Chapter 929: Seven Prohibitions

Chapter 929 Seven Bans

"Li Xing, you have to think clearly. Shaoyang Tianzun is a master of destiny. You are in the same realm as me, and you have to fight with him. There is no chance at all. Don't be brave for a moment, but give a good future." Qinglian Tianzun warned sternly, "Once you start, Yuyantang will not protect you."

"Don't worry about it." Li Xing took a step forward, stood in front of Xuan Bing and Xun Xue, and said lightly, "I'm enough."

"Crazy!" Shaoyang Tianzun couldn't bear the intention of killing in his heart, and suddenly pointed out, this finger, playing a crimson sharp sword, is the masterful killing of Shaoyang Tianzun, Shaoyang sword.

Tianzun, who stands in the realm of life, can stand between heaven and earth and further complete his own avenue. Therefore, he can use his own ruling as the foundation to issue his own deities. The power is even more terrifying than the same level of deities.

A sword cut to his feet, a long laugh, and raised his arm to blast the punch. This punch is full of domineering. There is chaotic weather behind him, all kinds of incredible scenes disappear, there are dragons, earth tigers, gods, demon heads, stars, sun and moon, mountains and rivers, etc., all kinds of evolution.

This is the first time after Li Xing achieved Zhunzun. The twenty-one heavy Da Luo Zhenshen made his physical body dominate the world, and combined with the terrible mixed power, he can be called invincible at the same level.


Crimson sword gas, as thick as a finger, with a high concentration of power to strike a little, powerful. It collided with Li Xing's fist, and made a sound of metallic symphony, and then "boomed" and spread out, turned into red sky, and returned to Shaoyang Tianzun.

A sword spirit also took Li Xingzhen back three steps. After all, it is a life-long cultivation practice. The life status has been relatively changed, and his strength has soared more than ten times, and he cannot take advantage.

With this blow, it can be said that the two men are equal, and no one has the upper hand. However, Shaoyang Tianzun's face was gloomy. You know, Li Xing is a quasi-respect, but he is decisive.

Shaoyang Tianzun is seven small realms higher than Li Xing, but can only be tied with him. For a moment, Shaoyang Tianzun hit a sudden in his heart, and then a cold and cold air rose up.

"This man is awesome! He has already enemies with him today. If he is not removed, there is still a chance for me to live once he grows up. I do n’t want to say that once this man becomes a deity, he can threaten my life ! "

Suddenly, countless thoughts flashed into Shaoyang Tianzun's mind, which made him make a decision. Today, he must cut and kill Li Xing. Shaoyang Tianzun can cultivate today, of course, not a fool, but very clever.

This cleverness made him decide to get rid of Li Xing and not to suffer from future troubles.

Shaoyang Tianzun was shocked, Qinglian Tianzun and Huang Yudie were even more shocked, especially Qinglian Tianzun. She suddenly regretted her hasty decision just now. Why should I hand Xuan Bing and Xun Xue to Shaoyang?

Although shocked, in his heart, Qinglian Tianzun still didn't think Li Xing would win. He could support the first move, and he might not be able to support the subsequent attacks. Zhunzun and Limingjingtianzun are just like babies and big men.

Even if a baby is very strong, it is impossible to defeat an adult man. This is a natural divide and few people break through.

"Sister, I don't think Li Xing will at least lose." Huang Yudie spoke at this time, and she stared at Li Xingdao.

"What?" Qing Lian Tianzun jumped into his heart. "You are so sure? You know, there are seven small realms between them. Do you think he can break through?"

"Did Shi Shi forget a saying that has been passed down since ancient times?" Huang Yudie's breathing began to rush, her eyes glowing.

"You mean, the seven bans?" Qing Lian Tianzun turned pale and immediately fell into deep thought. "Is this legend true?"

Huang Yudie took a breath and slowly said, "According to legend, Zhunzun is the ninth most important deity, a total of ten levels. If the monks in these ten levels can challenge the high-end deity, they will be considered Wizards. You know, every ascension of a realm is a world of difference, and it is a leap forward. "

"Able to break through the first-level challenge is called the elite, such as killing the first one to challenge the second, and the upper monk to break the two-level challenge is called the genius, such as killing the first to challenge the third. When a person can exceed three Level and challenge, then there are peerless characters, there will not be many in the first century, called legends; monks beyond the fourth level, become extremely rare, such people are likely to become legendary celestial deities in the future, life expectancy exceeds The tenth century! The higher the fifth level, it may become the great deity of poetry in the future; the higher the sixth level, it may become the ancient great deity! "

Having said that, Huang Yudie took a deep breath again: "But sister, do you see that, this person, he has surpassed seven levels to challenge the destiny of the deity with quasi-respect strength! Sister, can you imagine? "

Qinglian Tianzun's body began to tremble, and she said in a low voice: "You mean, this Li Xing, could become the ancient Great Tianzun?"

"More than that!" Huang Yudie said, "If the legend is true, then he has broken through the ancient celestial deity and broke the Seven Bans! The sister must have not forgotten, what does the Seven Bans mean? This legend, the entire Yuyan Hall, only You and I know that when we heard from Wutai Datianzun together, it was extremely confidential. "

"Yes, there are seven prohibitions. Legend has it that the seventh level is a threshold, and no one can ever break through it. Tianzun is the first priority. No matter who it is, it is never possible to challenge it. Seven small realms. Seven small realms are a chasm that no one can transcend, even in the days when the ancient Great Celestial Master was alive.

"But Li Xing did it!" Huang Yudie almost roared ~ ~ Sister, don't you understand the meaning of the little girl? "

"You mean, I must protect Li Xing?" Qinglian Tianzun hesitated, "But you also know that Shaoyang Tianzun is not offended, otherwise he would offend Qi Shi Yuan."

"What is Qi Shi Yuan? How many Great Heavenly Kings can Qi Qi Yuan produce? How many legendary or epic? Confused!"

The two people communicate through their minds, and outsiders do not know the content. Huang Yudie never spoke to Qinglian Tianzun in such a tone, but today she is very abnormal.

Qinglian Tianzun was not in the mood to consider whether Huang Yudie was rude. At this moment, she was thinking about Li Xing's future. A person who is likely to become a legendary celestial deity, a poetic history celestial deity, or even an ancient celestial deity, is worthy of her maintenance. "

By this time, Shaoyang Tianzun had already shot, and he opened a red fire snake with his mouth open, extremely hot, dancing for nine days and burning all walks of life. In a short time, Li Xing felt that the heavens and the earth seemed to be fiery. In his small world, there were fires everywhere, burning fiercely.


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