Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 927: Successful breakthrough to become associate

Chapter 927: A Successful Breakthrough Becomes A Associate

Chapter 927: A Smooth Breakthrough Becomes A Parade

The two women left the heavenly realm and wandered in the starry sky for a while. Until later, they met a band of robbers and almost became slave women. However, they had good luck and happened to meet the passing yellow rain butterfly.

As a celestial deity, Huang Yudie used his means to reach out to the sky, waved his hand to destroy the robbers, rescued the two women, and took them to Yuyan Hall, a fighting school. With the qualifications of the second daughter, she did not have the qualifications to become a disciple of Yu Yantang, and was able to become a miscellaneous servant.

Heard the Snow Goddess had such an encounter, and it was not unrelated to him. Coupled with the fact that they once blessed the goddess to him, Li Xing was also very happy to meet at this moment.

"It is not necessarily an opportunity for the two to enter Yuyan Church." Li Xing smiled. "The Divine Realm is just some small forces in the most marginal zone of heaven. It has no future."

The two parties talked about each other's experiences. Li Xing learned from this that after the goddess of ice and snow entered Yuyan God, they were named Xuanbing and Xunxue respectively. They were responsible for helping Yuyantang's disciples to do some chores.

Fortunately, Huang Yudie takes good care of them, and often gives instructions to practice, and gives sufficient resources for practice. Therefore, the cultivation of the two daughters is now in the level of sacredness. If they return to the original divine realm, they can be regarded as characters.

Just a few words, Li Xing went to practice in Dingzhong.

In the mixed world, each of the nine women received a step character. This grader is made by Datianzun. It has powerful functions and can forcibly improve the practice. The hands of the girls have nine artifacts, although after a period of sacrifice, they have not been able to sacrifice to the level of incarnation.

At this time, there is a step-up character, which can directly upgrade the nine magical instruments to the level plane level, thereby greatly enhancing the combat power of the nine women.

The nine women were instructed by Li Xing to put one of the advanced symbols into the magic weapon. Suddenly, the thunder was rumbling, the wind was blowing, the visions were full of visions, and the small world of Xunyuan was trembling slightly.

The nine magic weapons have been gradually upgraded into plane weapons, and they have directly stepped into the third realm of life-threatening. The combat effectiveness is not weaker than the dragon elephant ring. In addition, the nine pieces of plane tools are combined into one, which can form a peerless killing array, making the combat power soar to the third level of changing lives.

Nine women improved the magic weapon, and Li Xing was not idle. He put the remaining three ascending symbols into the dragon ring. This dragon ring can be said to be the longest one with him.

The predecessor of Longxianghuan is a two-phase ring, and before that, it is an octopus tower, leftover from the ancestor of octopus. It grew with Li Xing, and now it's time to improve it.

The first rung makes the dragon ring stable at the third place in life-threatening, and the next two passages let it break through to a life-changing one and the combat power soars.

After the ascension of the dragon elephant ring, Li Xing summoned the dragon elephant boy and said: "Dragon elephant, you go back to the realm to find the dragon emperor and the elephant emperor, and let the two dragon elephant families move into the dragon elephant plane. Nine The origin of the dragon elephant in the U-world has been taken away by me. In the future, there will be no new members of the dragon elephant family. You will move them into the dragon elephant plane and take care of it. This is also for you. help."

Dragon Elephant Boy: "Master, rest assured, even the little ones have written down."

"In addition, in the realm, the situation has changed recently and major events have continued to happen. You went there and took good care of the old master's old things to protect them from calamity. Here, without waiting for my order, I do n’t have to return and go directly to Sanqing World Take care of mixed Yuanjiao. "

"Yes." The boy was ordered to leave.

"It's time to break through." Li Xing said in the heart, he was fighting fiercely and had absorbed enough magic, and now he has received the 300-day mark from the reward. If he can absorb all of them, the small world will be complete and step into it. Quasi-respect series.

Tianzun's imprint belongs to the principle of avenue for enlightenment of heaven and heaven. Each kind of imprint left between heaven and earth represents a kind of avenue and a kind of law. In addition, the reward provided by the court, the 300-day Venerable Brand, is not an ordinary Venerable Venerable.

The heavenly courts are high above, but not all deities are obedient, and there are also some heretics and aliens. These deities, once discovered by heaven, will be sent to kill.

This 300-day Venerable Branding is so obtained, and all of it is now Li Xing.

"Tianzun brand, all refine!"

Li Xing shouted, the holy light rolled around him, and the law of the Three Hundred Avenues was branded, all of a sudden exploded and merged into his mixed power. At the same time, a lot of magic he had absorbed before was also absorbed.

Suddenly, the magic path is balanced, and the magic path is united to achieve a mixed element. His mixed powers changed over and over again. Da Luo Zhen's body broke through the 20th and entered the 21st. The body changed qualitatively and made a leap.

At the moment of Daluo ’s real breakthrough, Li Xing's hybrid elemental power was formally completed, and there was no upper hybrid elemental power. A dark and deep hole was opened in the small hybrid elementary world. This big hole is born with a horrible engulfing power, with two eyes and one mouth hidden inside, it seems that it can swallow the sky and suppress everything.

At this point, Li Xing has officially become a Zhunzun!

As soon as the black hole appeared, the Yuanyuan stick was swallowed first. In Li Xing's eyes, the glory of the light is shining, and the light of wisdom is flashing. He understands that when this black hole is filled up and enough power is accumulated, his mixed world will break out, and he will break through the constraints of the world and formally open his own plane , Hunyuanjie!

The day when the Xunyuan Realm emerged was when Li Xing became the Celestial Supreme. Of course, this process must be a long one. His foundation is too deep, and the Yuanyuan Avenue is also overbearing. He learned it by himself.

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Achieving quasi-respect, Li Xing raised his hands, he had a domineering and murderous intention, fighting against the sky, changing his life against the sky, no disadvantage, no omnipotence! This general trend was spread out fiercely, so that the whole people in the fighting school felt it.

"Huh? Is anyone in Yuyantang advancing? Why is there such a horrible wave? Did someone enter the fate? Come, come and check!"

As each order was conveyed, Yuyantang suddenly became the focus of the entire institution and received unprecedented attention.

Outside the hall, Xuan Bing and Xun Xue showed different colors on their faces, and when they were shocked, Huang Yudie burst into the air and asked, "Li Xing went up?"

Xuan Bing nodded: "Hui Tianzun, he started the retreat as soon as he came back, and broke through in a few days. This momentum is really terrible!"

Huang Yudie smiled comfortably, and her hand twisted lightly, saying, "Don't hesitate to value him like that, but I broke through so quickly. Very good! Within a few days, it is the time to hold a court meeting to compete for resource allocation. , I hope Li Xing can surprise us! "


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