky, the Shura army was under pressure, with a population of 3,000. One by one, murderous and fierce, they confronted the opposite tribe.


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