Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 73: Wang Xinghe big things

At the time of Li Xing's practice, the 35 cities under Wang Zixing's administration searched for Li Xing's whereabouts. But ten days have passed and there is still no news from Li Xing about Li Xing.

Wanghou Mansion, Wang Yang's face was angry. He kicked the servant kneeling down in front of him: "Rice bucket! It's been ten days, but no one can be found. What are you doing?"

"Yanger, work calmly." Suddenly, a middle-aged man with a python robe and jade belt, wide shoulders and a thin waist, with a face like a crown jade, grew up, and walked into the living room with a steady step.

King Wang Yang stood up quickly and greeted respectfully, "Father!"

This person is Wang Zixing, one of the 36 princes, who sits in 35 cities and is a disciple of Qi Yunpai.

He sat down and said lightly: "That Li Xing is just a small person, and it is not worthwhile to mobilize such a teacher. After today, you don't need to inquire about his news."

King Wang Yang Shen said: "Father, if you don't kill this person, your child won't be able to swallow this breath!"

Prince Wang said lightly: "After March, if this person appeared, wouldn't it be easier to kill him? If he doesn't show up, such a timid person is not worth your shot."

Wang Yang hesitated for a moment, thinking for a while, and nodded: "It is still my father and father thinking deeply, if Li Xing appears, he may become my enemy in the future. If he does not appear, such a small person is also a dirty hand to kill. . "

Wang Zixing nodded with satisfaction and said, "Yanger, you have grown up under your father's wings since you were young. You have not experienced setbacks, and it is inevitable to think about things. In the future, you must think clearly. What should be done and what should not be done. , The simplest and most direct way to do things. "

King Wang Weiwei said yes, and then asked, "Father, is there a lesson in Sanyi Garden?"

Wang Zixing said: "It's up to you to do this. Give them a little lesson so that everyone in the 35 cities knows that no one can violate the majesty of Hou House." Then his eyes narrowed, "Recently, you Pay more attention to that. "

Suddenly King Ye Yang came to his spirits and raised his eyebrows and calmed his face, saying, "Father and Hou rest assured that the people in the thirty-five cities have been mobilized. As soon as there is news, they can act immediately."

Xun Wangxing nodded his head: "This matter, don't startle too much power, you must do it secretly."

Wang Yang laughed: "This time, the kid is secretly pursuing this event on the pretext of looking for Li Xing. Father, although the child sometimes makes you angry, he will never let his father look up on the event! "

Wang Zixing smiled and nodded: "Okay!"

In Sanyi Garden, the children of the three families are having a small party.

Li Jie, Li Jue, Li Fei, Li Zheng, Chen Xia, etc. are sitting around the pavilion, surrounded by beautiful artificial lakes.

Li Jie said: "Huh! That Li Xing was finally scared away. I said, how dare such a person contend for a woman with Shizi?"

飞 Li Fei laughed: "At this time, Li Xing may have left the country and escaped from the 35 cities under Wang Zixing's jurisdiction."

争 Li argued for resentment: "Wang Yang used thirty-five city soldiers and horses to search Li Xing, and it seemed that he was really angry."

"Unfortunately, our Sanyi Garden will also be involved." Li Fei said angrily, "and Chen Xue and Chen Shuang, these two women would actually like the waste of Li Xing ..." When talking about waste, Suddenly his voice was a little low, and then he remembered that Li Xing was no longer a waste.

Li Jie turned the wine glass in his hand and said, "Li Xing is gone, this person doesn't need to talk anymore. I heard that after a while, Wang Zixing will start a war with Fang Hou Wu Ling. Wang Zixing will not have enough troops and will definitely go out to recruit. You have to be careful. I'm worried that Wang Yang will take the opportunity to arrest us all in the army and rectify us. "

Everyone was taken aback. As soon as they joined the army, it was a lifetime of death! They are people who are used to living a rich life and naturally do not want to go through this dangerous life.

"What to do?" Li Fei was most afraid and asked quickly.

Li Jie thought about it and said, "The person Wang Yang hates is Li Xing. As long as we find Li Xing and tell Wang Yang, he won't embarrass us."

飞 Li Fei sighed: "Even Wang Yang can't find anyone, where do we go? Maybe Li Xingzhen is no longer in the 35th city."

杰 Li Jie laughed: "Wang Yang cannot be found, does not mean that we can't find it. Did you forget that Li Xing has a Li Hu and Xiao Xiu by his side, you can find Li Xing when you find them.

"Isn't these two people no longer in Zizhuwan?" Li Zheng said.

Li Jie smiled "Hey," Li Yuan told me that Li Hu's parents were dead, but he recognized a godmother. It was the blind old lady. Li Hu respected this blind old lady very much. When we spread the news, we said that the blind old woman was going to die, and Li Hu would definitely return. "

As soon as everyone heard it, they all said that it was a trick. After discussion, Li Jie went to do it.

Xu said that Li Xing cultivated his blood, entered the eighth stage of training, and began to compress his blood.

When you compress your blood, you must be extremely cautious. If you are not careful, you may be in danger of losing your life. Therefore, for the first three days, Li Xing just kept exploring. From the fourth day, he officially started to compress.

On the first day he compressed blood gas, he compressed the blood gas in his body to half.

The blood gas concentration was halved again on the second and third day.

So, constantly compressing and compressing again. In fifteen days, Li Xing has compressed his blood into the original tenth, "ten and one." At this point, the body's blood gas has turned into a liquid, flowing slowly in the meridians.

Ten times the concentration of blood gas, every week and a week, the pressure on the meridian is equivalent to ten weeks of ordinary blood gas. Therefore, the average person carries compressed blood gas for up to three or five days a day.

But Li Xing didn't have this taboo, and came down in one breath ~ www.readwn.com ~ It would run hundreds or thousands of days a day. Such high-intensity cultivation has made rapid progress.

Ten and one, fifteen and one, twenty and one, twenty five and one, thirty and one!

的 On the thirtieth day of blood gas compression, Li Xing finally compressed the blood gas to thirty times. A thin strand of blood flowed inside Li Xing's body, and the power it contained reached terror.

In the past thirty days, his meridians have been damaged more than once, and all have been repaired by Jiuyangzhu. With each repair, the meridian will be tough once, and finally reach a level that can withstand 30 times blood gas.

Thirty times of concentrated blood gas has begun to show signs of crystallization. The blood gas in the meridians is like a flowing red crystal.

六 After the sixth level of training, there is a great opportunity to reach the eighth level of training. Practicing blood in eight layers is to compress the blood in the body.

After the eighth training of blood, the goal to be achieved is "blood qi holding Dan."

At this moment, Li Xing has successfully completed the eighth training of blood. Next, he will enter the nineth training of blood.

However, things didn't go as smoothly as I thought. When Li Xing decided to run his blood and embraced in Dantian, he suddenly felt strange pain all over his body. This strange pain could not even endure him, and he could not continue to cultivate.

Suddenly, Li Xing understood that after breaking through the sixth, seventh, and eighth training, his "qualifications" had been used up, and he must once again absorb the magical power provided by Jiuyangzhu to continue his cultivation.

"It looks like I will be hurt again." Li Xing thought helplessly.

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