Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 918: Generous rewards

Chapter 918: Great Reward

Chapter 918: Rich Reward

Yan Nanbo was fourth, Guo Beixiong was fifth, and Ye Wei was sixth in the sixth. These three people can enter the rankings, and all rank above Li Xing.

When Li Xing also entered the upstairs room, the fourth breath was born, and the other three went hand in hand. This immediately attracted the attention of the three men, who set their sights on Li Xing and did not hide the aggressive and heavy hostility.

Li Xing sat down with a swing, Xiao Er brought the wine, and he drank and drank contentedly. It seemed that he was the only one upstairs, and the other three were air.

At this moment, Ye Weihan ranked sixth and raised his eyebrows. He left Li Xing and fell on Guo Beixiong who ranked fifth. He sneered: "Brother Guo, the gap between you and me is getting smaller and smaller. How long will it last? "

Guo Beixiong said scornfully, "Yes? But I think you should be careful. The seventh-ranked Taoist doesn't seem to have much worse points than you."

The so-called seventh person refers to Li Xing, and his points are indeed not much different from Ye Weihan. In fact, the fourth to seventh places do not differ much in points, and the ones in the front are easily overtaken.

Ye Weihan gave a scornful glance at Li Xing and said coldly: "Is there a small figure who doesn't know where it is worth the respect of this deity?" All three of them were the third destiny of the destiny. Li Xing's half respect is in his eyes.

He mentioned himself in the conversation, but Li Xing didn't take it seriously and didn't express anything. However, the fourth-ranked Yannan Bo Leng hummed: "Even if you two won the fourth place? If you are not the first place, you can't get a reward."

Speaking of rewards, Guo Beixiong said: "Brother Yan said that I heard that the rewards this time are very generous, including twelve ancient graders. The graders are not trivial, and they can directly let the low-order plane series Monk, directly upgrade a small step. Or let a low-order instrument directly enter the level of the plane instrument. "

"It's nothing, the biggest reward is the three hundred Tianzun imprints, but that's the true source of Tianzun. If you get it, you can cultivate into three hundred Tianzun killing skills!"

In the eyes of the three, all of them shone brightly, and they seemed to be thinking differently. After a long time, Guo Beixiong suddenly said: "Brother Yan, Ye Ye, with our three strengths, it is very difficult to want to be ranked first in a single player. Wouldn't it be better if the three of us join forces to defeat the previous one?"

"After that? Would you let Hyun?" Ye Wei smiled coldly. "Isn't there going to be a fight then?"

"It's okay, three people compete, there is always a better chance of fighting than seven people." Guo Beixiong said, "The three people in front of us are all very talented and very strong. If we don't join forces, we won't have opportunity."

"You say seven people are fighting?" Ye Weihan's contemptuous glance turned to Li Xing again. "Does this kid count?"

"People can't look. The Taoist is not high, but his score is not low, indicating that he has strength." Guo Beixiong smiled slightly, he stood up and toasted to Li Xing. ?"

"No time." Li Xing refused indifferently.

At this moment, Guo Beixiong's face was slightly cold, and Shen said, "Taoyou rushes to such a high level with half-respect, I don't know any good method?"

"It has nothing to do with you." Li Xing remained cold.

"Slap!" Ye Weihan patted the table and strode toward Li Xing. He held the wine glass in his hand, his face sneered, and said loudly, "You have some courage, but you dare not drink my glass of wine?"

Ye Weihan's cultivation was a life-threatening triple, although his breakthrough was short, his strength was very strong. He squeezed the cup with one hand and sent it to Li Xing. This send, hidden killer, sent out a heavenly killing technique, invisible fist.

Li Xing didn't look back, raising his hand was a slap. When he raised his palm, a gust of wind was set off. The mixed power of Shengyuan was magnificent. Numerous spaces were shattered, and dense wormholes emerged from the air, forming a mass of dark brilliance.

Immediately, the "wave" sounded, the wine glass exploded, and Ye Weihan's five fingers were painful and numb. He was suddenly broken and blood splattered.

With such overwhelming force, Ye Weihan was shocked and said "Ah", he subconsciously shot with all his strength, and patted Li Xing with his other hand. Facing the third-strength Tianzun's full blow, Li Xing faced the cold, and slapped him in the past.

This time, it was more fierce than the big slap on the top, and it slammed and collapsed in the void. However, because he was in a restaurant, he suppressed the scope of the destructive force, and outsiders could only see a black light, "crack", banged towards Ye Weihan.

Ye Weihan's hand was opened for the second time, and he grunted, both palms shrank back with pain, and his face was shocked. The other Yan Nanbo and Guo Beixiong stood up and stared at Li Xing.

The two big slaps patted the night before the cold, Li Xing sneered again and again: "On your ability, do you admire my wine? Go!"

Ye Weihan's complexion, green and white, was extremely ugly. But he tried his hand just now, and he already knew that Li Xing's strength was definitely above him. He couldn't figure out why he had such a terrifying power.

"You are arrogant." Yan Nanbo came over.

"It seems that this person is qualified to become our competitor." Guo Beixiong also came, and just like that, the three heavenly princes surrounded Li Xing in the middle.

Li Xing's look remained the same. From the moment he entered the restaurant, he expected this result. Once the three found his strength, they would unite and kill him. It turned out that his guess was correct.

"Big fierce city does not allow fighting. If you want to kill me, you should go outside and find a quiet place." Li Xingdan said indifferently. He stepped out one step and suddenly broke away from the lock of the three and disappeared.


Uncle Yannan yelled, and three Tianzun followed closely, chasing Li Xing with all his strength.

If you talk about the arts ~ www.readwn.com ~ the three of them can't catch up with Li Xing if they break their legs. However, the latter deliberately led them to approach, so he has been limping, and has not been able to catch up with three people.

The fierce fighting day is vast and contains hundreds of millions of fiendish monsters. Li Xing chose to stop in a swamp. He turned and waited for the enemy.

In his hands, the chaotic true iron was lifted up. This stick has already matched his Yuanyuan Avenue, which can be called a Yuanyuan stick. This mixed-yuan stick originates from the first chaotic Great Celestial Master, but at the moment falls into the hands of Li Xing, but it seems so in tune, as if it was made to order.


The three celestial beings on the list, the wizards of all realms, surrounded Li Xing in the middle. Ye Weihan looked grim and smiled coldly: "What? You have given up and fled?"

"Run away?" Li Xing looked at him like an idiot. "You look like I'm running away?"

The three of them all jumped in their hearts. This man seems to have never been afraid since the beginning. Is there anything he can't rely on?


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