Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 80: In danger

Li Xing studied hard three months before, during which he asked the messenger how to use the magic weapon. Although the messenger of the message has not used the magic weapon, he has a certain understanding of how to use it and explained it to Li Xing in detail.

At this moment, he put the silk wing knife in his palm and put a trace of blood into the knife. All the magic instruments are hosted by the Array, and the Silkworm Blade is no exception. Blood gas entered the blade body and was immediately absorbed by the array. The silk-winged sword gave out a bright light and suddenly began to devour Li Xing's blood.

Li Xing felt that the blood in his body was poured into the magical device like Jiang Hai inverted, and he was surprised. However, at this point, it was too late to pull out.

Fortunately, Li Xing's blood was strong enough, far more than the ordinary ten strong blood fighters. Therefore, the silkworm wing knife finally absorbed only about a tenth of his blood, and then became quiet.

The blood flew into the magic array, and Li Xing suddenly felt that there was a strange induction between him and the silkworm wing knife. As soon as I thought, the silkworm wing knife in my palm suddenly turned into a slippery cold mansion, flew up, and fluttered at will.

Li Xing made it to the left, and the silk wing knife left. Let it go to the right, and the silkworm wing knife back, command Ruyi.

He was overjoyed: "The newsman once said that it is extremely difficult for the monk to control the weapon, why is it so easy for me to control it?"

Although Xun had doubts in his mind, Li Xing couldn't think too much. He focused on using the silk wing knife. I saw a slippery cold, making a "Si Ling Ling" strange sound, pulling thin white lines, flying around the room, it almost like electricity. Lengman rubbed everything, everything was shattered, even Jintie was no exception.

"This is the power of the magical instrument, even if it is a character in the training level, I am afraid it is not easy to resist!" Li Xing rejoiced in his heart.

The magic weapon is divided into two types. One is the acquired weapon, which is divided into one to nine stages. The silkworm wing knife in Li Xing's hand is an acquired instrument. The first-order instrument is the simplest one. The other is the innate instrument, which is a magic weapon.

There are four ranks of magic weapons: gold, jade, heaven, and mystery. The power is amazing, and there are only a few magic weapons on Tianyuan Island.

After a half-hour drill, Li Xing changed his mind. The silkworm wing knife turned into a ray of crystal mandrel, drilled into his sleeve, and quietly stuck on Li Xing's arm, like a butterfly resting.

Li Xingping practiced calmly, but the three heads of the Sanyi Garden couldn't settle down. At this time, Li Ying, Bai Pingdu, and Chen Jinsong were gathering to discuss.

Xi Baipingdu sighed: "I didn't expect it to be such a result. He obviously just practiced blood training, how could he defeat Wang Yang? The blood training defeated the training Qi, I have never had such a thing!"

劲 Chen Jinsong frowned tightly and hated: "This Li Xing is as lawless as Li Li of the year! He even dared to hurt Wang Yang, and keeping him will be a disaster!"

Li Ying kept silent, at this moment, he suddenly said: "With my understanding of Wang Zixing, he will certainly not let Li Xing off. If we can do what Wang Zixing wants to do in advance, it will be great Enhance Wang Yang's goodwill towards Sanyi Garden. We wanted to start last time, but Li Xing actually hid it and did not show up until the day of the fight. But now he is in Zizhuwan, it is a good opportunity to do it! "

Chen Jinsong took it seriously, adding: "And after Li Xing's death, I will let Chen Xue and Chen Shuang take the initiative to marry the Wang family. In this way, Wang Yang also has face." For him, compared to his daughter, Chen Home and Sanyiyuan are much more important.

Bai Pingdu was a little worried: "He really killed Li Xing. What if Li naturally comes back?"

Li Yingmu's fierce light: "In the past, we were afraid of him because no one could rule him. But if he comes back again, he will become the enemy of Wang Zixing because of Li Xing. Think about it, Wang Zixing would make such a danger. His enemies live under his eyes? "

"Wonderful!" Chen Jinsong clapped his hands and applauded, "When Li Xing dies, anyone will think it is Wang Zixing. Even if Li naturally comes back, Wang Zixing will be the first one to find. Wang Zixing is a high-powered Fang Hou. Li naturally sees it? As long as they fight, Li naturally will be defeated and killed by Wang Zixing! "

Bai Pingdu asked the key: "How to start with Li Xing?"

Li Ying showed a fierce smile: "I said that Li must naturally think that Li Xing was killed by the Fuhou and had nothing to do with Sanyiyuan. Soon after, it was time for Houfu to recruit generals to the front line. At that time, We can find ways to force Li Xing into the army. "

"How smart is Wang Zixing? When we do this, he will immediately understand and find a way to kill Li Xing in the army! In this way, Li Xing's death has nothing to do with us."

"Good plan! Let Brother Li do everything, if necessary, I will cooperate with you!"

In Sanyi Garden, there are more than three Li Ying who hate Li Xing. Li Jie, Li Fei, etc., are also gathered at the moment, and their faces are very ugly. They were jealous of Li Xing and felt that he could not defeat Wang Yang.

事实 And the fact is that Li Xing won, and it was a complete victory, which seriously injured Wang Yang. As a blood training warrior, being able to defeat a Qi training warrior is definitely something that is worth the pride of anyone's life.

"Why did he win?" At this time, Li Fei asked a question that puzzled everyone.

Chen Xia said, "I have played with Li Xing. This man is very scary and his blood is stronger than ordinary monks." After thinking about it, "I suspect that Li Xing may have secrets in his body."

"What secret?" The rest asked ~ www.readwn.com ~ Chen Xia shook his head: "I don't know, but I believe that if a person can have such a powerful force, there must be something extraordinary. This secret may be him The special cultivation method may be that he has taken a panacea, thereby improving his qualifications. "

Li Feiyin whispered: "Whether he has a secret or not, whether he is a wizard or not, as long as he is alive, I'm not comfortable in it." He scanned everyone, "Almost of us have holidays with Li Xing. So, Li Xing is our common enemy and must be eliminated! "

杰 A bit of fear flashed in Li Jie's eyes. He had a secret in his heart. He had been worried that Li Xing and Chen Xue and Chen Shuang talked about Xuan Jing. Therefore, he is the one who most hopes that Li Xing will die.

不错 "Yes! Li Xing must die!" With a blink of his eyes, Li Jie suddenly remembered something and asked Li Fei, "Did Li Xing have a conflict with Xu Guang?"

飞 Li Fei's eyes suddenly flashed and he clapped, "Yes! Li Xing offended Xu Guang at Murong Jiaojiao's gift of talent!"

杰 Li Jie laughed, "Xu Guang is not a fuel-saving lamp. He must want Li Xing to die."

After hearing this, everyone immediately understood Li Jie's meaning. He wanted to use Xu Guang's hand to get rid of Li Xing.

"If you want Xu Guang to shoot, you must find an opportunity." Li Zheng said, "The matter is left to me to do, only to find an appropriate opportunity for Xu Guang and Li Xing to meet. Whether Li Xing killed Xu Guang or Xu Just killing Li Xing is a good result! "

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