Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 78: Li Xing's victory

In the face of a murderous face, Wang Yang is confident that he can recruit his opponent. Li Xing did not show fear, but said indifferently: "Wang Yang, you and I are a battle of life and death today, who witnesses?"

Since it is a battle of life and death, the two parties must write a document of life and death. If one party is killed, the other party cannot avenge it, which is also a custom.

Li Ying yelled, "Li Xing! The people we are present are witnesses. You can rest assured."

Li Jie, who was on the stage, laughed, "Li Xing, you are dead today. What witnesses are needed? That's just extra effort, or wait for death!"

Li Xing ignored Li Jie's sarcasm, nodded slightly, and exclaimed: "Then please come and witness for me, Li Xing. Today, if Wang Yang kills me, it is Li Xingji who died rather than died. And if I Li Xing kills Wang Yang, that's what his Wang Yang should do, no wonder anyone! "

"That's for sure!" The people in the audience responded. It will be a lively event, and they are all very excited.

Li Ying frowned and said in a deep voice: "Li Xing, you need to be clear. Standing in front of you is Fang Hou Shizi, a person with a strong sense of energy. If you know you are not good, you can kneel for mercy, maybe you can save A life. "

Li Ying's words, naturally uneasy. Li Xing's performance has always told everyone clearly that he is by no means a person who bows his head easily, even in the face of death. This statement is only to combat the morale of Li Xing.

虽 Although Li Xing is from Sanyiyuan, there is no reason for Li Ying and others to like this wizard who suddenly popped out. Not only because he is Li Ziran's son, but also because he offended Wang Yang, who should not be offended.

If Li Xing is dead, it will be a great thing for the whole Sanyi Garden. At that time, Wang Yang's anger will dissipate, and the negative impact of Sanyiyuan due to the crime-sending party will be minimized.

Li Xing raised an eyebrow: "Hugh said that he is a son, even if Wang Zixing stood opposite, I would shoot Li Xing!"

As soon as this remark came out, the scene was noisy, some people applauded, and some people called him Li Xing, but no matter what, everyone admired his courage.

"He is really a lunatic. He actually challenged Fang Hou's authority in public. Does he think he is going to die, so dare to say such a big thing?"

"Even if I knew I was going to die, I might not dare to say that!"

Li Xing's words made Wang Yang furious. He could not wait to take the shot without waiting for Li Ying to prompt the start of the duel. After a lapse of ten meters, he suddenly punched out. At the punch, a white phosgene rushed out and went straight to Li Xing's chest.

气 Practical Qishi, can send true power to hurt people in vitro, the destructive force is not the same as the younger brother, far from being able to resist the **** warriors. That straight phosgene arrived in an instant.

血 Li Xing's blood trembled in his body, and the whole body radiated red sun-like brilliance, and the whole person seemed to turn into a flame. Blood training is tenfold. After condensing blood dan, the blood gas in the body is restrained, and the phenomenon of blood overflowing generally does not occur.

However, once Li Xing runs his blood, the blood power contained in Xue Dan will burst out suddenly, and his blood will spread like a small sun in the morning.

"Sky Thunder Cannon! Break it for me!" He stared at Qi Guang, punching forward fiercely. With the punch, a red light burst out more than three meters long and hit the white light emitted by Wang Yang.


A violent explosion sounded, and the phosgene emitted by Wang Yang was scattered by Li Xing.


Ye Wang Yang screamed, his face shocked, and his eyes were full of incredible. He couldn't believe that a person with a level of training could actually send out such powerful blood. This blood force completely repelled his true power and crashed into the body.


Suddenly Wang Yang was hit by blood and flew high.

Wu Tianlei Cannon, which can emit huge destructive power, it carried a lethality of one thousand buckets, and flew Wang Yang stiffly.

At a moment when Li Tianlei's cannon sent out, Li Xing moved, and the whole man turned into a red lightning bolt, and he immediately reached Wang Yang.

"Crazy electricity lore!"

人 No one saw Li Xing's movements clearly, only to see that there was a red lightning strike on Wang Yang's body. Wang Yang felt as if struck by lightning.

"Si Lala!"

Li Xing fluttered to the ground, and Wang Yang hit the ground like a piece of fat, making a dull sound.

All this happened too quickly, no one could imagine that Li Xing could defeat Wang Yang and win so cleanly. The action was fierce, the moves were fierce, and those present were unseen.

Even a few gas trainers responsible for protecting Wang Yang's safety had no time to respond. It was only after Wang Yang landed that they rushed to the rescue in shock.

There was silence under the ring, Li Ying, Bai Pingdu, and Chen Jinsong stood up suddenly, mixed with anger and fear in their shocked expression. They were shocked that Li Xingming was a blood-level figure. How could he have such terrible strength?

Their anger and fear are because Li Xing has seriously injured Wang Yang and caused a great calamity, which will certainly involve Sanyi Garden again.

A few trainees, without saying a word, took Wang Yang, who was seriously injured, and left. Before leaving, Li Xing felt a few murderous glances and glanced at him.

Li Xing won, but the matter did not end. His eyes fell on Chen Jinsong: "I will go to the Chen family to propose at an appropriate time."

Chen Jinsong took a breath from his chest ~ www.readwn.com ~ but couldn't make it out. He hummed heavily and turned to walk away.

Under the ring, both Chen Xue and Chen Shuang's clenched fists were released, and they looked at each other with an uncontrollable smile on their faces.

Li Ying and Bai Pingdu also faced Tieqing, walked out of the office silently, and went back to each other. The people under the stage also gradually dispersed, and their anxiety was more than shock. This Li Xing actually dared to hurt Wang Yang. Isn't Sanyi Garden going to follow suit?

After half an hour, Wang Yang, who was seriously injured, was taken to Hou House. At this moment, he was lying on the couch, and Wang Zixing was using his true strength to heal him. After all, Wang Yang is a figure of qi training level. Although Li Xing seriously injured him, he could not kill him.

Wang Yang has opened his eyes, he is full of venom, and roars: "Father! You must help me kill him!"

Wang Zixing looked calm and faintly said: "This is not easy. He can hurt you even at the level of training. It is shocking." He paused, his face was slightly cold. Fang Hou's majesty cannot be challenged and he will be killed for his own father. "

Ye Wangyang's eyes brightened: "Father, send a few people to the Sanyi Garden! Make Li Xing a thousand swords!"

Wang Zixing shook his head, looked at his son with a very disappointed expression, and sighed: "You are always thinking of things. As a Fang Hou, how can I rush to my subordinates? You have to understand, Li Xing and Sanyi The garden is not all the way. So, even if you start, you only need to start with Li Xing. "

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